Chapter 26

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So I want to dedicate this chapter to a great singer Chester Bennington, lead singer of Linkin Park. God rest his soul and hopefully he's in a better place. 

I stood shocked at the thought of the frail old man, a man Lissa trusted, that was the master behind this whole thing. I felt a nudge on my shoulder, a muffled voice, but my mind was spiraling with the prospect of all this, of what is happening, of everyone involved. The anger started to boil...
"Ouch, what the hell?" I whisper shouted after a sharp pain shot through my hand. Looking down I saw my hand reddening. And the smell of smoke in the air. I looked up at Christian and could see marks around his mouth forming. Of my grip that had tightened around his mouth. His eyes blazing, a sapphire blue of anger.
"The hell you! You were suffocating me! Get your head straight, Hathaway! Lissa needs you now more than ever!" he all but shouted in a whisper.

I was about to shout back at him, when I noticed how quite it was. Almost too quite. I looked back to the guards to not see them anymore. I turned to Christian to tell him to run and go get Dimitri, but it was too late. I saw a boot and then darkness. Sucker caught me with a roundhouse in the face!

I woke up with a burning sensation on my wrists.
"If you tied me up with just rope, I'm going to try and find a compliment in that, but also gonna hate you for it. Cuffs would be more efficient, don't you think Victor?" I sneered when I lifted my head meeting his eyes and smirk.
"Well done, Rose. It's just too bad you didn't figure it out sooner. Otherwise you could have sent for help. Although..." he stopped and turned to where Christian sat tied up, but gagged.
"He swears up and down that, Belikov is on his way. It has been," he checked his watch, "about half an hour and nothing." he tsked.
"Don't need him, seeing as I'll be out of this chair in less. Then I will kick curly over there, big nose next to him, then Mr muscle over there. But you, Victor, I''ll leave you for last." I shrugged and felt all the eyes glare at me for my words.
"Always ready with a smart remark, Rose." he sighed, "Well, you came just in the nick of time. See Vasilissa is very reluctant in healing me, so how else to motivate than to torture. You being the right person to torture of course."
"Oh please, Victor. Like a little blade or some roughing up is gonna faze me, I'll laugh more than cry."
At this he gave a chuckle that sent a chill down my spine.
"Oh Rose. Such a naive girl you are, thinking I would let you off that easily." he motioned to something behind me never letting that smirk leave his face. Footsteps from my left indicated another body to add to my list, yet when I saw that it was a Moroi I was confused. He took off his fedora and sunglasses and smiled. I gave a soft laugh.
"Really, Victor? This is your trump card? A Moroi who thinks wearing a fedora is still alright?"
The guy sighed and started making his way to me, calm and collected steps. While Victor went to where Lissa probably sat behind me, "Princess, heal me and I'll let your friends go."
There was silence, in which I took Lissa had answered in shaking her head, he sighed and tsked, "Very well, Kenneth. Remember we need her still alive for now so don't be too harsh."
The fedora guy, Kenneth, gave a soft laugh. Standing right in front of me he crouched down to be at the same level as me. At first nothing happened, until he formed his mouth in such a way it seemed like he wanted to whistle, then I started gasping for air. It was like drowning, but without water. He had specialized in air, and was using his power to suffocate me. I heard Lissa's muffled cry, and Christian fighting against his restraints. The room was quiet save for me gasping for air, unable to fully breathe.
Then it stopped.

Air came rushing back into my greedy lungs. It didn't last long, after a raging pain shot through my head. My head pounding, felt like it would explode if it went on for too long. Then it would stop, and start up again, stop and repeat. As if it would lure me into believing that it was done, just to return and torture me more. I felt tears running down my cheeks, my voice cracking from the pain. Someone I had worked hard to never be, a vulnerable little girl. 

The room started to fade, blotches of the room and muffled voices in the background. Then it all just stopped, and the room was silence once more. Christian was staring in horror at me, then his eyes would dart to something behind me, which would make him fight against his restraint again. The two Guardians who still stood there, stared in awe and was stunned. 

I didn't need to see what was happening behind me, but knew what they were seeing. This was my one chance of breaking free. Still foggy from Kenneth's tricks, I tried to catch Christian's attention without drawing the attention of Tweedledee and Tweedledum. I flipped my hair in hopes of catching his eye, no dice. I huffed and rolled my eyes and at this he looked at me. For a moment I was enjoying the irony of that, but soon got over it. I mouthed fire to him and looked down at my wrists, he frowned at this like an idiot. After trying it again for 2 more times his eyebrows shot up, got him. 

He concentrated on the ropes for a while, felt like forever when a sad poof appeared from the ropes. "Are you kidding me? Poof?" I all but groaned out loud. Three sets of eyes glared at me, two out of confusion and the other one of being sensitive.
"Don't get so touched Pyro, you're the one who can't even escape properly. Best at using fire my sassy ass." I drawled. This had all three guardians jump towards Christian, checking his restraints and making sure he was tied up. This was exactly not my plan, but I did improvise and go with it. I made quick with the weak rope that Christian did help me with, and after breaking free from that one moved on the next one that took more time.

I cleared my throat, "Sup, boys." 
They jumped into action so fast, as they were trained to. But I was trained by a Russian God, and I was faster, smaller and more prepared for this. Knocking curly on his ass first, then roundhouse kick the guy with the big nose into a wall, and jumped onto Mr muscle wrapping my legs around him and head butted him till he fell. Not as graceful as I wanted to be, but you gotta do what you can. Spinning around I saw Kenneth trying to make his way around the room and failing miserably at it, I smiled to myself at the easy target. I ran up to him and crouched down swiping his legs out from under him, knocked off his feet I gave him one punch to the face and knocked him out. 

I heard Victor yell out for someone, the feet on the wooden floors. He had more guardians around. Turning and running back to where Christian sat tied up, I made quick work on untying him while spouting him orders. 
"Run to where the HQ is and find Dimitri or even Alberta. Do not try and be a hero, just follow and listen to me for once. You need to go and get help, I can't control this entire thing." 

He looked from me to Lissa, and was about to say something when a cringing howl broke through the house.


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