Chapter 4

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Hey guys i just wanted to know if you guys would prefer if i had a song every chapter or just in odd ones? please share your opinion... Enjoy! (Sorry for the short chapters school is kinda hectic promise when the holiday come 2000-3000 words not 1000)

After my last period I went to go have a quick shower and change for my training with Dimitri. I just couldn't get over Christian's comment how on earth can you just throw someone in the deep like that. I mean seriously! I am just going to be straight forward like he was he is a massive asshole! There now I feel better, when I got out of the shower the days events, by that I mean the training I got with Mason, got to me and I was feeling the burn as they would say. Making my way towards the gym I caught sight of Lissa "Liss..." she turned around smiled and then had a guilty face on "Ro..." she started "Don't you dare say your sorry! Cause that was my line to say. Liss you have the full right to be mad at me, to feel pissed off, every damn emotion you feel towards me you are aloud to feel them. The reason being obvious, Me, being a shitty Best friend." I said in a rush she just stared at me and we both burt out laughing "Well just for that Rose you are forgiven my dear sister" she said and hugged me I smiled in contentment at least I didn't screw this up.

We started talking and it slipped my mind too where I was off to until "Miss Hathaway!" his accent ringed through my ears leaving a trail of... I don't know really. Butterflies? Nah couldn't be that. I turned around putting my man eater smile on "Sorry comrade got stuck with catching up with Lissa, I'll be there in a minute" I turned back to Lissa and he spoke again "My apologies Princess but Rose has to excuse herself she is ten minutes late for her training already" the nerve on him "How many times have I told you Guardian Belikov, its just Lissa or Liss, well Rose see ya later then." she gave me a hug a nod to Dimitri and left. He started walking in the direction of the gym with me and my tantrum ass stomping towards the gym.

He showed me some stretches and then walked out the back way, I was confused at first but then I remembered the running track was in the back. You got to be kidding me! Running he must have hit his head somewhere cause too hell am I gonna run now! "You have four minutes to do fifteen laps, get ready on my word" he got a stopwatch I tried the one eyebrow thing but failed miserably raising both instead "Your kidding right?" I asked hoping he would start laughing and saying only five laps but looking at his stoic face he really didn't seen like the joking type.

After my run too hell and back he made me do some weights and more stretches "Hey comrade can I ask you something?" I asked when we were putting the equipment away he sighed "Its Guar... never mind. Whats is it you want to now Rosemarie?" he looked at me crossing his arms over his chest and raising his eyebrow. ONE! "Just Rose! Well I was wondering how do you say 'what a dick' in Russian?" I asked with a full on smirk on my face. He stared at me for a moment still so stoic and his mask on but I could swear his lips twitched at the corners "Goodnight Rose! See you for morning training tomorrow" he walked past me hitting me with his intoxicating after shave. When I heard the doors close I did a mini victory dance saying "Score one for Hathaway, zero for Belikov" to myself. My bed was literally begging me to just fall and sleep on him and to be honest I was willing too comply, taking a shower was the best idea ever, the water made all the sore muscles feel so much better after changing into my sweatpants and rather large T-shirt with ‘I kick sandman’s ass’ on it I looked at my messy room with boxes and suitcases scattered around the floor “The weekend, yeah just wait another day” I said to myself. The guardians wasted no time getting my personal belongings here ASAP, but then I wondered. Who the hell packed my underwear? With that thought I fell asleep dreaming of brown eyes, strong arms and an accent.

The next morning I got up too not just an ‘Ouch!’ but a straight out ‘Motherfucker!’ groaning all the way to my closet I got my training clothes and uniform got dressed and made my way too the communes. Doughnuts oh thank god they have doughnuts and not just any doughnuts chocolate glazed ones at that, grabbing four doughnuts I made my way too Lissa and was surprised to see Natalie Dashkov she was the Victor’s daughter she being the one twin the other was Nathan, Lissa saw Victor as an uncle making her and the twins sorta cousins “Hey Rose, its good to have you back I know Lissa missed you like hell, dad told me what happened in Kirova’s office she has no right treating you like that. But I am glad she came to her senses and let you stay...” she took a breath giving me a chance to break her rambling “Thanks Nat, um yeah well we all know Kirova can be the best at being a bitch, but gotta run got training. See ya Liss, bye Nat” I grabbed my last 2 doughnuts and high tailed it too the gym. “Late again Hathaway! Is this gonna be a common occurrence with our training” his voice boomed through out the gym I just rolled my eyes and started my stretches and groaned “Come on Comrade how about you give me a break today my body is screaming for a little relaxation?” I asked him straightening up he was laying on the mats with his back too the floor reading a western novel “Your muscles are sore, correct?” he asked “Sore is an understatement!” I all but huffed out “Well its better that you work hard now while you feel not so good” he said in a calm voice “Wait... what?! What kind of logic is that?” I frowned and crossed my arms over my chest “The kind that will work for those aching muscles. So do your stretches and twenty laps today” I gaped at him but he was so deep in the book he didn’t notice with a sigh I started doing my stretches and ran my laps and let me tell you I was cursing Dimitri the whole damn track up and down. When I was done with my treacherous run he showed me the weight lifting he had in mind. After my training I felt like crawling back into bed and just sleeping for a whole damn week!

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