Chapter 22

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I love this song and I would urge you to watch it... kinda fits and kinda doesn't. Enjoy!

There was no pause. No hesitation, in his fluid and graceful arms that snaked around my waist pulling me to him. Our lips that moved together our breaths mingling, while our tongues took part in a dangerous dance of dominance. My body fit into his like the puzzle piece I had felt was missing, the voice urging me on. I was lost and my body responding to the electric touches of his caresses. His hands firm yet gentle on my hips, his lips now moving from my lips up my jaw line to my hear. He paused once, with his hands at the end of my shirt, a quiet question. I took a step back and slowly removed my shirt, feeling his eyes burn their trail on my body. I felt bold when I stood in just my bra and my yoga pants, "See something you like?" I gave him a sweet smile. At this he gave his rare smile, "A goddess, beautiful beyond words."

His movements were slow when he walked over to me again, never breaking eye contact. I looked up at him fighting the urge to wrap my arms around his neck, "You think I am beautiful?" Placing his hands on my hips once more he gave me that smile again, "You're so beautiful, Roza. That it hurts." The temptation gave way and I wrapped myself around him, with help from him lifting me up. With my arms around his neck and my legs around his waits, there was no stopping now. The kisses became more urgent, more hungry. His body pushed tightly to mine leaving no spaces. I gave a moan when he trailed kisses down my collar bone and nipping here and there, brushing the edges of the lacy material. Hands roaming the newly exposed skin, leaving goosebumps in their wake. Words left his mouth before each kiss, words in Russian, I didn't know what they were but just the thought made heat rush through my body.

Ever so slow his hands moved to the claps of my bra, so slow that he was saying I could stop him. I didn't. I felt the clasp being freed and fingers slowly removing the small garment. I heard the drop of something heavier that the bra, and felt my mind clear from a fog. I stopped at the same time Dimitri did.

I hit the floor with a thud, and my arms flying up to cover my exposed breasts. Dimitri stood there shell-shocked.  Opening and closing his mouth, his eyes staring at the wall in front of him. Everything was froze when there came a knock, and Alberta's voice calling out. "Hide!" hissed Dimitri trowing my shirt at me, forgetting the bra. I rolled under the bed in record time, just as the door flew open. "Belikov, there has been reports of private vehicles on the school grounds. Get dr-" she trialed off. I saw her feet stop in front of my unmentionables. "I- did I interrupt anything?" she asked in a voice that had a hint of amusement. I cringed when he duck to pick the offensive thing up, "Not at all. I will get dressed and report to you. Anything else?" he asked his voice cracking. Alberta was quiet for a long while, and I saw Dimitri shift from one foot to the other. "We're checking to see if all students are accounted for, but I would appreciate if you could check and see if these vehicles are accounted for or not." She stood there for a pregnant moment before turning on her heels and walking to the door then stopped, "I'll be needing a report about this Belikov." Her voice was laced with something that shocked me.

When she had left and closed the door I dared to climb out from under the bed, Dimitri had his hands over his face. "What does that mean?" I asked.  He dragged his hands down his face, his eyes filled with anger. "It means you suck at hiding." With that he pushed my bra into my hands and turned to the bathroom, slamming the door after him. I took that as a dismal. Bowing my head I returned to my room.      

Don't kill me for the short update... but I hope I did this one justice. Thanks to those who commented on the previous chappy... I love those so much that I just wanted ya'll to have something to read.

Lots of love
DanitaBlakeshade ❤

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