Chapter 8

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I am sorry for the late update, just a warning school is back on so i might take long to update and tests as well as exams are around the conner i won't be updating much then i am sorry... but enjoy this chapter then...!

The day went on as if nothing had been said, Dimitri was in his guardian mode again after the whole Roza thing. Honestly you would think he kicked a puppy the way he was acting, it’s not like he said anything worth this silence. I kept my comments to myself fearing it would make everything much worse. If I had to be honest with myself, which I am really, I liked how Dimitri had loosened up and actually talked instead of only nodding, grunting or giving a ‘mmm’.

We got done with everything and Dimitri did not ask about the few things that looked odd of having, he would hold them open his mouth but then close it again. It was like someone had died, so I tried lightening up the mood, as per usual! I threw one of my sock balls at him when he looked at me I mocked innocence going on with the box I was finishing. He didn’t respond to the first ball so I threw the second one, him looking at me and me acting again. I gave up after that so when I felt myself being tackled to the floor, the yell that broke through couldn’t be stopped, Dimitri had surprised me by tackling me, he was hovering over me with an evil smirk on his face. The giggle that broke through my lips both surprised and shocked the living salt out of me “Your very unobservant about what’s going on around you, Rose” he said giving me a chuckle. I looked at him frowning “You know your mood swings are giving me whiplash” I grumbled but only because he caught me off guard, and I was too proud to admit it. Though my statement was true!

He looked me in the eyes and it felt like hours had gone by, when he opened his mouth to say something a big banging on my door interrupted him. Giving a sigh of… frustration? He got up helping me up with him “You better get that” he whispered though I could hear him. He was back in guardian mode, and me well I hope there was a great explanation for ruin a perfect moment, wait what?

I opened the door with much effort of not slamming it shut again, Mason stood there panting with a worried look. If it hadn’t been for the look on his face I would have lashed out on him but instead “What? What’s wrong Mase!” I all but almost yelled at him Dimitri was at my side in an instant. Mason looked at Dimitri but shook it of “It’s… Lissa… Mia said… something to her… she ran off crying…ugh! She took off after breakfast and we can’t find her!” he said after he caught his breath, panic and guilt was building inside of me, quickly! Without a second glance at Mason or Dimitri I took off, I could hear Dimitri yelling for me to stop but I couldn’t! I wouldn’t fail her again! I quickened my pace and took off to the one place I knew she would be.

After taking the twists and turns in the woods remembering all the right trees where to turn and follow them. Mrs. and Mr. Dragomir had come too St Vlad’s quite a lot of times, so when they usually came we all would get together at one of the houses that were abandoned in the woods they took a liking to making it their vacation house. I knew Lissa would go there seeking something to remind her of her parents, also seeking comfort that of course is where I would come in. When the house came into view I couldn’t help the smile that worked itself to my face, there were so many memories at this little old house but once I saw Lissa in the fetal position rocking back and forth I cursed under my breath and ran to her side.

She hadn’t heard me approach nor did she hear me call her when I placed my hands on her shoulder she yelled and threw her arms over her heard, I could she her eyes were bloodshot from crying but what I didn’t expect was the fluid on her wrists. Blood! I grabbed ahold of her “Lissa! It’s me! For crying out loud snap out of it!” I shook her and when her eyes locked with mine recognition registered on her face “Rose?” she croaked her voice hoarse from both crying and yelling bloody marry. She whimpered and threw herself at me hugging me tight her body shook from the sobs. I stroked her back whispering sweet nothings and its okay’s in her ear. After a while she calmed down and that’s when it hit her.

She tried to cover it but the crimson color had covered her white sleeves making it impossible to hide, she avoided eye contact while I spoke to her “Liss, you need to talk to me! Tell me what is, or who did something so bad that you chose to do this to yourself!” I said taking her wrists in my hands making my face soften but my voice hard. She still avoided my eyes “It really is nothing Rose I can take care of myself. In fact I have been taking care of myself for quite a longtime now, your return didn’t change anything!” she said pulling her wrists free from my hands, she had me there but I wasn’t going to give up now! I composed my face and made my voice hard again “The hell you can, Liss! You cutting yourself is hardly taking care of yourself! I am here now and whether you like it or not I am staying and taking care of that bitch Mia!” I rushed out the words before she could say anything.

She was shaking her head repeating ‘No’ but I once again shook her off “Liss, I am your best friend your like my sister, so when someone messes with you the automatically scratch my ass to. Guess what winter is over and this bear is done hibernating. I am cranky and hungry for a fight!” I said with an evil smile on my face. I am back and coming back with a bang!

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