Chapter 16

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Here is a short chapter, to celebrate with the nearing end of my prelims. Yay! So i hope ya'll enjoy this chapter. Please oh please vote and comment... don't make a girl beg. ❤

Dimitri gave a throaty laugh after I told him about Christian. "I can understand why he thought it was you, it seems like something you would do." At this I only smiled, remembering Alberta's warning to him. "By reading my file?" I asked. He shrugged, "Just from getting to know you. Though if I'm being honest, if it was something from your file I think it would have been worse." I cringed at that, "That bad, huh?" He shook his head, “That’s not what I meant. But you did trash a whole room before you broke out. That in itself is kind of bad." For some kind of reason I felt like justifying my actions, "It was years ago. A girl can change." I walked to the bench and started to wrap tape around my hand, didn't want to hurt my hands while punching the bag. Dimitri came to sit next to me, though the silence was deafening it wasn't awkward. I was too concentrated on the job, that when his hands engulfed mine I jumped from surprise. "You're doing it wrong. You might cut your hand or injure it badly. Here let me show you." He gently took my hands and started to redo what I had already done. His head was bent down while doing the job, and I couldn't stop staring at his hands. I held my breath and couldn't understand the feeling in my chest. It felt like forever before he finally looked up, done with both hands. His hand were still embracing mine. But it was his eyes that had my attention. This close to him I saw how dark his eyes were, so dark but yet so full of light. He let one hand go, and let it slowly come up and played with a loss strand. His eyes focused on what his hand was doing and suddenly stopped and jumped up, making space between us. "I should go. Staff meeting before dinner, Alberta came to remind me. I'll see you for our session after dinner." And with that he left the gym. Also left me with a confused feeling, what in sands hell just happened?

After beating all my frustrations out, I took a shower and just laid on the mats. The silence was something I always enjoyed. But the silence was ruined by someone bursting through the gym doors, so much for a moment of silence. I only opened my eyes but didn’t make to sit up. “Hathaway! Get your lazy ass up!” someone yelled. With a sigh I sat up crossing my legs, my face in a bored expression and my eyes narrowed. “Ozera, doesn’t surprise me that you would be the one to kill a moment. Where’s the fire? Or did you just burn yourself again?” I smiled at my own pun, seeing that no one else was here to enjoy it. He growled, yes actually growled, “I don’t need your smartass remarks now, Hathaway! Lissa has locked herself in her bathroom, and no one can get her out. Not that I am insinuating that you can, but it’s worth a try.” I was on my feet and on my way to the door even before he finished his rant, “Then shut your cake hole fireball, and show me where to go.”

The morio hall was pilling up with morio girls, all of them in a hurry to see if it was true. Letches I say! When we were nearing Lissa’s dorm, Natalie was talking to the group gathered in front of their dorm. “Okay folks nothing to see here, Lissa just got stuck that’s all. Go back to your rooms!” some black head moroi girl scoffed, “Oh please! We heard there was blood art work on her walls again. You call that nothing? She needs help, clearly she is-“ I shouldered the girl before she could finish. I heard a mumbled ‘bloodwhore’, “Now all you bloodsucking wannabe mean girls listen up! I am gonna count to five to clear out, and when I reach the number five I will give all of y’all a personal experience of what I gave Mia in the communes. One-“ the rustling of girls pushing each other out of the way made me smile. “Just my luck. No beatings today then.” I shrugged and heard Christian cough, hiding a laugh. I turned to Natalie who visibly paled, “I live here so kinda have to go in here you see.” The laughter he tried to hide came out at the sight of Natalie, which made her stiffen even more. “It’s okay Nat, you just need to open the door for me.” She nodded then turned to open the door, Christian was trying to compose his laughter while muttering, “Her face. So priceless.” It made me smirk at the situation till I heard Lissa cry out, “Stay away! Just leave me alone!” at that sound both Natalie and Christian stiffened and cringed. It made me stop at first, but I forced myself to walk to the closed door. But then the blood red letters above a nightstand made me stop again. It felt like I was back in the cottage, with little Oscar’s throat slit open and twitching. All difference was the words written.

If YoU STaY BeWheRe

At first it made chills run down my spine, till I fully saw the words. “I’m no English guru, but I’m pretty sure beware has no ‘H’ in it. I mean talk about an epic fail.” I turned to the others and they just shrugged. “Rose? Are you here?” Lissa’s voice broke at my name. “Hey, Lissa. Did you eat a bad burrito that you refuse to come out? Cause I mean we have all been there.” Christian face palmed and muttered under his voice, I caught the glare through his fingers though. “Rose, please don’t make me come out there. Not with those words on the wall. I can’t-“  she choked on a sob. “How about you let me in then? Let us talk it out. Then afterwards we can really get that burrito experience, I know this one place that can make anyone’s burrito dream come true. I’ll even let ol’ fireball over here join us.” There was a pregnant moment before a click sound followed. Walking up to it I saw Christian waving his hands, then mouthing “Don’t say some stupid” to me. I just smirked at him.

So yes was kinda short, but something to read. So let me know what you thought.

Love Danita

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