Chapter 30

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Hello lovelies. Yes coming at you with a new Chappy, been a while I know and I'm not even going to make excuses. But... it has to do with meet a guy. Yes this nerd found herself a Dimitri, Adrian, Jace, Edward, Rhysand you name them, he is him. Clears throat... okay got that out then. I hope you guys enjoy.

I folded my arms and glared at him.
"Gosh I forgot the smores and popcorn." I huffed out a sigh. "Get on with it Daskov, or were you just lonely down here?"
He gave a short laugh that turned into a cough fit, "Always a witty remark ready, Rose. See this story involves two naive little girls. One who is sweet and caring, and the other a shadow kissed  rough edged guardian who didn't care what people thought of her. The twist was the latter found one person whose opinion she did care about, just too bad he didn't care for her. Cause after all that's all that matters, right?" he raised his eyebrow and smirked at me.
I rolled my eyes and ignore the jab at Dimitri he made, "Shadow kissed?" I questioned.

He gave a chuckle, "Like Ana and Vladimir. He possessed the same power that our dear Lissa, Spirit. She has the power that can trick the mind, control the mind. But also..." he trailed off pointing to me, "bring back those who have died."

I gave a harsh laugh, even so I felt a lump grow in my throat at the memory of what had happened before the whole  army of guardians came to rescue Lissa. The darkness, how cold it was. I looked at him to explain it more, he got my attention like he wanted to.
This was proved when he smirked at me, "You see Rose, Anna was bound to Vladimir. He ,like Lissa, brought Anna back from the darkness and that made her shadow kissed. Forever connected with that dark side, yet in the world of the light. Anna being bound to Vladimir was his best suited Guardian of course, but what talents they had no one knew. All everyone knew was that the were very close, not in a romantic way now, but in words of they knew one anther better than they knew themselves. You, Rose Hathaway, will see what Anna saw. You are shadow kissed." He shrugged his shoulders in a way like he felt sorry for me, as if he knew what lied before me. 

I surged toward the cell, gripping the bars and felt the rag bubble inside me, "You think this information will scare me off? Will make me hate Lissa, and what turn against her? Work for you? Reality check Dashkov, not everyone is a monster like you! I will be her Anna then if I have to, if it means stopping monsters like you from abusing her magic! From using her!"
I felt the rag growing and growing. How dare he think this would change anything for me, for Lissa!
I turned around and took a shaky breathe, "Even if I did change my mind, I would never ever do anything to hurt her. Not again." 
He laughed, actually full out laughed. This made me spin to glare at him, he was shaking his head while looking at me, at the doors then back at me.
"Oh Rose, all I was thinking was," then I heard someone behind me, "just what a shame it's going to be for you to just die again."
I turned around at his words and stood frozen, too shocked to comprehend was was standing in the elevator doors. The two guards on the floor, blood pooling around their lifeless corpses. 
Natalie stood over both their bodies, blood over her white summer's dress and mouth. Pale, even more so then usual. Eyes as red as the blood on her dress. She gave a cold smile at me, "What's wrong Rose? Never seen a Strigoi?" a cold chuckle, "Too bad it would be the last thing you see then."

Before the last words even left her mouth did she run, faster than anyone I have ever seen, towards me. I turned to run, but she was faster. In a blink she was in front of me, throwing me through the air against the wall. My head hit it so hard that it made me see double, unable to move too. I gave a soft grunt, rather than a cry. I knew that she was right, this was going to be the last thing I would see.  

"Did you hear that, Daddy? Little Rose is scared of a big bad Strigoi," I heard her say. Just after I heard the clank of the cell door opening. "Stop playing. Finish her." 
I gave a laugh, "Oh Dashkov, your daughter is a Strigoi. You think you can forever control her? She'll soon turn on you for your blood."
"I'll meet you outside Natalie," was the crisp reply.

I looked up and met her red eyes, "Bring it Nat!"  

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