Chapter 11

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Standing above Mia while she struggled to catch her breath, I still had the feeling of satisfaction and it was growing with each whizz. I was knocked down my podium when I heard Alberta's voice breaking the crowd that had somehow gathered around us, her voice carried authority which was directed at me. She gave me a glare and checked on Mia "Rose! Outside now!" was all she said before she told a random guardian to take Mia to the clinic- I didn't even kick her that hard!

I stood outside waiting for Alberta to show up, when she walked out the doors I saw that there was someone with her, and when I saw who all cockiness was lost. Dimitri's face only read disappointment and somehow I felt bad, guilty even. My buffed out chest deflated and my bravado went running for the hills, but I kept my facial expression in place let them think I was still Rose the badass. They said nothing just walked past me probably expecting me to follow, but when I saw which building they were head I chose to speak up "You didn't even let me explain! You only gonna listen to her side, the side that is most probably a LIE!" once again my anger grew.

Both turned to look at me and I saw Dimitri giving Alberta side glances, if I was going to give my side I would direct it towards her "Alberta, she came at me first that's the truth! I dodged and reacted on the attack, can you blame me for that?" I said looking her in the eyes. She looked at me "Titles Hathaway! That might be true but... you walked up to her first so that says you were the one taunting Miss Rinaldi" she got me there "You have a point there, but I did not go to 'taunt' her. I was only warning her to back off from Lissa, she was the one who started bitch talking me. I merely retaliated much like the physical attack." I stated.

Alberta was about to say something when Dimitri interjected "Self-defense isn't punishable" Dimitri said looking at Alberta, she took a while before responding "I am looking the other way now Hathaway, and will go talk to Headmistress. But this is your last chance, I understand that you want to protect LIssa but there are other ways inn doing so without violence. Remember this Rose we do what we do bec-"

"Because you care? Please Alberta I don't need I am like your mother and your like my child speech, cause frankly I've heard that a lot!" I said crossing my arms. Alberta looked at me I saw a hint of emotion but it was replaced with a stoic guardian mask "Don't push it Rose, guardian Belikov will escort you to your room to make sure you don't make any more trouble. Guardian Belikov" she gave Dimitri a curt nod and walked away.

When we got to my room I was just about ready to jump in the shower then enjoy the dreams the sandman was planning on giving me. I was walking into my room ready to close the door when Dimitri walked in, I looked at him for a minute and then just closed the door. He went to sit on my bed but then decided with the chair at my desk, me on the other hand fell on my bed rolling on to my side and resting my head on my arm looking at Dimitri. It took a while before he spoke "I am afraid to say that I am proud, but honestly that's what I am, very proud. Now that is out of the way, don't do it again!" I smiled at that and heard him chuckle to himself "Baby steps, at least I waited till she attacked me before hitting her" I laughed at the memory of taunting her "Your never said taunting was one of my don't do things" I said with a grin and he laughed, a full out beautiful laugh I could have melted just then "I guess I did give you some loopholes right, though I ha..." he trailed off jumping up and came to stand in front of me "Your head, its bleeding. Does it hurt?" I was confused but when he ran to the bathroom I reached up to touch my head, and there as red as ever was some blood on my fingers when I brought it down. I was trying to remember when I got hit, when Dimitri emerged from my bathroom with my first aid kit.

I sat up crossing my legs and he took a seat next to me and getting everything to clean my so called wound "Guess I wasn't that fast then, though I can't remember feeling any pain" I said to myself but Dimitri smiled while cleaning the wound "Adrenaline, it's like morphine in battle you only feel or see it after it was done" it was true you never felt any pain when filled with adrenaline. He was done cleaning my head and putting everything away. I covered his hand with mine and he froze turned to look at me and when his piercing eyes met mine I said with sincerity "Thank you" he was about to say something, but what seemed like a habit of happening these days the door burst open, with a very pissed looking blonde at the door.

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