Chapter 23

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The halls were a buzzing mess, dhampir students rushing to their rooms, most likely because of students being counted and checked for. I kept my head down moving on and ignoring the peoples' stares and whispers. My head and mind in a different dimension, a place of strong arms wrapped around me- I shook my head hoping to clear it. As I made it to my door my hand flew up to my neck, only now noticing that something was a miss. The necklace. My mind only now started to register that the necklace, the one I never had but had, was gone. My mind raced through my memories, the heavy clunk on the floor the same time my bra was removed. Only now did it come to mind, the heavy fog that still lingers but wasn't as strong as before. While I was wearing the necklace. With my hand on my doorknob I turned on my heels, meaning to go back and test my theory, only to have bumped into someone. 
"Walk much?" I hissed to icy blue eyes.
"You were the one who walked into me!" Christian hissed back. Then before I could say anything back he pushed me into my room, closing the door. "Look guy, I don't swing that way, and even if I did then I would have had better taste in who." I said while crossing my arms. He listened at the hall for a while, not saying anything. I growled, "What are you doing? You should be in your dorm! They are taking nu-" he cut me off.
"Someone took Lissa." he finally turned to look at me.

Only then did I notice the ever growing bruise on his forehead. I shot up,"What do you mean someone took Lissa?" 
"We were in the church attic, uh- well and someone came from behind me and when I turned around they knocked me out, when I woke up she was gone." his head bowed in shame before he whispered, "I came here and saw everyone going to their rooms." 
"Why come to me first? Why not go to Di-" he cut me off once more.
"Because they ask questions and go through theories before doing anything! Much like you're doing now! Did I make a mistake and waste my time coming here?"
"Don't be petty. Did you see anything that might help us? Anything to point out who might have taken her?" I asked while hastily grabbing my stuff.
"No. But-" he trailed off.
"But what?" I questioned.
"Maybe I'm wrong, but I could have sworn I saw a guardian. I don't know him, but I have seen him around recently."
I froze with my hand mid air, my mouth dropped open. "Are you serious? A guardian? This isn't time for jokes Ozera!"
He shook his head his mouth thinning and his hands fisting.
"Don't. You. Dare. Hathaway!" He all but growled at me.
"You asked, I told you what I saw. So don't you even dare stand there and question me!" Smoke rose from his hands, the room growing smaller, warmer. I bristled, "Look Sparky, I'm just pointing out how that sounds. No need to get touchy! You're wasting time! So cool down, if need be, take a cold shower! I'm going and getting help." Without checking whether he was fine and following, the footsteps behind me the only sign, I made my way back to where I had just come from. To the man I had wished to have avoided, as much as possible. To get Dimitri and have him help. I swallowed, pushed down my problems and held my head high. Lissa needed me, and I wouldn't let her down again.

I know it's short but it's something. Things are crazy with preparations for my college! Yes I'm proud to say i'm moving up a step in the adult life. Yay. So let me know what ya'll thought.

Remember to love, live and smile.

Lots of love ❤

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