Chapter 6

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I made my way to my dorm and stopped when I spotted Meredith, she including me was one of the little female Dhampirs here. I called and waved her over “Hathaway, good to have you back started feeling like one of the guys” she cringed and we laughed “Yeah gotta say missed some things more than others. Hey I wanted to ask you do know about the Mia girl? You know the one messing with Lissa” like I said I could get answers if I wanted to “Oh yeah who doesn’t know that girl. She’s bad news not even royal but really wants to be, she’s dating Aaron” she said I frowned “You mean Aaron as in Lissa’s... well seems to me her ex then” Meredith nodded “Yeah things changed Lissa is like a loner, no offence, can’t help but feel sorry for her. Good thing you’re back right” she gave me a playful punch on the arm “Yeah good thing. Why is Mia being bitch with Lissa if she is the one dating Lissa’s boyfriend?” she just shrugged “Ya know how it is Rose, we don’t know half of the reasons why Moroi do what they do” can’t argue with that “Thanks Meredith, see ya in class then” she smiled with a mummer of goodnight and left.

Making my way to my room I took a quick shower and changed into some comfy clothes and trainers. I ran full speed too the gym, you guessed it I am late. Again! But cut me some slack that shower was so good I lost track of time. To my surprise Dimitri wasn’t in the gym. Ha! Who’s late now? I started with my stretches, yeah I am bored so might as well do it, right? I was almost done when the gym doors swung open with a loud thump that rang through the gym, in walked Dimitri with his guardian mask on looking all so serious as always. I was ready with a remark but when I saw Lissa behind him her head in her hands as sobbing; my sarcasm and wit went out the door.

“What happened?” is all I got out before Lissa lunged for me, hugging me tight and sobbing in the crook of me neck “I..its...mi..miss Karp, she-“ she couldn’t finish before her body trembled with her sobs. I hushed her and looked to Dimitri he only shook his head, he secured the door and turned to the gym eyes sweeping the floor. He was in full guardian mode, there must be something wrong as in life and death wrong. I couldn’t help but feel scared, yes I can get scared but only for my friends life.

After a while Lissa fell asleep all those tears exhausting her, Dimitri had a few mats laid out for her and I used my towel as a pillow for her. Having her asleep I took my opportunity to finding out what happened “Mind explaining why we are barricade in the gym and Lissa bawling her eyes out?” doesn’t help beating around the bush. He gave a loud sigh “Sonja Karp well she hasn’t been coping so well lately, we don’t know why but we found out that she also posses the ability of Spirit like Lissa. She started hurting herself stating that she couldn’t help the darkness, we have no idea what she meant with that. She was hospitalized just after last hour. She had hurt herself pretty bad” he looked at me and I could imagine what my face looked like, I haven’t noticed anything amiss with miss Karp I nodded for him to continue “While she was being checked for any other injuries she... grabbed one of the assistance and drained them of her blood-“ I heard a gasp and it took a while for me to register it was mine.

I couldn’t believe what he was telling me I shook my head not believing what he was saying “No! She didn’t.... she couldn’t have awakened!” but what else was it? Sonja Karp the most sweetest and kindest of the entire Moroi teacher had turned to the dark side. Strigoi! She was the only one who was actually glad that I was back, you never saw her mad or even scowling she always had a smile on her face that could make you smile back. Imagining her with an evil smile, red eyes, pale skin and a never aging face was just not right. It was like imagining an emo kid singing along to the song Walking on sunshine, yeah its as messed up as it sounds. I hadn’t noticed Dimitri edging closer to me until he engulfed me into a hug, I couldn’t help but inhale his intoxicating aftershave and feeling save in his strong arms. After a while I relaxed and hugged him back, we stood like that for a while then he pulled away but left his hands on my shoulders “Are you okay?” saying that I was shocked would be an understatement I just nodded with a smile on my face “Don’t tell me your going soft on me Comrade?” he laughed. Actually laughed score Hathaway “Leave it too you to lighten the mood” he shook his head with a smile on his face “I like your laugh, singular not plural. It’s the first time I’ve heard it” I said and almost bit my tongue off. He looked at me shocked but hid it under his damn mask, way the go Rose ruining a... wait what!

He interrupted my inner ramblings “I am gonna go and check if everything is clear. Stay here and lock the door behind me.” I gave him a nod and with that he left. I locked the door and literally banged my head against it “Stupid, stupid! Get a grip Rose!” I almost jumped out of my shocks when Lissa gave a small snore. I couldn’t help but laugh at that, she is so beautiful yet she snores like a little pig. Okay it’s cute if you think about it. I went to sit next too her but soon dozed off the days event finally exhausting me.

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