Chapter 5

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This chapter is dedicated too theo4eva13 I just loved your comments and it actually made me update quicker thnx...!! And the i just wanted to ask u guys to go read my friends fanfics Power of immortals is one of them.... so enjoy and hey i am on holiday soooo sooner updates anycase i am gonna stop rambling!

As it turned out I still had classes to go too, with my aching ass might I add! The first few periods went by in a flash, yes even Stan didn't do anything today thank the gods! Lunch turned up and my stomach was screaming for something to eat, and I of course ran for all the good food knocking some people out of the way in the proses, I made my way too me and Lissa's table from yesterday to find it empty. I sat down starting with my heap of food, I kept my eyes on the doors that lead outside waiting for Lissa to show up.

When she finally arrived I could see that she had cried, she made her way too the table with her looking down "Hey Rose! How was the second day back?" she gave me a smile she probably thought was genuine but I saw the sadness in it "Pretty much the same as yesterday, my body is like giving me payback for not being active and fit for a few years" I gave a little laugh but soon sobered up.

Taking a deep breath I looked at Lissa "Enough about me, Liss what's wr..." she cut me off "Rose just forget about it I am used to her being like this, just please forget about it" she looked at me her jade green eyes pleading "Fine" I huffed I wasn't gonna push it, yet! We made small talk until Christian aka jerk of the week sat next to Lissa "Liss, are you okay Mia had no right in doing that!" he said with his hand on her shoulder.... wait what! Oh sure with me he is a jerk but with Liss his America's sweetheart! "Christian, it okay just leave it alone" she looked at him in a gooey kind of way... ew stop looking at each other like that still eating here! He smiled looked at me and I swear on my doughnuts he actually smirked, what a cheek! "Hey Rosie, I never got the chance to welcome you back" his smirked grew wider and my fist just begged to hit that damn smirk off.

"All good, Fire crotch think I'll leave the whole gagging for after school! But gotta go and scratch my eyes out, See ya Liss" with that I left the communes, wonder who this Mia girl is and what did she do to make Liss cry, worst of all make Ozera go all mushy on us. I don't really know why I left cause there was another 30 minutes left of lunch "miss Hathaway?" I heard his angelic voice "Comrade, you know if I didn't know any better I would have said that you were following me" I said with my man eater smile on, but I was not rewarded with a smile only a stoic mask and an eyebrow raised, keep on rubbing it in!

"Why are you out here, Rose?" he asked coming to stand in front of me "Getting some fresh air, why are you sacred I might escape again?" I asked with a smirk on my face "With you Rose, you never know what to expect" he said in his calm collected voice. Wait did he just make a joke! "Oh my gosh, you just made a joke" and then another shocker he actually gave me a lopesided smile, it just made him more atttactive like drool wort... "Rose?" he waved his hand in front of me.

I spaced out in front of him, think of him, in front of him! Snap out of it Rose seriously! I did the most smartest thing I could, I changed the subject "Yo, comrade you won't by any chance know a My...Mia girl?" I looked of into the night waiting for his answer "Mia Rinaldi?" I turned to look at him "Seriously? I don't know! Thats why I am asking you genius! All I know is she gave Liss shit" I looked back at the trees but when no reply came I looked back, he was frowning "I think its better that you don't know, if your records of your past is correct, I am not only saving this girl but I am saving your future. You remember your on probation, right?" he gave me a serious face. Poor comrade what a gullible guy he is "Well, if you put it like that I'll turn a cheek and let Lissa deal with this" I gave him a sweet 'innocent' smile. He gave his stiff nod "Good, now the bell will go soon so I suggest you high tail it too class, and see you in training" with that said he walked away. 'Poor Dimitri. Does he really think he is the only one who can help me with this? If so what an idiot'

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