Chapter 14

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So I want to start of with this...
1. I am very sorry for this very very very late update, but I am in my last year of school and things are very hectic so if I am gonna update it will be very slow
2. This is a very short update
3. I will only update again if I have 100 or more reads, or at leats 10 comments
4. I want comments because I want to know if I should go on with this story or not.
5. Enjoy the chapter!

It was really difficult but soon enough I caught a guardian on duty’s attention and told him to get both Alberta and Dimitri. They came in a nick of time, though from the looks they exchanged I knew they wanted to know everything. A nurse was called to aid Lissa, and to my utter disappointment Kirova was notified of everything. I saw her talking to Dimitri and Alberta when she looked to Lissa, with a nod to them she turned on her heels and made her way towards us. I stood up between her and Lissa, there was no way Lissa was going to be questioned now! She stopped and narrowed her eyes “Hathaway! Would you move out of my way.” It wasn’t a question more like a command I crossed my arms “No! Can’t you see that she is still trying to work this out, so in other words back off! You and your questions can return as soon as she is ready!” I stood my ground.

She opened her mouth when Alberta interrupted her “Headmistress with all due respect, I do agree with Miss Hathaway. The princess has to calm down first, questioning would only make her more… upset.” I wanted to gloat but refrained, I saw how Alberta was looking at Lissa when she said upset, and couldn’t help but feel she meant something else. Kirova narrowed her eyes at me “Belikov, please escort Hathaway to her dorm. Make sure she stays there, I will make sure the princess is taken care of.” When I wanted to interrupt her Dimitri stood in front of me shaking his head, giving a huff I let him lead me away. I saw that Alberta was with Lissa and that let me feel a little at ease.

The walk to my dorm was filled
with silence, it wasn’t awkward somehow with Dimitri I never had to say anything to feel comfortable. Though when we grew closer to the dorm Dimitri broke the silence “You should really stop with the whole ‘I am Rosemarie Hathaway and I don’t care about respect or titles’ because Kirova will snap one day.” I couldn’t help and laugh at that “First I don’t sound like that, and second I have respect just choose who to give it to. Kirova never showed or gave me a reason to give it to her so, why would I give it to her?” I looked at him and saw a frown. He stopped and looked at me “So what you’re saying is that I never gave you a reason either?” he almost whispered. I was caught off guard with his revelation “Uh- why would you say that? I respect you, if you mean by title well I really find those stupid, I don’t call anyone by their titles.” It was the truth I never called Lissa princess, I didn’t even use titles with Alberta “No, I gave up with those. I just- if you respect someone- for me it is like showing them you trust them, do you? Trust me that is.” Once more I was caught off guard with his question but I didn’t hesitate when I answered, “Yes.” He stood up straighter and nodded, without another word he walked on leaving me gaping.   

I never understood how news traveled so quickly in a school that didn’t allow any type of technology, but it did. Exhibit this morning in the commune room, from moroi to dhampir, everyone from every corner of the room was whispering when I entered the room. I heard Lissa’s name one too many times when I grabbed my tray and started to fill it with food. So I reacted on the people closest to me, “Could you not? The cat died and Lissa was taken away for some care! Whoop- the – fucking- do! Get over yourselves and be less of the leeches you all are and move on!” with that I threw the tray across the room and stormed out. Let them talk about my outburst rather than talking about Lissa, I could handle anything. Still storming off I didn’t see where I was going and walked into someone, making us both fall to the ground and also making him groan. I pushed myself up and was ready to bark out a retort till I saw who it was. The last time I was here he was the number one wet dream to have, some things never change I guess. He smirked up at me and actually winked before pushing up himself, “Well if it isn’t the bad girl herself. Mind giving me an autograph? Big fan.” This made me give him my man eater smile, “Jesse, shouldn’t you be hitting on your moroi girlfriend. Lost her maybe? Can always help you look.” He only smiled, “Where would be the fun in that? I like them feisty like you Rose. I never mind to have some dressing on the side.” I looked at him and only shook my head, “My my you are bad.” He squared his shoulders and leaned into me, “Always. Just name the place and the time and I’ll show you just how bad I can be.” I took a step back to keep my distance and for good reason too, two moroi girls came walking around the corner but stopped when they saw me. I would have ignored them if they hadn’t said Lissa’s name and had the cheek to say she killed her own pet. So my next words were irresponsible, yet I couldn’t help.
“Tonight at the dhampir girls’ lounge.”

Walking into the gym I saw Dimitri setting out mats and got excited. "So we're gonna spare?" I asked. At that he looked up and gave me his guardian mask look, "No this is for later, during class. So far I feel like you..." I cut him off, "Are you kidding me? I am sick of running! What is running going to help me protect Lissa?" I didn't mean to yell but I was angry. He straightened up and crossed his arms, "Okay, answer me this then. You and the Princess are out shopping- let me finish- in a mall. Next moment you're in a store and a Strigoi comes at you. Now before you answer me with a smart retort this are the conditions, your in a store that has no direct contact with fire or any way to impale him. What do you do?" after he finished I stood there and thought of my answer. "Well I'll stake him, obviously, trying to trick me?" he shook his head, "You aren't aloud a stake yet, Hathaway." I thought of another way and couldn't think of one. "I don't know. But by the looks of it you already have the answer. So let's hear it oh wise one." He didn't crack a smile or anything just pointed to the tracks behind him and said, "You run." I only stood their gaping at him before I said, "Seriously, you run?" At this he nodded, "You should know this now, if you can't beat a Strigoi then you need to know running is also an option." I shook my head, "That will never be an option for me" I turned around and walked out to the tracks, but before the door fully closed I caught Dimitri's last word, "Never say never, Hathaway."

So there's the chapter and please read the AN and follow through with it please!!!!

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