Chatper 2

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So i don't own Vampire Academy nor do i own the wonderful Dimitri..... uh Richelle Mead does though;p... don't know if someone is reading thus but eh what the heck enjoy... and plz review

When I sold my soul to the devil Alberta and Dimitri escorted me towards the guidance counselors office to get my schedule but only after Lissa made me promise to meet her at lunch later, I was following them walking behind them looking at Dimitri “why did he fight for me to stay?” I was starting to chant that in my head as if he felt my gaze he looked back and caught my eyes, I thought I saw embarrassment but as quick as it came it was gone in a second that left me more confused as ever what was he embarrassed about? The counselor was an ancient Moroi guy one I remembered from before. Really when I said ancient it may have been an understatement cause he was freaking old he should maybe retire or even be in a coffin right about now. The visit only took five minutes tops. He said nothing of me returning or even being gone and asked a few questions about what classes I followed but didn’t look surprised at me not going to school. He looked at my old file and asked if I wanted to change anything which I said I wanted to trade Slavic Art for Music classes. He then drew a schedule up for me and I took it sullenly and headed out to my first class.

1st  Period   Advanced Guardian Combat Techniques

2ndPeriod   Senior Language Arts (Novices)

3rdPeriod   Weight Training and Conditioning

4thPeriod   Bodyguard Theory and Personal Protection 3


5thPeriod   Precalculus

6thPeriod   Animal Behavior and Physiology

7thPeriod   Morio Culture 4

8thPeriod   Musical studies

I forgot how long the Academy’s day was. Moroi and Novices took separate classes before lunch and after lunch we could have the boring classes together. I couldn’t really remember Lissa’s schedule but would soon find out at lunch whether we had classes together.

Alberta and Dimitri then escorted me to my first class which was my favorite one by far, we were walking towards the guardian’s gym but neither one of them acknowledging me. When Dimitri tilted his head to the left I only then noticed the six molnija marks and his promise mark, the promise mark was given to a guardian when they graduated resembling the lifetime promise and pledge you gave for the moroi looking like a snake or twisted line, the molnija marks were given when a guardian had killed one of the cruel and undead Strigoi they looked like two streaks of jagged lighting crossing each other and forming a X. Of course Alberta with her pixie cut hair you could see her molnija marks and promise mark every female guardian had that same pixie style but my long dark brown hair contrasted hers seeing that I didn’t have any tattoos yet, but I didn’t really want to cut my hair another sacrifice I would do to protect Lissa.

When we walked into the gym all the socializing and voices stopped and everyone’s eyes were on me and then the whispering started, I held my head high and searched for one person in particular when the red hair and freckled face looked at me with a smile growing on his face I gave a sigh of relief. I walked up to him given him my best man eater smile “Hey, Mason, wipe the drool off your face. If your gonna think of me naked do it on your own time” that broke the awed silence and whispers stopped Mason Ashford gave me a loped smile he was one of the funniest guys I knew and we were good friends back in the days “This is my time, Hathaway, I am leading today’s lesson”

”Is that so” I retorted “Huh. Then I guess this is a good time to think of me naked then”

”Its always a good time to think of you naked” a new voice added Eddie Castile breaking the tension even more he was also a friend of mine. Dimitri walked away shaking his head and saying something in Russian that didn’t sound very complimentary. But just like that I was part of the novices again, they were always more easygoing when it came to conversations they never brought up politics like a moroi would have. When the guardian who obviously was teaching this class entered he called Mason over and went trough everything he wanted us to do “Hathaway, you can be my partner. Lets see what you got” I taunted him with my hand and a smirk on my face. My ass was literally handed to me on a silver plate “Were you hiding under a rock while out there?” Mason said with that loped sided smile of his “Ow, I did go to the gym once in a while the first year but got side tracked” my arm was really killing me but would be worse tomorrow “Seriously? You actually did okay” he still wore that smile “What? I just had my ass handed to me” just then his smile got wider “Well, of course you did. Its been what three years? Your still walking, that’s something” his smile was now one of mocking but then grew serious “Now offence Rose but this is only my opinion, but you are a scrapper, but it would take a miracle for you to take your trails in the spring- now don’t look at me like that” I was glaring but only because he right about now sounded just like Kirova with a deep intake of breath and explained “They’re making me take extra training lessons- yeah I know it sucks” Mason dropped the smile and gave more like a pout then shrugged “Who’s the lucky guardian to be your mentor?”

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