Chapter 25

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HQ was bustling with Guardians, shouting orders shouting check-ins. It was the most unorganized I have seen them, to me they might have seem that way, but knowing how they worked together knowing who did what, this was organized to them.
Dimitri was the lead of our trio, walking with such confidence and power that the others cleared a path for him. Alberta was in the middle of the mess shouting and writing down reports, when she saw our party approach she shouted for everyone to be quiet.
"What do you have for me Belikov? Why is Hathaway and Ozera not in their dorms?" she asked with her gaze quickly moving over us, pausing at me for a while, then looked back at Dimitri.
"Princess Dragomir has been taken. Ozera and Hathaway came to report it, believe it would be smarter to hear them out and move out immediately. We're wasting time as it is. What they've told me so far is, a guardian might be involved in the kidnapping. Why they might have taken her is still unknown. Who the guardian is unknown aswell. Might explain the unauthorised vehicles on the grounds. Have we heard anything from those stationed by the gates? We need parties moving both on and off the grounds. Then we need someone to check on Ozera for his head injury. Group into teams and make sure to have contact with each other. " We all stood there looking at Dimitri, until he barked a now, then everyone was moving. Alberta was shouting orders again, breaking guardians in teams.
Dimitri turned to me, "Do you know where they might have taken her? Who might have done this at all?" I shook my head, and he swore-I'm assuming- in Russian. Then moved to join the masses. Christian turned to me and raised his eyebrow.
"Why did you lie to guardian Belikov?"
I smirked, "Why would you say I lied?"
A harsh laugh, "Hathaway, you're slowly backing away. Which means you have a lead you want to check on." I stopped and looked around us then leaned towards him, "I might have a lead, but I think it's best if I scope it out first. If the whole squad moves in at once it might spook them away."
Christian looked at me for a long while before giving a heavy sigh and shaking his head, "I'm gonna regret this, but let me come with you. Then one of us can come back to report atleast."
I gave a shrug, not wanting to admit how smart that actually was.
"Whatever floats your boat sparky."

The way to the cottage was etched into my head, thay even at night I could find it easily. Running was a no seeing as a minute into running Christian started falling behind panting like a newbie. I knew that feeling too well.
"Why the cottage? I thought only the Dragomirs knew about it?" Christian inquired breathy.
"Those close to them knew about it too. And the person who gutted Oscar knew of it too. It only made more sense to look there first."
I made it sound like the mystery was solved that Lissa was just waiting for us to swoop in and save her. How easy it is to fake that confidence.
"Come on hurry up. It's just there."
He huffed, "Easy for you to say. You train for shit like thi-" I cut him off.
"Save your breath idiot, or you might start panting again. If you pass out I'm leaving you unfit ass here for when I care to carry your ass to the infirmary."
His only response was to growl.
"Great you're learning."

Walking around from the back and being hidden from the woods, I noticed something that made my nerves jump. The lights of the cottage was on, and I could smell wood burning. Someone wanted to stay warm and lit the fire place. Then only to confirm my suspicions, two dark figures circled the tine house. Guardians.
I pulled Christian behind a tree, my hand over his mouth and indicated for him to be quiet.
"How long is this going to be?" the one asked.
"Donno. Just know Lord Dashkov wants the girl to do something, then we all need to leave. The girl will be passed out by that time so it'll be easier for us to move out."
The other guy nodded and they continued on their patrolling. I was shocked to the bone at what I heard, and by the looks of Christian's face, he was too.
Victor Dashkov was the man behind all of this?

So here is the first bit of the build of the climax... hope it was done properly. Would love more feed back on this please... love those comments from the previous chapter...

Lots of words

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