The Trial

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Today is the day... Draco thought to himself. Today is the trial of what happened at Hogwarts. Draco gets chills thinking about what happened to his home. But, he keep thinking was Harry going to be there. Him and Harry have been dating since 3rd year. But, Draco knew this would be to hard for him to see or hear. So, he doubted that Harry would be there. "Time to move! Get to walking!" A guard yelled at Draco. Draco started walking, he didn't dare not listen. He did not look up at the guard or anyone that he saw, he just stared at the ground and hoped that he would only be put in Azkaban. He knew that he would, but there was a every high chance of him being executed. He got to the opening and sees everyone there for his trial. He is shocked when he sees Harry sitting right in the front, staring at the cage he would be put in while the trial was going on.

It felt like the trial went on for forever, and finally the question was asked that Draco was waiting for. "Who has a objection of Draco Malfoy going to Azkaban, for life sentence?" The judge said, and Draco could feel his heart drop knowing that no one would stand up for him.
"I object!" Draco hears a similar voice, a voice he knows by heart. Draco raised his head and looks to where he heard the voice, to make sure he thinks of the correct person. Draco was correct, it was Harry standing up. Draco decides to show that is thankful, by showing a small smile.

The trial was over, after a 1 or 2 hours of discussion . Draco was let loose, but had to live with Harry. Draco didn't care, that just meant he could spend more time with his partner. What If he doesn't want to be our boyfriend anymore... Draco could  hear a voice in the back of his head. Draco realized that a lot of Harry's friends were dead because of him. Harry was waiting for him, outside of the trial room. When, Draco got out of the trial the guards were no longer follow him. "Hello, Draco." Harry said with a smile, Draco finally looked up to see Harry with his arms open. Run to him... Draco heard to voice in the back of head say. He starts to run and flings himself into Harry's arms. Draco felt Harry wrap his arms around him, and then Harry put his head on Draco's shoulder. "Draco..." Harry moved back and puts his hands on Draco's shoulders, "Are you okay? Did those guards hurt you?" Harry put his hand on Draco's cheek and got close to Draco's face. Draco just realized that Harry was taller than him, by a few inches. "I'm good, and the those guards didn't hurt me. But, it looks like someone grew?" Draco said with a smirk. "Yeah, I guess I have," Harry looks at Draco, who is now shorter than him. Harry smiles at Draco, and he just wrapped his arms around Draco just to make sure he is real.

After they got to Harry's home, Draco didn't know what to do. Harry's house was messy, but clean at the same time. It looked and was cozy, and a place to talk out your feelings. It had 3 bedrooms, and 2 bathroom. Draco was surprised, he thought that Harry would live in a messy house that would never be picked up. "Sorry, the mess. Let me make some tea, and then I will pick it up." Harry said while rubbing the back of his neck. "It's fine, I honestly thought it would be worse." Draco said with a laugh. Draco looked at Harry, who was staring at him with passionate eyes. Harry shakes his head, "Mmmm... Let me go mmmm... Make that tea." Harry said while looking at the ground, and blushing. "Okay, where do you want me to seat?" Draco asked while looking around at the beautiful furniture. "Where ever you want." Harry shrugged his shoulders, as he walked to his kitchen. Draco followed to see what his kitchen was like. Draco was amazed, the kitchen looked like a restaurant. "What are you doing, shouldn't you be sitting down?" Harry said with a smile. "I'm fine, I'm just looking around." Draco looked at Harry with 'I'm okay' look. "So, I don't want this to be offensive. But, how was it? I mean to be in a jail not being able to see light?" Harry said with a frown, and he was looking down. Draco stopped looking around the kitchen, and looks at Harry. "Well..." Draco takes a deep breath, and remembers all those years of being in Azkaban. "You don't have to answer! I should have never asked..." Harry takes a step forward, and looks at Draco with a sorry look. "It's fine, I need to open about it..." Draco said, with a deep breath. It was hard to think he had to say in Azkaban, because he had to wait to wait for his trial. Every death eater had a trial, and for the rest that were waiting they had to be in Azkaban. "Okay, and the tea is done." Harry said as he walked over with a cup full of tea for Draco, and another one for him. Harry puts the cups down, and grabs a seat for Draco. "Thank you," Draco said quietly. Harry smiles, and nodded his head. Draco sat down, and so did Harry. Harry sat in front of Draco, whole holding his cup. Draco was looking at the table, with the cup in his hands. "It was hard... being in there even though you didn't do anything... You just have the mark..." Draco keeps take deep breaths, and is trying not to think of Blaise or Pansly who had there trial, and were sent to Azkaban for the rest of there life. "I thought I never see light again..." Draco closes his eyes remembering everything that happened. "Draco, I will always be there for you no matter what..." Harry looking into Draco's eyes, "I love unconditionally..."

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