Life goes on

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It's been a 15 or so years. James and Lily are now 15 going onto 16. They both in Gryffindor, and are always there for each other no matter what. Harry and Draco have constantly remember their not the babies that they brought home 16 years ago. Harry and Draco hold each other, remember Lily and James first words to their first time receiving a Hogwarts letter. Harry remembers all the times they played out in the yard together. They both remember all the pictures, and everything. Harry and Draco still hold on to those tiny special moments in life.

Their second baby, turned out to be a girl. Which has heterochromia, which means she has two different colored eyes. Because of that they named her Aurora. She is now 14, she is in the Slytherin house and proud of it. She has little brown hair, but it matches her Green and Blue eyes. Harry and Draco still can't believe their second oldest daughter is already a strong independent woman, just like her sister (Lily). They can't help, but cry remembering when she told them that she was a seeker on the Slytherin team, they both smile at the memories.

Their third baby, was a boy. He was printe and copy of Harry. To the eyes to the skin color. They named him Oliver, and he was put into Slytherin as well. And now he can't even say that isn't like his dad (we will get in to that more later). Harry laughs as remember the rant he got told the first year Oliver went. Draco rolls their eyes remember how, they pushed for 5 hours just for him to turn out like his father. But, they couldn't be prouder of Oliver. They watching him grow into his own person.

Their youngest babies, yes you read correctly. They had a other set of twins, but this time it was both girls. They had dirty blonde hair, but it was a little more brown than blonde (They both have their mom's eyes). Their names were Athena and Adeline. Athena is in Gryffindor and Adeline is in Slytherin, but they couldn't be closer. Harry and Draco love that even though their different, they are inseparable. Draco rolls their eyes, and laughs at remember the day that they would be having twins, again. Harry laughs at remember how mad Draco was, their girls.

Harry and Draco couldn't believe their oldest two were 15 soon will be 16. Their second baby girl is 14 and growing so fast. Their second baby boy was already 13, and catching up with his siblings fast. Now, the last two are 12. It just like yesterday, they took a picture with all of them. When they were still babies, and needed to grow into Harry's arms. Harry and Draco will be professors at Hogwarts for two years soon. Harry will be the Slytherin head, for two years soon as well. They both laugh at how ironic it is.

Life was amazing for them. They had a beautiful mansion, and they had a beautiful family. Today was the day their going back to Hogwarts. It weird to say that special for Harry and Draco. All the kids were excited to see their friends and family. Hermione and Ron ended up with only two kids. Hermione didn't care, she got her girl and boy. Ron was happy that it wasn't that big of a family, but it was just big enough for him. Oh, how times files. Harry and Draco can't believe it still.

"Okay! Who's ready?" Draco yells as they tap their foot of the marble floor. "Me!" James yells as he carries down his bag, and everything. Lily quickly follows, then Aurora and Oliver. Now they were waiting on the girls. "Come on girls!" Harry yells and says. He had just came home to see his kids, before having to end back to Hogwarts with all of them including Draco. "We're done!" Athena yells with her twin sister behind her. They were carrying their bags, and had bright smiles. Draco nods his head, and looks at the Potter family that them and Harry created. "Okay, remember we will have to get on the train first. Then you guys can follow okay promise us, you watch out and will be careful." Draco says while summarizing is what they talked about days prior. All the kids roll their eyes, and laugh at Draco. Draco understands they get it, and look at Harry. "Now you can ask your mama, I was never good at giving speeches...", Draco nods their head making the kids laugh again, "So, I might not be the best at this. But, I want you guys to know that no matter what happens at Hogwarts we are the Potter's. We don't care what people say about us, we don't care when people stare. We only care about each other, our friends, and family." Harry finishes his speech. All the kids clap at their dad, who starts to take bow. This makes them roll their eyes. "Now come on Potter's! We need to go catch a train!" Draco says with a bright smile. Tmthey watch as all of their kids get their stuff and walk out. Harry walks over or them, and kisses their forehead. "Oh, how time flies." He says as we start to walk out. Draco smiles, at realize that their bond as gotten better each year we are together. For 20 or more years, and it is like they learn something about each other each year. Draco watchs as Harry locks the door, then start to walk with them. Harry stops before the car, and kisses them. Their kisses have gotten sweeter, and softer over the years. The pull apart to see all their kids laughing in the car. Haryr and Draco walk to the car.

When, they all made it to Hogwarts it was like a second home. Harry welcomed the new Slytherin's, and explained that him and Draco were married and that they had six kids. All the first years learned to call Harry, Mr. H or Professor Harry. Well, Draco is Professor Potter. No one really minded, mostly thought it was amazing that they were still married or even got together. Harry and Draco loved seeing their kids after the first day, which to them was the best part about working at Hogwarts. They ended the night with drinking tea, and hot chocolate  with a fire place going. Oh how prefect it felt, to be there. Harry and Draco couldn't wait until the next chapter comes into their life.

The end!

You think the story is over?
Oh, I have to laugh at that
The story has just began for some
Isn't that right, Harry, dear

Yes it is, Draco, love

But this is goodbye...
For now

Come on love, I want to go to bed.

Okay, dear!


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