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Harry drives them to the shop. Harry helps Draco get out, and then opens the door for Narcissa. "I think Blaise can open his own door. I am here just to help the ladies." Harry says with a smile. Blaise knows he is playing around but still Blaise is used to insult or something that made him made, so it made him accidentally snap. "Well, fine then part?!" Blaise says before covering her mouth, Harry stares at him and everyone is now looking at Blaise concerned. "Hey, I was just joking." Harry says as grabs Draco's hand, cause he knows Draco is wanting to yell at Blaise. "I'm sorry, I just- I mean-..." Blaise gives up on trying to speak, and you could tell me wanted to cry. "Mi amor, can talk to Blaise. Go head take them inside pick your outfits. I will be right in." Harry says before kissing Draco's forehead. Draco nodes his head, their mum and Pansly went inside. Harry got into the truck, and sat cross from him. "I'm guessing it was accident. You gotten so use to me insult or something. How your brain thought to snap back. I understand, trust me Ron is bad at it sometimes. And sometimes it it's so bad I have to leave or Ron would have broken nose." Harry says as he looks at the back of Draco's seat. Blaise looks at Harry's surprised that he said that he would break his friends nose because of him making a comment on something. "Yeah, you are correct about it all. I mean expect the Ron part." Blaise says as he wants to die. Harry laughs a little and says, "I know what you meant, mate." Harry gets out of the car. Blaise smiles and does the same. They head in and they are welcome my a cart of baby stuff. Blaise looks at Harry worried, and Harry just shrugs his shoulders.

The day goes by fast before they all know it, they are at Harry's house. "Well, Harry your house looks nice from the outside let me see inside." Pansly says as gives Harry a look. Draco smiles, and Harry makes a weird smile at her. Everyone gets out of the truck, and went to the front door. Harry unlocks the door, Harry walks in first while helping Draco. Pansly, Blaise, and Narcissa all go inside to see, a clean house with beautiful walls, beautiful furniture, and Narcissa sees everything is all baby proof or what need to be baby proof at least. They were all amazed about it, "They look just like you you came home with me." Harry says with a smile and than looks at Draco's belly, "Soon you two will have the same reaction." Harry add on. Narcissa walks over to them, "So I think you baby proofed everything that needs to be baby proofed." Narcissa says with a smile. Harry looks at her then back at Draco and says, "Well I think you should see the nursery." Harry smiles. Narcissa is so happy that Harry is already to be father, and she watches as her soon-to-be-son help her child up the stairs. When they all get up to the second floor, Harry and Draco took them down the hall. Harry told them where everything was, and Draco started to feel pain. Harry and Draco finally made it to the nursery and Draco's has to sit down. "You okay, mi amor?" Harry asks as Draco immediately sits down. Draco nods their, before a other pain shots up, and shakes their head. Harry quickly gets down by Draco, "What's wrong?" Harry says as he holds Draco's hand. All draco could do is put their hands that, Harry was holding, on their belly and everyone instantly got it. "Can you guys go see if there is any water anywhere." Harry says as he stands up real quick. Pansly nods her head, and heads out of the nursery. Before to long she comes back shaking her head, "Okay, Mrs. Malfoy can you get the bag for the hospital it's over there by the changing table. Blaise can you go into mine and Draco's room get a hair brush, tooth brush, and a pair of comfortable shoes. Pansly call Hermione or Ron and tell them what is happening." Harry says he hands Pansly his phone, and goes help Draco get out of the chair. "Come on, mi amor let's get you in the car." Harry says as he helps them walk down the hallway. Everyone else does what Harry said to do. "Hey Har-" Hermione starts to say before Pansly interrupts her. "Hey, it's Pansly. I think Draco's water broke, and we are going to take them to the hospital. I don't know what hospital." Pansly says fast, she is scared and worried for her best friend. Hermione on there line start to yell at Ron and starts telling him what to do. "Thank you, Pansly and we already know the hospital. We will see you guys there." Hermione says as she hang up. Pansly quickly goes see if Blaise needs, and he doesn't. Narcissa speed walks past her and Pansly follow, Blaise not to far behind. Harry and Draco are already in the truck, and they all get in. Harry takes off driving, and heads for the hospital.

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