Twice The Trouble

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Harry had woke up early, so he could make Draco their favorite breakfast. Harry was ready to see the baby, even though he knew it was going to be tiny. Draco woke up when smelled the bacon. They got up, and went straight down stairs. "I smell bacon!" Draco says happily, as they sit down at the table. Harry laughs a little at them. "Are you ready, mi amor?" Harry says as he sits down Draco's plate. Which has eggs, bacon, biscuits. "Yeah. I can't wait to see the baby!" Draco says before they start eating a piece of bacon. "Same, but did I do the bacon good?" Harry asks, with a smile. "Yes, you did." Draco says as they get a other piece. "Well, I'm going to go get in shower. After your done eating, you can get in the shower." Harry says as he stands up. "Okay," Draco says as they look up at Harry. Harry kisses them on the forehead, then goes to the bathroom while they continue to eat. Draco finishes their breakfast fast, but their still hungry. Must be a pregnancy thing, after all I have had morning sickness for a while now, Draco thinks. "I'm done, with my shower. So, you can jump in when your do-" Harry stops himself, as he sees that Draco is already done. "Well you must have been hungry. Well let me guess, you're still hungry?" Harry says as he leans on the wall. "Yeah," Draco says as they look at Harry. "Okay, going to get in the shower, cuz you have about 20 minutes then we'll still have enough time before the appointment to go get you some food." Harry says as he looks at his watch, then back at Draco. "Okay," Draco says as they go to the bathroom. 15 minutes have passed by, and Draco just got out of the shower. "Mi amor, you have 5 minutes to get dressed!" Harry shouts so Draco would hear him. "Okay!" Draco yells back, while they hurry to dry off. "I'm done." Draco says happily, infront of Harry. "Okay, and we still have 2 minutes remaining." Harry says as he looks at his watch. "I know what I want to do for one minute, of those 2 minutes left." Harry says while he pulls Draco in by thier waist. Draco laughs a little, before Harry kisses them. They kiss back, and put their hands around Harry neck. Harry breaks the kiss, and says "Come on, we don't want to be late."
"Okay, bebe."

At the doctors, Draco starts to look around at all the pregnant women. "Hi sweetheart, you must be new?" Draco hears a southern accent behind him. Draco turns around to see, a woman probably is her 30's, and looks about 5 months pregnant. "Yeah, I am." Draco says worriedly that she is going to say something about how they look like a boy. "Well my name is Holly, now tell me sweetheart what's your name." Holly says with a smile. "My name is Draco..." Draco says quietly. "If you're scared that I'm going to judge you, then sweetheart you've already got me all wrong." She says with a little laugh. "Oh, sorry it's just I'm worried about being judged because I look like a boy... My name is Draco..." Draco says as they grab Harry hand. "Well sweetheart it does not matter to me what you look like or if your name sounds like a boys or a girls name." Holly says as puts her hand on Draco's shoulder. "But, let me introduce everyone else in here for you." Holly continues. "That woman over there this is her third child, but sadly none of her children have the same Daddy. But I do not advise you haven't talked to her and you realize why they all have different daddies." Holly says as she points at a girl in the corner. "But her name is Christina." Holly says adds on about the girl. "That's a pretty name. Is this your second one?" Draco says as they put their hand on the back of their neck. "No, it's my 4th. But I'm happy with all my kids." Holly says as she puts her hand on her belly. When, Draco and Holly hear the door for the doctor's office open. "I don't know how Mrs. Wingenbird deals with her." Holly says quietly under her breath. "What do you mean?" Draco asks as they hear Holly says that. "That right there is Mrs. Green. She's a snobby woman, this is her second child. She thinks everything should be perfect and just the way she wants it. When I tell you that she tried to tell the doctor that her oldest was a boy not a girl." Holly says shaking her head. "The only reason mine is because I was pregnant with my oldest the same time she was. She is hoping this one is a boy, so her son could eventually take over the family business. Cuz her mind, she still thinks that girls should be in the kitchens and taking care of the babies. And the boys should be doing all the hard work. So I'm just telling you do not tell her your name or anything about you sweetheart. She is very homophobic." Holly says as she rolls her eyes at Mrs. Green. After hearing that Mrs. Green what's homophobic, Draco started to panic. Harry overheard the conversation, "Ms. Holly, you said she's homophobic. I meant very homophobic, right?" Harry says while turning around to face Holly. "Sweetheart you can just call me Holly, and yes." Holly says while still eyeing Mrs. Green as she sits down. "Okay, thank you." Harry says as he turns around. Draco is holding Harry's and is not letting go. "Holly?" A nurse says, as she looks around the room. "Well, bye sweetheart. I hope your appointment goes good." Holly says to Draco, as she stands up. "You, too." Draco says, as she walks away. Then they start to watch the Tv, when Harry tightened his grip on Draco's hand. "Ow," Draco says as they look at Harry's. "Sorry,  I didn't mean to hurt you. It's just that women, Mrs. Green, was staring at you with a nasty look." Harry says, as he looses get grip and is staring at Mrs. Green. "If that's the case, then don't stop." Draco says, while looking away from Mrs. Green. "I'm not letting go of your hand that's for sure." Harry says as he kisses Draco's hand. Draco blushes and laughs a little. A few minutes pass, before Draco gets called. Harry is sitting down, while holding Draco hand. Who is on the table, waiting for the doctor to come in. Mrs. Wingenbird comes in after a few minutes of them waiting. "Hello my name is Mrs. Wingenbird, but you can just call me Wingenbird. Or whatever you like. You must be Draco then." She says as puts her hand in front of Draco. "Yes, and this is my fiance and the father of the child." Draco says as they shake hands with Mrs. Wingenbird. Harry is trying not to laugh. "What's so funny?" Draco asks Harry as they turn around to look at Harry. "Well mi amor, I think she would know after you told her I'm your fiance. But I'm also the father of the child." Harry says with a little laugh. "Well you never know." Mrs. Wingenbird says as starts getting ready. "See, from we all know I could have cheated on you." Draco says with a smile. "No offense, but I know you won't cheat on me. How long have we been dating?" Harry says with smirk. "That is a really good question. How long have you two been together?" Mrs. Wingenbird says, as she looks at Draco. "Well we started dating when we were 13... and we are turning 24. So, 11 years almost." Draco says, while counting their fingers. "Wow, that's awesome. Now this gel is going to be cold." Mrs. Wingenbird says as she puts some of the gel on Draco's stomach. "That is cold..." Draco says while looking at Harry, and swallowing thier spit. "Hey, it's okay mi amor. Soon you won't the cold." Harry says while trying to comfort Draco. Draco takes a deep breath and looks at Mrs. Wingenbird. "Okay, if you look at the screen. I will show you the baby." Mrs. Wingenbird says as she moves the screen to Draco and Harry. They both look at the screen and try to see the baby. "Okay, you see is..." Mrs. Wingenbird says, before she moves the screen at her. "Is something wrong, doc?" Harry asks worriedly. "No,  actually it's a little surprise." Mrs. Wingenbird says with a smile, as she moves the screen back to Draco and Harry. "Okay, you see this little dot, that is moves a little bit." Mrs. Wingenbird says, as she points at the spot. Harry and Draco nod their heads. "That's your baby," Mrs. Wingenbird says, while Harry and Draco faces light up. "Now, you see this one.. well it looks like you are going to have twins." Mrs. Wingenbird says with a smile. Draco looks at Harry, with a smile. Harry looks at Draco amazed. "Now, I'm going to clean off the gel." Mrs. Wingenbird says.

Harry and Draco all the way home talked about what they think the genders are going to be. Draco thinks it's going to be a boy and girl. Harry thinks their going to be the same gender. But, both of them are happy that they are even going to be parents of 2 at once. "Have I ever asked you how many kids you are?" Draco says Harry. "No, but I don't care how many I have. If you want six kids, yeah that's a lot but that's what you want. If you want just these two, that's fine by me. I don't care I'll have as many kids as you want." Harry says grabbing Draco's hand. Draco blushes, and a laughs a little. "So, how many kids do you want?" Harry says as he looks at Draco quickly. "Well I want four, but that's depending on this pregnancy." Draco says as they look at Harry. "Okay, you want for kids even after this pregnancy you're two babies closer to having your dream." Harry says while trying to make puns. Draco laughs at Harry, while shaking his head. "Come on, where you eat?" Harry asks as he stops at a stop sign. "Well, name off places and I will let my stomach pick." Draco says with a smile. "Sounds like a plan to me." Harry says as he starts to drive, again. "But the thing is I already know where you want to go." Harry adds on, with a smile. "Really?" Draco says as they look at Harry, with a face. "Really, mi amor." Harry says, as he pulls over. "Why did you pull over?" Draco asks as he looks around. "Because I want a kiss." Harry says as he leans over the console. "I'm going to stop you." Draco says while moving closer to Harry. Harry puts a hand on Draco's cheek, then kisses Draco. Draco kisses back, while he keeps smiling. "Are you going to keep smiling, while I actually kiss you?" Harry asks with a little laugh, while breaking the kiss. Draco laughs a little, before kissing Harry. Harry gets a little surprised, but goes with it. Draco breaks the kiss, while trying not to smile. "So, you like trying to take over?" Harry asks with a smirk, while he sits back down. Draco blushes as they realized they did take over. "Sorry, I didn't mean to..." Draco says they they move closer to the door. "Mi amor, don't  feel sorry. I was joking, I'm sorry. I didn't realize that would hurt you. Mi amor, you taking over the kiss is fine." Harry says as he grabs Draco's hands. "Okay," Draco says as they move back. "Now come on, it's time for us to hit the road." Harry says as he starts the truck. Draco laughs, and staring at Harry. Harry would wink at Draco, everytime they came to a stop. Making Draco blush, and Harry laugh.

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