Congrats - part 2

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Harry was talking with Ron, when Hermione announced that Draco was coming down the stairs. Harry slowly looked up at the stairs to see, Draco and a beautiful white and gold dress, with a jacket around them and in pin in their hair. Harry was stunned, it was like looking at a god. "Wow... You look..." Harry had no words for how Draco looked. Incredible, it wasn't enough to explain it. "I have no words..." Harry says while as grabs for Draco's hands. Draco is blushing from seeing Harry's face light up. "Oh, be quiet..." Draco says while covering their face. "Come on, I don't want to waste the night," Harry says while he holds his hand out for Draco. "Either, do I." Draco says as grabs Harry hand. Harry smiles at the thought of him saying 'I do', he just wants to hear it tonight.

They get to the restaurant, and Draco could feel eyes on them. "Everyone's eyes are on you like you're the star of the show." Harry says because he also noticed the people staring at Draco. Draco laughs a little at Harry, before realizing that Harry was telling the truth. "Oh, I thought you were joking." Draco says as their show a table. "Why would I joke about that, you're gorgeous." Harry says as he pulls a seat out for Draco. Draco seats down and starts to look at the menu, trying to find their blush. Harry and Draco start to talk about what they want to eat, when the writrees starts to walk over there. "Hello, my name is Kacie. Today I will be your writrees." She says as she pulls out a notepad, "What can I get you two to drink. And I love you dress." She points her pen at Draco, and smiles brightly. "I would like a sweet sea." Harry says as he smiles at her, than looks at Draco. "I would like to have the same." Draco says with a smile, and does the same thing Harry did. "Okay, will that with lemon  on the side?" She looks at Harry and Draco both. "No, thank you. What about you, mi amor?" Harry says as he garbs Draco's hand "I'm good." Draco says while holding Harry hand back. A few minutes pass by Harry and Draco talking about how they remember their last date. "I have to use the restroom, be back on a minute." Harry says, while standing up. "Okay," Draco takes a sip of their drink. Harry walks over to Kacie, who is getting someone's dinner ready for her to take out. "Kacie, right?" Harry says while rubbing the back of his neck. She turns around and smiles. "Correct, is there you something you need?" She says while seeing that Harry is messing with something in his pocket. "Yeah, actually the person I am with tonight. I am going to propose to them." Harry says as he looks to see if Draco is looking over there, and then shows Kacie the ring. "Oh my, I'm so happy for you. And did you say them, I thought it was boy? I mean yeah I knew he was buying a dress but I thought he was going to show off someone." Kacie says while she is looking at the ground trying to figure out why Harry would call Draco them. "Yeah, that's understandable. They/them are their pronouns." Harry says while closing the  box. "Oh, that makes sense. Now I feel dumb." She says with a little laugh. "But how do you want it tonight I can have the stuff put it in his meal or I could have a little dessert come and it be on the top?" She says as she grabs a notepad from behind her. "Actually do you know anyone that could have someone write on top of a cake?" Harry says with a smile. "Yes they do and I already know where your ideas going." She says while writing something already done. Harry and Kacie talk about how tonight is going to go down.

After about 3 minutes, Harry goes back to the table with rolls. "Sorry, Kacie called me over because she forgot our rolls." Harry says as he sits down. "It's fine, and look our food is here!" Draco looks like puppy when they announces that their food is there. Harry can't help, but smile and blush. "Why, are you red?" Draco asks as they look up from their food. "You..." Harry says as he runs his tongue on his teeth.
"Cause you looked like a puppy," Harry smiles as he starts to eat his food. "Come on, eat up." Harry adds on. "Yeah I really should..." Draco blushes, and smirks. "What are thinking?" Harry says as he put his fork down. "Nothing..." Draco says as he puts some spaghetti in his mouth. "Draco, what are you thinking?" Harry asks calmly. "Do you remember what we did after our date last time?" Draco says as he swallows his food. Harry looks away for a second thinking of what they did, than it hits him. Harry turns red, and looks at Draco who is smirking. Harry, now notices why Draco is smirking. "You think you are going to take over big spoon, don't you?" Harry says with a smirk and a little laugh. "Maybe?" Draco says as he realizes that he will never be big spoon. "Draco, mi amor. I love you, but that's job." Harry says with a smile at first, but ends in a straight face. Draco blushes, and Harry smirks. They eat their dinner, with only a few words cause they both know that they will need energy for when they get home.

After they are done eating. "I decided we have a cake for dessert. I will go tell them we are down, now." Harry says with a smile. "Okay, I will use the restroom." Draco says as they stand up. Harry let's Draco go first, so he can make sure Draco's not out there when him and Kacie are getting thing together. Harry speed walks over to Kacie. "Kacie, now." Harry says when he gets to her. Kacie turns around to see with a huge smile on her face. "Let's go do this!" She says in a super excited voice. "Let's." Harry says as he pulls out the box. Kacie speed walks over to the rest of the staff, who knew what was happening already. And Harry went to make sure the table was good. 1 staff member came out with a cake, and a other with a fake ring. As they are getting everything ready, 3 other staff member and Kacie are going to try to distract Draco for a little bit. "Oh, hey Kacie right?" Draco says as he starts to walk to their table. "Yeah, and how was the meal. Is therw any compliments to the chef." Kacie says as she speed walks in front of Draco. "Yeah, I do." Draco stops and smiles. "Come let's go tell chef." One of the other ladies says. Draco shrugs his shoulders, and walks with the lady over to the kitchen. Harry is smiling and speed walks over to Kacie, who is with Draco. "We are ready." Harry whispers in Kacie ear. Kacie nods her head, as Harry speed walks away. Kacie speed walks over to their 2 ladies. "Draco the chef is actually busy, right now. But, you can write done on the paper what you liked and I will personal give it to the chef." Kaice says as she gives Draco her notepad. The 2 ladies look at confused, while Draco writing. Kacie looks at them and nods her head with a huge smile. The 2 ladies look at each other in excitement when they realize that Everything was ready. Draco hands back the notepad to Kacie. "Tell the chef he did a wonderful job." Draco says as they look like their is getting annoyed. "Will do, now come let us walk with you back." Kacie says as she winks at the other ladies. "Oh, okay." Draco says as his starts walk in front of all the ladies. "Draco we will have to put a blindfold on you. Harry do is something special." 1 of the ladies says as she winks at him. Kaice and the other lady are putting the blindfold on Draco, while the other lady is fixing their dress. Draco is so confused as they are walked over to his table. Harry starts to undo the blindfold, as he whispers something in their ear. Draco didn't hear a word Harry said, "What did you say?" Draco asked in a whisper. "I said you are going to be so happy, that you might not even make it home." Harry says as the blindfold comes off of Draco head. Draco is slightly blushing, but Harry knew he was blushing. Draco looked around at everyone, he was so confused. Some were crying he think because of happier, some where smiling ear to ear, and some where just sitting there with their hands over there months. Draco looked over at the table, and saw a cake. "Why, don't you ready that for us?" Kacie asks. Draco had just noticed that the 2 other ladies and Kaice haven't felt. "Will you marry me?" Draco says he glups his own spit. "Draco Lucius Malfoy..." Harry says on one knee and is getting the ring out of his pocket, Draco is staring at him with a mouth open wide. "I have loved you since I was 12. You gave me your heart when we were 13. I will never forget the night we decide meet up. That was the night I was certain I loved you. My love for you has no changed, since. So I ask, the only person I could the rest of life with. The only person I will ever wait on. My heart, my soul, and my world belong to you. So," Harry takes a deep breath, as he stares into Draco's eyes. Everyone in the restaurant, where looking at them. Draco was crying, and staring back at Harry. "Will you marry me?" Harry asks without any worries in the world. "Yes! Yes! Yes, yes, yes!" Draco says as he tries to wipe the tears way, but he can't because they keep coming. Harry stands up fast, and puts the ring on Draco ring finger. Draco couldn't believe that soon he is going to be 'Mr. Potter'. Everyone on the restaurant as clapping, as cheering on for Harry and Draco. But Harry and Draco didn't care about everyone else, they only cared about each other at very moment. Harry lens in and kisses Draco, Draco kisses. They split apart to smile and laugh, then they stare into each other's eyes.

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