Day turn Into Weeks

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Harry and Draco only have to be in the hospital for a few days. They babies were able to leave the same day as Draco did. Narcissa stayed at Harry's house, with Pansly and Blaise. Harry had been going over their and checking up on them before leaving again. He was right there for anything Draco need or wanted. Harry would tell Draco their wrong, when Draco said they were still fat. He would sing songs to the babies, make sure to take care of them during the night, Harry was right there. Draco was so happy that Harry was going to be their husband very soon. And they could already see them having more kids. Harry loved everytime he saw James and Lily smiled. He would look at the twins like the world was going to end, and learned that Lily has Draco's eyes, James has their smile. But he didn't want to spend every minute with them. He would the rest of the time he wasn't hanging out with the twins, he would spend with Draco.

"Hey my amor, do you think we should for dinner tonight?" Harry asked Draco, as he came downstairs from taking care of the babies. Harry looked around for Draco but didn't see them, so he went to the kitchen. "Draco..." Harry says as walks into the kitchen, and looks for Draco. Harry starts to get worried, and proceeds to go outside. Draco was looking over the porch, while drinking something. Draco ever since they had got there loved how hight is, and they said it was because of what you look over look. Harry opens the sild door, which makes Draco turn around. "You scared." Harry says with still a worried face. "How?" Draco turns their whole body to Harry. Harry walks towards Draco, and takes a deep breath. "I didn't know where you went. And I got scared that something bad happened." Harry says as he crosses his arms, and puts them on the porch. Draco smiles smiles softly, then gives Harry a kiss on the cheek. "Well, nothing bad happened to me. And I can thank you for that." Draco says as the look at the flowers that we're dying. Harry smilea seeing what Draco is looking at, "Looks like your favorite season is coming fast." Harry says. Draco laughs a little, because they can't remember the last time them and Harry didn't go outside and play in the fallen leaves, just once. "And this year, we have 2 more joining us." Draco says with a smile, and looks at all the leaves on the trees. Harry smiles, he all had something planned like that. "What if, I said it a setup a picture day." Harry says with a chuckle, and a tiny smile. Draco looked at Harry, to make sure they heard him correctly. "What?" Draco says as Harry pulls something out of his pocket. Harry gave Draco a piece of paper, that has a date and the on it. "I wanted to get some pictures made, especially with the twins. I thought you would like it especially since it's your favorite season." Harry says while looking at Draco face light up, he loved making Draco's face light up. "and I thought also that maybe even your mum, Pansy, and Blaise could join us." Harry add on while looking away from Draco with a huge smile. Draco mouth opened wide, they couldn't believe what Harry has done. Draco kisses Harry cheek, and Harry moves his body towards Draco. Draco gives him a soft, nice kiss. Harry loved it when Draco have this kind of kisses away. "Thank you." Draco said as they pulled away from Harry, and looked at Harry's eyes. Harry wanted to kiss Draco again, but before he could he heard clapping. He remember that he decided to let his partners best friends and Mum, stay with them. So he just looked at them, and smiled. "That was adorable." Pansy says with a wide smile, Narcissa is acting as if she is wiping tears. Blaise is just standing their smiling at Harry. Draco laughs a little, making Harry looks at Draco. "So, I'm guessing you guys want the information as well?" Harry asks as he looks back the group. Draco looks at the group as well and places his head on Harry chest. Making Harry hug him, Harry just smiles and looks at him. "Okay, could you both stop being completely adorable?" Pansy asks sarcastically, making Narcissa laugh and Blaise nod his head as he laughed as well. Harry and Draco break out into laughter as well, they look at each other. Harry leans in and kisses Draco, and Draco kisses back. They pull away when they hear the babies crying, "Want to go take care of the babies with me?" Harry asks Draco, Draco laughs a little. Harry leans his forehead on Draco's forehead, and they just keep staring into each other's eyes. "I will take care of the babies, to two go out on the town." Narcissa says as she goes in. Harry and Draco look at Narcissa, they watch as Pansy and Blaise follow her. Harry looks at Draco, and Draco looks at Harry. They both look back at the door, and they both ran to Narcissa. "Mum wait!" Draco yells while they run up the stairs. By the time they got to the babies room, the door was already closed. "What are we going to do now?" Harry asks Draco with a confused face. "I don't know, it feels like just yesterday I had the babies." Draco says as they look up at Harry. Harry hugs Draco, "It feels just like yesterday, I was being told I was going to be a father. But days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months and months turn into years." Harry says as he starts to get quite. Harry smiles at Draco, and than grabs their hands and takes them down stairs. "But, we have to focus on the next important thing in our life." Harry says as smiles at Draco. Draco realizes what Harry is talking about and smiles at him. "Your right. Now we have to focus on our wedding." Draco says with a huge smile. "Come on let's go get some supplies you think we'll need." Harry says as he grabs the keys off the key chain. Draco smiles, and slips on their shoes. Narcissa, Pansy, and Blaise smile at hearing what the two love birds are going to do.

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