Honeymoon (+14)

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The rest of the day/night was beautiful. Everyone was laughing, smiling, just having a good time. When it the day/night ended, everyone was exhausted. Harry and Draco got home to see some bags packed and Pansy, Narcissa grinning.

"First we are going to bed. Our flight is not until 9:00 a.m." Harry says while rubbing his eyes. Draco is practically falling asleep while standing. Draco starts to fall, and Harry catches them before they could get hurt. "And your kid is going to get hurt if they don't get to bed." Harry adds as he picks up Draco the bride way. Pansy rollers her eyes, and takes Lily upstairs to her brother. "Pansy, dear. If Draco doesn't get their rest then we won't be having another baby in this house." Narcissa says as she watches Pansy go to the room. Narcissa waves goodnight to Harry, and walks away. Leaving Harry shooked and a passed out Draco.

The next morning, Harry and Draco got up around 8. And Narcissa got up with them to wish them goodbye, and to tell them that the kids are in goods hands. They got on the plane and headed to Hawaii. When they finally got to the beach house, Harry notices one thing which was going to come in handy. No one was around their beach house. Draco was already in the house, looking at the beautiful furniture. Harry walks into the house to see Draco's eyes fixed on the windows in their bedroom. There was two massive windows, and it made Draco smile. They had always loved big windows, to them the windows look like portals that could lead to outside.

After a few seconds Harry walks in to Draco looking at the windows. "Remember their is glass." Harry says with a little chuckle. Draco turns their head around to look at Harry and sticks their tongue. Harry laughs at Draco, and Draco just smiles. "Come one let put are stuff away." Harry says as he grabs one of their suitcases. Draco nods their heads and picks up one of their suitcases. After a few minutes, Harry and Draco have looked at the house and put their stuff away. They are only staying for 2 weeks.

⚠️ Sexual Interactions (Sex, etc.)⚠️
⚠️ Cussing⚠️

When they completely finished, Harry looked at Draco with a smirk. Draco looks up at see Harry smirking. "Yes..." Draco says as Harry walks over to them. Harry pulled Draco close to him, then he puts his hands on their waist. Draco had a confused face. "I thought you said you wanted to have a other baby." Harry says as he starts kissing Draco's neck. Draco gasps, "Yeah I did say that." Draco says while trying not to gasp. They didn't mind that Harry was doing this. Harry stops after leaving a few love marks on his neck. "Do you still want to bring them home a sibling?" Harry says with a smirk. Draco just blushes and looks away, then they nodded their head. Harry smirks at Draco, then goes back to attacking their neck. Draco gasps as Harry bits a sensitive spot. Harry takes his hands off their waist, and his hands under Draco's ass. Draco knew what that meant. Draco puts their arms around Harry's neck then, with the help of Harry, they put their legs around Harry. Harry stopped attacking Draco neck, and starts to kiss Draco. Draco falls into the kiss, like usual. Harry slides his tongue on the top of Draco's top lip. Draco had a plan, if they were a brat they would have a very fun night. So, Draco denied access for Harry. Harry grabs Draco's ass, making them gasp and allowing Harry to slide his tongue in. Harry started to walk to the bedroom. He breaks away but, still extremely close to Draco's lips. "Scream as loud as you can for me, love." Harry says before going back to kissing Draco. Oh Merlin I will, Draco thinks as Harry grabs their ass again. Draco couldn't take any longer, they started to unbutton his shirt. Harry just smirks in the heated make out. Harry finally made it to the bedroom. Harry broke the kiss, leaving Draco's lips a little bruised. Harry threw Draco onto the bed. Draco starts to take of their shirt, lucky it was a slide on shirt. When got of their shirt they look down to take of their pants, but stopped themselves when they remember they wearing a bra. It was dark red, and their underwear matched it. Draco wanted this to happen, even if they were the one to make it happen. Harry was a little shooked, but didn't care. Draco looks up at Harry still smirking and they know that means Harry as idea. Draco continues to take their pants off, then they look up at Harry. Draco smiles and looks down at Harry's pants. Harry smirks at Draco, and shook his head. Draco didn't even care Harry said no, they were taking his pants off. Draco crawled over to Harry. Harry made a face that read 'you better not'. Draco didn't look up at Harry knowing they would se what face and they just started to work on Harry's pants. Harry chuckles, making Draco try to get his pants off faster.  Of course even his chuckle right now turns me on, Draco thinks as they finally gets Harry's pants off. Draco looks at the thing that will get them pregnant, and stands up now. But before Draco could try anything they got pushed down on the bed. Harry put his hand on Draco wrists, making be lifted over their head. Oh I'm in trouble,  Draco glups. Harry's eyes were filled with lust, and Harry was going to make sure Draco would be pregnant. "Well someone is being a brat today." Harry says seductively. Draco didn't dare squirm or try to move. "I think someone needs to be punished." Harry says as he looks at Draco's ass. Draco starts to blush, they knew exactly what that meant. "I'll suck!" Draco says while trying not to sound demanding. Draco knew Harry liked blowjobs, Draco knew this very well. Harry got a smirk on his face, and let Draco wrist go. Harry stands up in front of Draco. Draco looks at Harry's crock, lord did it fit Harry. It was a nice (well to Draco) 8in, and it was hard. Harry looks at Draco and sees were he is staring. "Well someone likes their prize." Harry says with a smirk. Draco snapped their head up to look at Harry then smiles, "Yeah I do." Draco says. Harry raises his eyebrows, and get a bigger smirk. Oh fuck, Draco thinks before Harry kisses them again.

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