Some Crawling and Some Planning

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Harry and Draco loved it when they didn't wake up to crying. Which barely happened, and they were both surprise. Well because everyone they knew that already had a kid, told them that the babies will be waking them up in the middle of night. But for them that the babies stopped crying at night when they turned around a month old. Harry and Draco both agreed that the babies are growing up quick it feel likes.

"In a week will be taking pictures, in 7 mouths were going be married, and the babies are already 3 months old!" Draco says as they look at the calendar. Harry was sitting down, and looking surprised himself. Harry just looked at the calendar, and so did Draco. They looked at each other, then they babies start to cry. "Come on, we are parents." Harry says while playfully rolling his eyes. Draco laughs at Harry, and than grabs his hand. They go upstairs, to see Lily and James standing up with the help of their cribs. "Go get your mom, and camera." Harry says as he puts one of his head in front of Draco. Draco nods their head, and slowly leaves the room. Draco comes back quickly with their mum, and a camera. They started to recording the babies. Harry, Draco, and Narcissa stared at the babies. "Mrs. Malfoy is thos normal?" Harry asks as he looks at Narcissa, anld Narcissa just shrugs her shoulders. James and Lilly both look at each other, than smile and sit down. Harry and Draco look at each other, than at their babies. They both laugh, while Narcissa leaves.

That next we they started to let the babies, get on floor. While they were planning, and watching. Soon, before long they babies were crawling. Harry and Draco with both shocked, but happy. "Hey Draco, you can get the phone?" Harry asks/yelled for upstairs. Harry was taking of the babies, and Draco was making a flower arrangement. "Okay." Draco says back to Harry, and go up to get the phone. "Hi, this Draco Potter." Draco says as he didn't realize the phone number. "Wow, I'm using Potter I hear." A girl voice says from the other line. Draco knew who it was, "Luna! How have you been?" Draco says with a huge smile, they haven't talked to them in almost 3 months. To Draco and Luna that was a very long time, because they were almost like siblings. "Hi, Draco. Me I have been great. To call and ask how are the babies I just found out the two days ago that you have them. If we finally got the letter." Luna says, Draco could fell that she was rolling her eyes. Draco laughs a little, and Luna laughs a little as well. "So, their names are Lily and James. That is so adorable how you let Harry use his parents names." Luna says on the other side. Draco pauses for a minute, they know that Luna would never say something like that. "Give me a second Luna, Harry needs me..." Draco says as he sees Harry. Harry goes up behind, Draco. "Shhh... I don't think that's Luna." Draco says as he turns their head to Harry. Harry nods his head and listens into the call. "No! He can't know! Draco is a cockroach!" The person who was betraying Luna. Draco noticed that voice, they heart fell. "How?!" Draco whispers has they look almost in tears. Harry notices this, and gets worried. "What's wrong? Who is it?" Harry says as he turns Draco around to face him. Draco looks at Harry, they were panicking. "Hang up..." Draco says as they grap on to Harry shirt, and is trying not to cry. Harry does that, and goes back to being right there for Draco. "It... It was... Astoria..." Draco said well taking deep breaths. Harry hugs Draco tigght, he hates Greengrass more than he hated anyone. Harry wants to murder her more than ever, right now. "Harry... Please... Protect me..." Draco says as he looks at Harry. Harry hug Draco tighter, "She is not getting close to you or anyone you don't like." Harry says with some anger. Harry knows how Draco feels about her, and he wants to kill her. "Her, nobody else is getting close to you and our kids." Harry says as he kisses Draco forehead. Draco knew Harry was angry at Astoria, and they had already told Harry about the dress scene. Harry picked up Draco, and carried them into the living room. "What are you doing?" Draco asks as Harry puts him down. Harry smiles, and sits down next to him. "I am helping you plan, and maybe going to tease you." Harry looks Draco up and down with a smirk. Draco looks down at why Harry did that, they realize what they are wearing. They were a large t-shirt, and just a some underwear. Oh I messed, Draco instantly thinks. They try to go back to work, and not to think about what Harry said. But, of course Harry had other plans. Harry starts to rub Draco's thigh and Draco wanted to push Harry's hand off, but they just couldn't do it.

Lucky Narcissa, Pansy, Blaise went out with Hermione, and Ron. And they took they babies, so they were home alone. But, they had no clue when they were going to come home.

"Harry, we don't know when they coming home." Draco says as Harry keeps rubbing, and grabbing their thighs. Harry knew Draco was right but didn't care, this is their house. After a few minutes, Draco wanted to give in. "Swear it." Draco mumbles to themselves. Draco puts down the papers down they were working on, and got on to Harry's lap. "Only a make up session." Draco says as they get close to Harry's face. Harry smiles knowing he won the game. "Fine by me." Harry says with a smirk. Harry puts his hands on Draco's back, and finds Draco's lips. Draco wrapped their arms around Harry's neck, and kisses back. Harry licks Draco's bottom lip asking for entrance, and Draco aloud him to enter. Harry moved his hands down to Draco's butt, and squeezed it. This tired the just make out session, into heated make out session. Draco and Harry had to pull away after a few minutes, for a air. Harry was trying not to pant but he was taking big deep breaths. "I... Hate... You..." Draco says in between breathes. Harry laughs at Draco, and Draco laughs with him. Harry and Draco just put their heads together, and stayed the way their were.

A they both fell to sleep before long. Narcissa, Pansy, and Blaise walk on with the babies. They all came in, and smiled at the two lovebirds. They took the babies up stairs, and went to their rooms. Harry and Draco woke up later to hear the babies babbling, on the floor. "Good evening lovebirds." Pansy says as she notices Draco, and Harry woke up. Harry and Draco both just noded to Pansy, then kisses each other. Pansy laughs at them, and continues to play with the babies. After Harry and Draco get down kissing, they look at their kids. They laugh at the Lily, who smacks James for taking on of her blocks. But what made them laugh was her face. James learned his lesson and put the black back. Harry and Draco couldn't wait to see them grow up, but at the same time they wanted them to stay babies. They looked at each other, and just knew the future was out of their hands.

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