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It's been 9 or so years since, Harry and Draco have had their last two kids. Draco had gave birth to two twin girls, Who look identical.
Draco and Harry we're definitely done with kids. Well, at least having them.
"Harry, I don't feel to good." Draco says as they start to seat up for the day. Harry looks at them concerned, but before they could say a word they run to the bathroom throwing up.
This went on for about 4 days, before Harry went to go by a pregnancy test. Draco took it, and it came back positive. Yes, it was expected but they were happy about it.
Draco and Harry found out they were 7 weeks along. They had already told the kids, which they had 6 of. Everyone was so happy about it.
But, not everything stays happy. On Draco's 17th week, they got a bad cramp in their abdomen. It felt like having a baby.
Harry in a rush took him to the hospital. Draco and Harry had found out, that Draco had a miscarriage. And the baby was already dead, by the time they got their.
Draco went into depression, and Harry did everything in their power to try and make them happy. But, nothing would work. It's funny to think, everything could be going so well and then be ruined.
Eventually, the Draco's depression goes away. By this time, Athena and Adeline were 10. Draco realized they had what alot of people wanted. Even though sometimes it was hard, they still tried to remember that.
Harry was always right beside them, even when they felt like they weren't good enough for Harry. Harry stood strong next to them. And was proud to call them his forever partner.
It's been two years, since Draco's long term depression. Today all their kids, and even then are going to Hogwarts.
Harry and Draco became teachers at Hogwarts Athena and Adeline's 1st year.
Harry is the professor for DADA, and is the Slytherin house headmaster. While, Draco is the Potions teacher. They love it.
All them are happy the ways things are now. And can't imagine things changing, and if they did. The Potter's would find a way to work over it.
Cause that's what having a family is all about, and they are together

This is one of the books I was able to accomplish, thanks you all. I have made other Drarry storys (A Drarry oneshot, and the sequel to this one). I am still working on them, but I put the links here. https://www.wattpad.com/story/287255257?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create&wp_uname=JulieAnnnickle&wp_originator=q7jI0xs4ABz2YRDGZwO2fWkAxKrnT6yLbrXv0lVVuqifWO65kKj0bPF1A%2Fkgd8D7u8VkdShBQf3t1rfptm2BuCgvYW%2FI6G21upL9qCZnNFviAJQ4mPuh0AKp5ZNJFUlY


I have even been working on a lesbian love story, called "Our Life, Our Story". And here is the link to this story.


I hope you all enjoyed this story, and are going to enjoy this storys. Thank you for everything, and I hope you have a good day or night.

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