The Dress

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A/n- in the chapter I will be showing pictures of the dress Draco's picks, the dress for their bridesmaids, and Lily's dress

Harry and Draco couldn't believe it. In less than year than planned on getting married. They already picked the date, and they had made their minds up on the theme. Now it was time for them both to pick their dress and suit. They already asks everyone they knew to be part of the wedding.

"Draco!" Hermione yells as she sees them, outside a wedding dress shop. Pansy, Narcissa, Hermione, Rose, and Lily were all joining them. "We are going to make sure you pick the perfect dress, for your special day." Pansy says with a wide smile. Draco was happy that their best friends new and old, and their mum were helping. For the babies, we were there just to look cute and their little dresses. "I can't wait to see Lily in her flower girl dress." Narcissa says with Lily in her arms. Draco took a deep breath, they couldn't believe how big she was.

It felt like last week, they had to through all that pain for her and her brother. But, now they will be 2 mouths old in 4 days. Draco could see her blonde hair, they were in curls. While James had brown hair, and was flat. Draco has a feel that Lily will have Harry's mess hair, that looks brush but at the same doesn't. While James was going to have his hair, straight and soft. Draco did care, them and Harry loved them like they were gonna lose them. Oh, how Draco wouldn't care to have to go through that pain again just for a another baby.

"You okay their Draco, dear?" Narcissa asks as she noticed her child zoned out. Draco noded and smile, "Just thinking about how time flies." Draco says while looking at Lily. Everyone laughed, because they knew they were too right. "Well, come on time to say..." Pansy started. Hermione, Pansy, Narcissa, and Draco all got into a show about saying yes to the perfect dress, called 'Say Yes To The Dress'. "Say yes to the dress!" Everyone yelled, but didn't yell to loud to scare the babies. Pansy and Draco chained arms while Narcissa and Hermione hold the babies, and the four of them walked in like their bosses.

After looking around a bit, a lady came up to them. "Hello, I am looking for soon-to-be Potter." A lady asks with a smile. It didn't take long for Pansy and Narcissa to recognize the lady. Her dark brown hair with dark brown eyes, and her voice gave her right away. "Astoria Greengrass..." Draco mumbled under their breath. They turned around to see her wide smile, they stepped forward to take Lily from their mum's arms. When they accidentally locked eyes with her. "Draco?" Astoria asks almost in disbelief. Draco looked at their mother, and took their baby girl out of her arms. "Well, looks like you got close to Granger to be here with her." Astoria said a little snobby.

Astoria was never this way at Hogwarts, not until Draco told her that the arranged marriage was off. Draco's father how to arranged a marriage with her family, cause she was a pure-blood. But them and Harry were dating, and they loved Harry to much to leave him. She tried to start a fight with Draco, but Pansy protected Draco. She had or has no clue that they are transgender.

"Can we get someone else." Pansy tries to ask nicely, but came out tough. Astoria smiles than looks at Hermione, "Wow, look there you're wearing a wedding ring and you're also carrying the baby. So which one was it Weasley or Potter?" Astoria says with an evil wink at the end. Draco snaps their head around at her. "Excuse me?!" Draco says as they walk forward. "Draco, dear can I hold Lily." Narcissa says, not really asking. But just taking her. Astoria gets a confused face, and looks around at the group. Astoria looks back at Draco, "What?" She asks in a sweet voice. Draco looks at her with the most nastiest look they ever gave anyone. "First of all. Her name is not Granger it's Hermione Granger-Weasley, start using it correctly. Secondly don't become a snob because I rejected you because of a arranged marriage my father set up. And third of all you don't even know me, you don't know nothing about me." Draco says with a smile while trying to make her tone, but sometimes losing it because of how mad they are. Astoria can't believe Draco really stood out to her after all these years, and she wanted to laugh. "Wow, Granger-Weasley. Now let me guess you're getting married to Potter?" She starts to laugh, almosy making herself cry. Draco smiles at her, "Actually yes. I'm the soon-to-be Potter. And do not make fun of my friend's name. Filthy pure-blood." Draco says with a smile until the end, trying to sound like how they used to sound like. Hermione looked like she had justs been given a award, Narcissa and Pansy lookes like they were to shout 'You got! You are the best!'. Astoria lost her balance hearing Draco say, something negative towards pure-bloods. "Now, go find someone else that's not from Hogwarts." Draco says with serious face, while moving their hand like they shewing a fly. This made every wanted to laugh so hard. Astoria didn't even look at anyone else but, Draco and went to find someone else.

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