Something Wrong - part 2

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"Well, it's just. I don't know how to this. Usually they baby on that hormonal pill don't survive the pregnancy..." Mr.C Chamberlain says while looking down at his clipboard. Draco could feel Harry's heart stop, and Harry could feel Draco's great stop. They were going to lose the a baby or even both. "But, you have made it far. And you are pregnant with twins. And by now a baby or babies would both be dead. So, I am surprised. But, I think the babies are both going to survive the pregnancy." Mr. Chamberlain adds on, while looking at up from his clipboard. Harry and Draco both look at each other, and smile. Draco couldn't believe it, the babies were going to be okay. They babies are going to be okay, Draco is going to be okay, Harry think while staring at Draco. "But, I will have to give you medicine to help get that hormonal pill out of your system. And just take the medicine I am giving you until in runs out." Mr. Chamberlain says as he stands up. "Thank you, Mr. Chamberlain." Harry says standing up, so he can shake Mr. Chamberlain hands. "Your welcome." Mr. Chamberlain says as he shakes Harry's hand. Harry sits back down, as Mr. Chamberlain leaves to go get the prescription ready for Draco. "It looks like you were right." Draco says with a small smile. Harry laughs a little, "They are both going to be strong fighters. I can tell you that now." Harry says as he looks at Draco's belly. "You know you can touch them." Draco says as they take Harry's hand and put it on his belly. Harry is a little shocked, and a little nervous. "Hey, it's okay. Your no going to hurt them. Like you just said, they are strong fighters." Draco says as they look at Harry. Harry nods his head in agree that is what he just said. Harry looks up at Draco with a smile, and to Draco that smile could light up the whole world. Harry looked back down at Draco's belly, when all of the sudden he felt one of them move. Harry's eyes went to shock, and nervousness, Harry's hands started to shake. Draco could feel Harry hand shaking, so they took their hand of Harry's hand. As soon as Draco no longer had their hand on Harry's hand, he quickly moved his hand. "Are you okay? You so well." Draco says as they see Harry stare at his hands. "I felt one of move babies. And I fought I hurt it or was going to hurt it." Harry says while he taking deep breaths. "It's okay. You didn't hurt them or we're going to hurt them. I pretty sure they felt happy having their father finally touch them." Draco says as looks at Harry with puppy eyes. Harry takes a deep breath, and then grab Draco's hands. Harry and Draco both disappear from the world they were in and went into another one. Until, Mr. Chamberlain opens the door, Harry looks away from Draco and looks at the doctor. "Okay, here you go. The medicine should be ready by this afternoon." Mr. Chamberlain says as he hands Harry the piece of paper. "Thank you, again." Harry says as takes the paper. Harry looks at Draco with a smile, then stands up to shake Mr. Chamberlain's hand. Harry and Mr. Chamberlain shook hands. Then, Mr. Chamberlain left the room. "I know you're probably not ready to get the medicine, but are you ready?" Harry says as he puts his hand out for Draco. "I am." Draco says they grab Harry's hand. They both left, and holding each other hands.

A few days go by, and Draco has been taking their medicine. They haven't been throwing up that much, but they still do sometimes. To day is the day the find out the genders. "Mi amor, have you took your medicine yet?" Harry asks as he turns around to face Draco. "That's why I just came down here." Draco says going over to the kitchen counter where their medicine is. "Good." Harry says as he turns back to the sink. Harry turns back on the water and starts to wash something. Draco notices, while taking their medicine. "What are you washing?" Draco says after they take their medicine. "Hermione came by early, and said that this is the baby gender reveal picture. And if you or me could wash it off, then we would get a prize. But, it's covered in permanent marker." Harry says as he looks at the small picture. Draco laughs a little then walks over to Harry and gets in front of him. The baby bump makes Harry step back a little, and Harry puts his hands on the baby bump. Draco puts their hands on Harry's face. "You are growing a beard, it feels like." Draco says as Harry looks at them. Draco laughs a little before saying what he was originally going to say, "But, it's fine baby. After all we are going to find out later today." Draco says as they smile at Harry. Harry nods his, "I guess your right." Harry says as he looks at the babies. "You guess?" Draco says making Harry look up at them. "I mean, you are right." Harry says quickly, before Draco could get really mad. Draco laughs a little, while shaking their head. "Come on, we need to get ready." Harry says as he picks Draco up the bridal way. "Harry!?" Draco says as they picked up, "Put me down, I'm going to hurt you." Draco says as Harry starts to walk. "To late, I'm already walking." Harry says as he looks down at Draco. Draco looks away from Harry's gaze, making Harry laugh a little.

(It's a little short because I really couldn't think of what else to add, sorry)

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