Wait (+14)

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Harry and Draco finally get out of the restaurant, after almost a hour of everyone congratulate them. And Draco wasn't going to wait until he got home, for the rest of the night ahead. Harry was just wanting to get home, so he could enjoy the rest of the night. He had already texted Ron and said that him and Draco had some plans for the night. Ron understood, and told everyone that they needed to leave. "I can't wait for the rest of the night, now." Draco says as he walks in front of Harry, and turns his head slightly to the side so Harry could he their smirk. Harry couldn't help, but look at the back of Draco. Harry mind just went to their last date, and what they did after.

⚠️ Sexual Interactions (Sex, Dry Sex, etc.)⚠️
⚠️ Cussing⚠️

Harry and Draco had just back to the empty house. Mr. Malfoy, and Mrs. Malfoy had to leave for Mr. Malfoy's business trip. Harry didn't know came over him, but he want to taste Draco. Draco wanted to taste Harry, as well. So, Harry pinned Draco on the wall. "I don't know as came over me, but I want to taste you in my mouth. And I don't mean from your mouth." Harry says as he looks Draco, up and down. Draco still didn't want Harry knowing he was transgender, "dry!" Draco says as he moves his head to give Harry access to his neck. Harry knew what he meant when he said dry, but he wanted the real thing. But, at least dry sex is better than no sex. So, Harry started to give Draco kisses up and down his neck. Harry was leaving hickeys on Draco neck. While Harry was doing that, Draco was trying not to moan. But he have up on that hit a sweet spot on his neck. "Ah~" Draco moaned as he grabbed Harry's head with one hand, while the other was on Harry's back. Harry wanted to hear Draco moan again, so badly. So, Harry picked Draco up and went to Draco's room. Draco was trying to kisses Harry, all the way up there but failed. After getting in Draco's room, Harry through Draco on the bed. Harry put himself on top of Draco, but Draco decided otherwise. Draco filped Harry over, and but his ass right on Harry's dick. Then, Draco started to move his ass back and forth. Harry was taking deep breaths, as he was gripping on to Draco's thighs.
(End of flashback)

Harry wanted the real thing this time. But, he understood if Draco wasn't ready for the real thing. But, little did he know that Draco wanted the real thing more than Harry. Harry was driving home, and Draco was staring at Harry dick. Draco found Harry's wallet, and had a whole plan worked out in his head. Draco though Harry's wallet under Harry's feet. Harry noticed, "Mi amor, can you get that for me. I need my wallet, so I can stop at on more place." Harry says as he looks over at Draco. This was news to Draco, that he needed to stop. Then it hit them, Harry needed to get condoms. But, Draco didn't care if get got pregnant. "Okay, sure." Draco says as goes through with his plan. Draco unbuckled and was looking like he was looking for he wallet. When, actually he was carefully pulling down Harry fly. When, Draco got the fly down, he made his next move. Which was to give Harry a blow job. And that's what Draco was trying to do there. Harry had felt Draco teeth on his dick, and instantly got hard. Harry knew he needed to pull over for a second. And that's what he did, than he pulled Draco off of his dick. "What do you think your doing?" Harry asks as he is taking beep breaths. "You know, as well I know what I was doing." Draco said with a smirk. "Fine, just be careful. And try not to make me have car accident." Harry says as starts to move his seat back a little bit. Draco knew what this meat, and instantly got in between his legs. "I won't try to." Draco knew that he had to be hard. Harry nods his head, as he started to head to his again. Within 5 minutes, Harry was trying not to focus on Draco but instead the road. They were almost to his house, just a little bit further and they would be home. Finally, they made it to Harry's house. Harry has been grunting everytime started to drive, but he was stopped his hand his on Draco's head. "We're home..." Harry says as he picks up Draco's head. Draco was mad about Harry lefting their head up. Harry didn't take anytime, as he got out of his truck he picked up Draco. Draco was smirking, while Harry started to think of a plan. Draco was still going through their plan. Harry put Draco down, and then walked away. Draco follows Harry into Harry's bedroom, that's when Harry disappear. Draco knew he was up to something, so he decided to sit on the bed. Draco seats down, and starts to take off their dress. When, they hear the shower start. Harry was planning something, and Draco didn't have no idea what it was. Draco decide it would best if they layed back, until Harry was done with his shower. But, Draco hears the door to the bathroom open. And there was Harry in the doorway, with a smirk on his face. Harry turned around to turn off the shower. Draco was just staring at the doorway, and waiting for Harry to come back. Harry came back, and just stood there in the doorway. Draco stood up, and started to walk over to Harry. Harry's plan was working, as Draco was only a few feet way Harry turned Draco around and pins them against the wall. "We can only do dry." Harry says as looks away from Draco. "What do you mean?" Draco asks as they move Harry's head so he looks at them. "I don't have any condoms." Harry says as he backs up from Draco. "Oh, well." Draco says as he walks up to Harry. "Draco, you could get pregnant!" Harry says as he sits on the bed. "Okay, and?!" Draco says as they stands up in front of Harry. "Are you ready for a kid?" Harry asks looking at Draco. "Yes, I am ready. I love that you wanting to be careful, but next time ask if I'm ready. Just don't say something that deals with both of us." Draco says as smiles at Harry. Harry take a deep breath, "When, what are we waiting for?" Harry asks as pulls Draco down to his lap. Draco smiles as they wraps his legs around Harry. Harry starts to kissing Draco passionate, and Draco kisses back while also taking Harry shirt off. Harry starts to move from their lip to their neck. Draco starts to grunt, from Harry sucking on their neck. Harry turned Draco over to the bed, and starts to take off their underwear. Draco sits up, after Harry got done with take off their underwear and starts to take of Harry's underwear. Before they both knew it, they were having sex. Harry dick, was just a little bit in Draco. While Draco was moaning from the pain and from having just a little bit of Harry's dick inside him. "H-Harry put it i-in!" Draco quietly yells as they grabs the bed covers. "As you wish." Harry smirks, and then goes all the way in. Harry didn't even think ask if Draco was ready for him to start thrusting. Draco starts to moan up a strom, from the pleasure. "H-Harry~" Draco moans, before biting his lip. Harry loved hear his soon to be husband/wife was moaning his name. "H-hard! f-faster!" Draco says fast so he can get it out before he moans again. Harry smirks at Draco, and does what Draco says to do. But now he is closer to coming. "Draco..." Harry says out of breath, "I'm about to cum..." Harry says as he stops thrusting. "I don't care! I just don't want to you stop!" Draco yells at Harry, while they is trying to catch their. Harry forgot all about Draco having a chance of getting pregnant, and starts to thurt again. After about 2 minutes Harry cums in Draco. "Draco... You now have a 50/50 change of getting pregnant..." Harry says as he pulls out. "I don't care... I would love to be a mom..." Draco says with an smile. Draco starts to feel something inside them, they knew that they would end up pregnant. "Now... Give me some more..." Draco says they are catching their birth. "As you wish." Harry says as he puts his dick back inside Draco. Draco starts moaning, while they are trying to tell Harry to go faster and deeper. "I know, but your tight!" Harry says as he tries to go faster and deeper. "God! Your so fucking tight!" Harry says as he is still trying to go faster. Draco moans as he tries to say something. "P-please j-just try!" Draco yells as they start moving their body back and forth, like they are getting fucked. Suddenly, Draco wasn't tight anymore. Harry knew that means Draco stopped being nervous or the cum is up inside of Draco. "Well... Looks like you will be... Getting what you want..." Harry says as he starts to go faster. Draco moans from pleasure, as he opens his legs wider. Now, Draco's legs almost make a perfect V shape. While, Harry is pounding Draco. After 10 more minutes go by, Draco and Harry were exhausted. But, Draco wanted to please Harry. Harry pulls out, and then smirks at Draco. "Move over, I want to sit." Harry says as smiles at Draco. Draco moves over,and Harry lays besides Draco. "N-now, tell me isn't this better then dry sex?" Draco asks with a smirk. "Fucking yes. No that was not a pun intended." Harry says as he sits up. "Can I do something?" Draco asks with a smirk. "Sure, I'm laying back." Harry says as he lays down. Draco stands up, but then feels something wet in between their legs. "What?" Draco whispers, but Harry heard. "What's wrong?" Harry asks as he looks at Draco. "In between my legs are wet?" Draco says as he looks back at Harry with confusing. "Mi amor, it's either because of the cum or because your puss is wet." Harry says with a little laugh. "Hang on, that can happen?!" Draco says as he looks down in shock. "Yes, it's because you were is pleased. It's like me cumming, but for you it's wetness." Harry says sits slightly up. "Oh..." Draco says as he sits on the floor. Harry laughs a little than lays back down. And Draco takes the opportunity. Draco starts move over to Harry. Then, Draco gets next to Harry's dick. Draco careful put Harry's dick in their mouth. Harry sits up, as soon as he felt Draco put his dick in their mouth. Draco looks up at Harry, and smirks. Harry looks at Draco, who is trying to put a 9 in dick in their mouth while licking it as they move up more. When finally to where he can't take anymore, he takes to move back and forth. Harry grab the bed, and starts to grunt. Draco starts to go faster, almost choking themselves. Harry is trying not to put his hand on Draco's head, while he still grunting. Draco stops and take out Harry's dick out of their mouth for a second. "Put your hand on head." Draco says, before putting Harry's dick back in his mouth. Harry smirks, as he grabs Draco hair and starts to move Draco back and forth. Draco lets Harry do it, back picks up the speed. After about 3 minutes, Harry cums in Draco month. Draco swallows, almost all of it while looking at Harry. After swallowing all that they can,Draco takes Harry's dick out. Harry falls to the bed, and Draco gets on the bed with Harry. Draco lays on, while putting his head on Harry chest. Draco and Harry both look at each other. Then, thety both go to sleep. While, Harry is holding Draco, and Draco is smiling while is hand and head are on Harry's chest.

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