The Days

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"Draco, are you home yet?" Harry called out as he carried James care seat in. "Harry!" Draco called as he came down the stairs. Harry quickly put James down, so he hold Draco. Draco through themselves at Harry, and Harry happily caught them. "Oh, I have so much to tell you and to show you." Draco says with a wide smile, that makes Harry smile. Harry loved it when Draco would smile like the world was in their hands.

After Harry put James to bed, he came down stairs to start supper. "So, you had a lot to show me." Harry says as he wraps his arms around his soon-to-be life long partner. Draco looked at Harry, with a smile.

Harry looked into Draco sliverish-blueish eyes, if you look at them for a long time it looks like dark cloud about to rain and Harry loved it when it rained because of Draco. Draco looked at Harry's emerald green eyes, it was like a forest that if you go to deep in you would get lost and for him he had went to deep.

"Yeah, I wanted to show you what I picked out for Lily, and the girls." Draco says looking away from Harry's eyes. Harry laughs a little seeing how red his partners face is. "Well, are you going to show me?" Harry asks as he goes to get a pan out. Draco looks back at Harry, and smiles. "Okay, here is the girls in their dresses." Draco says as they pull out their phone, and show Harry the bridesmaids dresses. Harry smiles at them he looked at Draco who has a big smile. "Their amazing. Just like the person who picked them out." Harry says as he puts the pan on his hand down. Harry walks over to Draco, and kisses them on the cheek. "Now, it's time to show you our Lily pads dress." Draco says with a smile and a little bit of blush on both their cheeks. Harry looked at Draco confused but happy. "Lily pad? It's a perfect nickname for her." Harry says with a smile, and Draco laughs a little before Harry pulls them in. Harry leans in and gives them a kiss. Draco kisses back, while putting their hands on Harry's chest. Harry pulls away after a few, and smiles at his blonde hair, sliverish-blueish eyes partner, who he loved more than life it's self. "Now, show me our Lily pad's dress." Harry says as he looks at Drcao phone. Draco quickly pulls up the little white dress, with a flower crown. Harry looked at the dress and wanted to cry. The day he was going to get married was the same he little girl like look like she is getting married, even though she is only going to be  10 mouths old. "Are trying to kill?" Harry says with a laugh while looking at the dress, then at Draco. Draco got an confused face, until they realized what the dress looked like. "I didn't even notice. I didn't know if the dress even looks like that I just thought it was adorable." Draco says while covering their mouth, but couldn't help but laugh. Harry let go of Draco and went over to the counter. "I love you, mi amor." Harry says as he looks at Draco with a huge smile. "I love you too." Draco says as they walk over to Harry. Harry looks at Draco and smiles, "Want to help me cook?" Harry asks as he stares at Draco. Draco nods their head. They both start to cook together, they even got Lily and James to join them, after they woke up obviously.

"Mmm... This is delicious." Blaise says as he rubs his stomach. Harry and Draco smile at each other, they both eat already and we're feeding James and Lily. "Blaise is to correct, this time." Pansy says with a smile, and hitting Blaise in the shoulder. Blaise quickly acting like he was hurt, to make the babies laugh. Which did, Harry and Draco couldn't help but laugh with their babies. "So, what is your playlist plans for the wedding?" Pansy asks while sitting like a child who couldn't wait for some candy. Harry and Draco look at each other and shrug their shoulders. "We only thought about our song. And the rest of the songs we would let everyone else pick." Draco says as they put James over their shoulder to burp him. Harry does the same thing, after seeing that Lily is not eating anymore. "Well who is your dj?" Pansy asks with a smirk. Draco and Harry look at each other, than look at Pansy. Draco smiled while shrugging their shoulders. "Me?!" Pansy says as she shoots out of her chair. Harry and Draco nod their head, and laugh at her reaction. "Thank you, thank you Merlin!" Pansy says while quietly stomping. You could tell Pansy was happy, maybe even a little to happy. Harry and Draco smile at this, can could picture Lily doing that one day.

"Do you two want to sleep with me and mama tonight?" Harry asks Lily and James. Harry didn't question it when the giggled and noded their heads. Harry carried them both to his and Draco's room. Draco had just got out of the shower, when Harry walled with the babies. "Guess who I'm sleeping with tonight instead of you?" Harry asks as he went the bathroom with James and Lily. Draco smiles at Harry, as he walks in their children in his arms. "Who?" Draco asks dramatically, and they turn around. "These two adorable things." Harry says with a smile, he loved how him and Draco just went long with everything. Draco gasped, and looked at their babies. "How could you?! I thought you loved me!" Draco says dramatically, while moving their hands to where they thought would be best to make it more dramatic. Which makes the babies burst out into laughter. Harry laughs with them, and Draco joins them. A few minutes go by, and Harry puts the babies in their rockers. "They are definitely going to grow up loved." Narcissa says as she walks in on Harry putting James on his rocker. Harry puts James down and turns around, "I know they will. They have me and Draco." Harry says very confident. Draco walks out wearing Harry's t-shirt and boxers, and hugs Harry fromt he side. "I know, Goodnight you four." Narcissa says as she leaves the room. Harry and Draco at each other and kiss. Then they end the day by cuddle with each other, and their babies. They couldn't wait to see what the rest of the days would be like for them.

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