2 Days, So Far

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Draco woke up to see and to find that Harry was not in the bed. They looked everywhere in the beach house, until they found him outside. "There you are." Draco says as they walk over to him. Harry laughs at his very tried partner. "I want cuddles." Draco says as Harry turns around. Harry smiles at Draco, he loves it when all Draco wants to do is cuddle. "Okay, but you need to eat first." Harry says while opening his arms for Draco. Draco walks towards Harry, and puts their hands on his chest. "No. I just want to cuddle." Draco says while looking at Harry. Harry rolls his eyes, and picks them up in the bridal way. "Harry!" Draco yells as Harry picks them up. Harry takes them into the kitchen, which already smells like pancakes. Draco smells their favorite breakfast food, and smiles. "You see why I said you could eat." Harry says with a smile. Draco does admit Harry's pancakes are out of this world. "Yes, I do." Draco says while getting out of Harry's arms. Harry laughs at Draco, until he realizes Draco is still completely naked. "Draco! You need to wear some clothes or we will never make it out of this bedroom." Harry says as he turns his head, making Draco laugh. Draco went to the bedroom and put a 2 piece swimsuit, on top of that they threw Harry's shirt on. Draco comes back to the kitchen, "Better?" Draco asks for with a smile. Harry just nods his heads, and goes to the refrigerator and gets the syrup. "Thank you." Draco says as Harry puts the syrup on the table. Harry just smiles, and sits cross from Draco.

After Draco got down eating, they cuddled on the couch. "Let's watch a movie." Draco says with a smile. Harry tries to think of a good movie. "Here I think you are going to like this movie." Harry says as he turns on 'Just Roll With It'. Draco looks at the TV, and puts their head on Harry's chest. After the movie finished, Draco loved the ending and Harry knew they would. "You want to go swim?" Harry asks Draco as he looks at the time. Draco looks at Harry's phone, and sees his lock screen. It was them, with the babies. "You know if I am pregnant, you are going to have to update that." Draco says as they forgot to look at the time. Harry laughs at Draco, and nods his head. "Yeah, I will." Harry says as he turns his phone off. Draco smiles at Harry, and takes Harry's phone. "It is 1:49." Draco whispers to themselves. Harry shakes his head, "You know you could have asked me. And do you want to go swimming?" Harry says with their eyebrows raised. Draco laughs, and realizes they could have just asked Harry. "Yeah, let's go swim." Draco says as they set up a plan. Harry knows Draco's planning face, and that's what they are making. "What are you planning?" Harry asks sarcastically with a smile. Draco shakes their head, and gets off of Harry. Draco takes of Harry's shirt, to reveal what they are wearing. They were wearing a dark red two pieces swimsuit, and the bottom as revealing their whole butt. Harry got flustered as he looks Draco up and down. "Are you coming?" Draco asks as they run out. Harry nods his head, and runs outside. Harry looks to see Draco already in the ocean. Harry quickly takes off his shirt, and runs to the ocean. (A/n image a romantic movie, with the beach) Harry runs to them, and lefted them in the air. Draco was smiling like the other day, and Harry loved that. When Harry starts to lower them, they wrapped their arms around Harry's neck with their legs around Harry's body. "I want to be like this the whole week." Draco says as they start to get kisses. Harry just smirks, and looks up at Draco. "Oh, we have 2 weeks of this, baby~" Harry says before going to kiss Draco's neck. And let's just say Draco and Harry made it to the bed again that night.

The next morning, Draco woke up before Harry. Draco starts to mess with Harry's hair. "Good morning, amor." Harry says sleepy. Draco just smiles at Harry, and question how he was always so prefect. "What do you want do today?" Harry asks as he wraps his arms around Draco. "Well, I need to go buy a few things. And maybe we should go visit Ginny and Luna." Draco says as they stand up. Harry slowly opens his eyes. "Oh come on, can't we repeat yesterday?" Harry says as he lets Draco go, and sits up. Draco laughs, and shakes their head. "We can't always run in to the ocean, and then end up in bed." Draco says while going to get some actual clothes. Harry rolls his eyes, "I know. But, I know you like it like that." Harry says with a wink at the end. Yes Draco did in joy it, but they know they have to get things done. Draco just goes into the bathroom and turns on the shower. By the time Draco got out shaved, dressed, and all ready for the day. Harry had food on the table, and was dressed. "I just realized you started to grow a beard." Draco says as they come into the kitchen. "And you are growing out your beautiful blonde hair." Harry says back. Draco laughs, and Harry shrugs his shoulders.  They were, have, and will be the perfect duo forever. "Come on foods ready." Harry says as he holds out his hand. Draco takes Harry's hand, and goes to sit down.

Draco and Harry eat, then went shopping. They picked up a few things, but the most important thing, well at least for Draco, was a pregnancy test. After that, they went to Ginny and Luna's house. Draco showed them the babies, and told them how they were on their honeymoon. Finally, they got home and cubble. Before long they were both asleep.

2 days gone, and more to come.

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