A Few More Part 2

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"Okay, 1...2...3!" Harry says fast, Draco quickly open his eyes to see Pansly, Blaise, and their mum. They look at Harry with tears in their eyes, Harry smiles at Draco. Draco looks at their friends and mum, he looks back at Harry. They wanted to run to them, but instead they ran to them. They stood up and just hugged their mum, and their best friends. They couldn't believe Harry was able to get the people he wanted to meet their kids first here. Harry just stood there smiling at Draco, he only wants them to be happy. And seeing them hug their mum and friends it made him happy, knowing they are happy. After the hug, everyone had so many questions. "Okay, I'm the first to ask a question." Narcissa says, and she walks infront of Blaise and Pansly. Pansly and Blaise both stare at her as she grabs Draco hands. "How are honey? Has Potter been treating you good? And how many babies are you having?" Narcissa asks as she looks at Draco's belly. "I have been good. And yes, Harry as been treating me like Royal. I'm having twins, mum." Draco says as they put their one hand on their belly, and with the other hand they reached for Harry's hand. But, instead Harry goes behind them and puts his hands on Draco's belly. Draco moves their hand, and relaxes their head. Narcissa is now staring at Harry, with many mixed emotions. "Okay, is Potter the father?!" Blaise blurts out, making everybody laugh. "Mmm... Yeah, I am pretty sure I'm the father..." Harry says while looking at Draco confused. This makes Draco break out in laugher. Harry just looks around, like if he is looking for someone. After Draco gets done laughing, they look at Blaise and say, "Yeah, his the father. And I think you guys should stop calling him Potter, because I'm a month or so there will be 2 more. And then after that there will be a other Potter." Draco looks at everyone at his last statement. All three of them looked at each other. Draco than holds their hand up, and shows them the ring. They all stared at the ring, than at Draco, than at Harry. "You guys are getting married?!" Pansly says as she gets a closer look at the ring. "Yep." Draco says as looks at Harry, and Harry looks at Draco. "Is this why you made that deal, with that judge?" Blaise says as he looks at Harry, with a smile. "Well I couldn't let my partner not have their best friends and mum, there for the them." Harry says with a smile and a little bit of a laugh. "Your due in a month or so?!" Narcissa says as she pushes Pansly and Blaise out of her way. Draco laughs a little and then has to sit down, while still smiling. "You okay, mi amor?" Harry asks as he gets down on his knees closer to Draco hight. "Yeah, the babies are just kicking." Draco says as they puts their hands on their belly. Harry looks at their belly then smiles, "I'm glad that I am dating and soon going to be long living partner. And for you two, they will be me a great, strong, and amazing parent." he thinks of a word instead of wife or husband. Draco smiles because they love it when Harry tries not to use pronoun names. "Okay, am I the only one who is questioning why Pot- Harry is calling Draco them or they and not calling her wife." Pansly says as kind as she could, but looked at Blaise for reinsurances. Blaise nods his head, and Narcissa sadly nods her head. "Well, my pronouns are they or them. So, Harry is trying to be careful not putting me under anything like husband or wife because husband is for a men and a wife is for a woman. I go under both." Draco says with a smile, and rubbing their neck. They all nod their heads and Harry grabs their hand and smiles. Well I think we should head home, shouldn't we?" Harry says standing up, and smiling at Draco. "Yes, I think we should." Draco says smiles at Harry. Harry starts to push Draco, and the rest follow.

They get out to the truck, and Harry helps Draco into the truck. The rest just look at truck. "You can get the truck." Harry says as he realizes they aren't in the truck yet. They all nod their heads, and get in the truck. Harry gets in truck, and turns the radio on. "What are you hoping they play this time?" Harry says as he looks at Draco. "What have they been playing so far?"
"Well, they have been playing R&B."
"Oh, I don't really know any R&B." Draco and Harry talk back and forth. Draco likes to guess a song, and if it comes on they get that some babies clothing. "Want me to change the station?" Harry says he gets ready to change the station. "Yes, I want to buy more baby clothes." Harry says as he turns the station. "For anyone who just joined us, we are playing today's music!" The announcer says and Draco gave lights up. Harry slowly dies on his sit, "I pick Beggin'!" Draco shouts as they get excited. "Okay, I will let you get 2 if they play that song." Harry says cause he already knows the person is going to play that song. Harry feels like he needs to turn around, so that's what he did. Harry turns around to see Pansly, Blaise and Narcissa all staring at Draco. He smiles and says, "This is what I love with." Harry turns around after.

A few minutes pass Draco is keeping note of the songs they are playing. Finally the announcer comes back on, "So, I bet a lot of people our going to know this song. Now, playing Beggin' by Måneskins!" The announcer says as they start to play the song. Draco looks at Harry, they are so excited. Harry wants to hide, he know soon he will be buying several baby clothes. Harry backs the truck up, and heads to the baby clothe store. "Can Pansly, Blaise, and mum pick some clothes out, as well?" Draco asks with puppy dog eyes. Harry looks at Draco with a smile and says, "You know my answer." Harry looks back at the road. Draco laughs a little than says in a voice, "I'm just the bank, and you are the spender." Draco makes a face after saying that to Harry. Harry just laughs at the voice, and he know Draco just made face. "I think they forgot about us being here..." Blaise says loud while acting like he is whispering. Draco looks at the rest of them, smiles awkwardly. "You ruined the moment Blaise!" Pansly yells as she hits Blaise, Narcissa gives Blaise a death look. Blaise gets sacred, "Hey Blaise, don't get scared. We act like this in front of Ron, Hermione, and more people. And we have gotten used to people thinking we don't remember their they." Harry says as he looks in mirror real quick, than back on the road. Blaise is surprised that Harry just called him by his first name. "Plus I always do that face when people say that, now." Draco says as they look at Blaise with a smile. Harry and Draco just smile at each other, and start talking again like their not there. Narcissa was just happy that Harry treated her child like he did. Pansly just loved seeing Draco smile, and she loved that Draco was living their best life. While Blaise just liked seeing his best friend smile. Harry holds his hand out for Draco, and Draco puts their hand in Harry's. Harry looks at their hand, and kisses it. Draco smiles and looks at Harry, and Harry looked at Draco for a minute before looking back at road.

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