Something Wrong

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It has been 2 months since Draco and Harry, found out they are having twins. Draco was on going on their 17 week. Draco and Harry are going to learn the gender of the babies soon. Ginny, Luna, and Hermione were planning the gender reveal. Draco is feeling a little better, but they still are getting morning sickness. Harry is worried for Draco, and what's to plan a doctor's appointment. But, Draco doesn't want you to.

"Draco!?" Harry says as he runs upstairs to Draco. Draco had just woken up, and felt sick. Harry runs into the bathroom, to move Draco's hair back. After a few minutes, Draco moved away the toilet. "Mi amor, can I please make doctors appointment. And if they say it's just the pregnancy I will leave you alone." Harry says as he pats Draco's back. "Fine, that's just because  you won't stop being worried about me." Draco says as they move on Harry's shoulder. "Thank you," Harry says as he stands up. "What are you doing?" Draco asks as they look up at Harry. "Taking you back to bed, cause I know your tired." Harry says, as he picks up Draco. Draco blushes, whil Harry carries Draco over to the bed. "You know you are supposed to carry me like this until our wedding." Draco says with a little laugh. Harry puts Draco down, while smiling. "Well, want to get some practice in for the babies." Harry says with a smile. Draco smiles, and then quickly goes to sleep. Harry leaves to the room to go make the doctors appointment. Harry knows having morning sickness is part of the pregnancy symptoms, but they usually would have stopped by now.

Harry starts to make breakfast, because him and Draco will have to leave in a few. "Morning." Harry says with a little laugh."Haha, very funny. But, really good morning to you, too." Draco says as sits down and rubs in belly a little bit. "Are the babies moving." Harry says as he puts a plate of biscuits. "Yeah, I think they know when their daddy is worried." Draco says as they look up at Harry. Harry laughs a little, as he turns around to get the gravy. "Hey Harry, have you felt the babies yet?" Draco asks, because they are pretty Harry hasn't even touch there belly but from the first time he found out Draco was pregnant and finding out they were having twins. "No... Honestly I scared I will hurt them..." Harry says as looks down at the gravy. Draco is a bit shocked, but then in their mind it makes sense. Harry had almost never touched his stomach, and everytime he had put his hand on Draco's stomach he was shaking. "I know it doesn't make sense, but I think about everyone at mmm... The castle and I have survivor guilt... So, I blame myself for everyone if I would have just died when I was a baby..." Harry says while picking up the gravy. "Harry, if your would've died when you were a baby. You would never be able to Ron, Hermione, Luna, Sirius, professor Lupin, or anyone. And you wouldn't be having the twins with me." Draco says as they walk over to Harry. Draco lays their head on Harry's back. "I know, but I still blame myself. But, your right mi amor. I could never be able to meet you, of I had died." Harry says as he puts the gravy down, and turns around. Draco backs up, so Harry could turn but gets pulled back in. "Now, come let's eat." Harry says has he kiss Draco's forehead. "Okay, Pottah." Draco says as they roll their eyes. "Soon, you will be a Potter. Oh, no I'm saying it wrong it's 'Pottah', right?"
"Oh, be quiet."

Harry and Draco were sitting in the waiting room. Harry and Draco had just signed in, but Draco was still saying that Harry was worried for nothing. But, Harry knew something was up. A few minutes pass by when a nurse came to get them. The nurse takes Harry and Draco to the room. After  getting the information that she needed. "I have one question. Why are you so worried?" Draco asks Harry as the nurse closes the door. "Because if I'm correct you took pills to help with your transgender. Well, I don't know if they would affect the pregnancy and with you being sick makes me worry about and the babies." Harry says as he is trying to think of what the pills are called. "You mean my hormonal pills. Do you really think that could affect this pregnancy." Draco says now thinking about if it would be. "I mean the pill is to help you be come a male. So, it is supposed help with not getting pregnant." Harry says well thinking about what the hormonal pills are supposed to help. "True.." Draco says realizing that Harry was right to worry. "That's why I have so worried." Harry says as he stands up. "But, hey if that's the problem. The doctor will be able to help us. I just know it." Harry adds on while he takes Draco's hands. "Okay, I you say so." Draco says as they look up at Harry. Harry let's go of Draco's hands, and turns around. Draco is looking at the doctor, trying to hearing and figure out when is it their turn. Until he hears a chair be moving on the tile, it was Harry moving the chair he was sitting in closer to Draco. "That was loud." Draco says while they rub their hears. "Sorry, I didn't know that would be that loud." Harry says as he takes a seat while rubbing his neck. "It's fine. It was loud." Draco says with a little laugh. Harry stops rubbing his neck, and looks at Draco. Draco stops laughing to see Harry staring at them. "Take a picture it last lon-" Draco gets cut off by a knock o the door. "Hello, I hope I'm not interrupting something." The doctor says, while coming in. The doctor was a medium hight man, with dirty blonde hair which is gled back. Draco looks at his name badge to find out his name is Richard Chamberlain. "No, you aren't." Harry says while looking at the doctor. "Okay, well my name is Mr. Chamberlain, but you can call be Chamber." Mr. Chamberlain says, as he looks at his clipboard. "And you must be Draco." He adds on, while looking up at Draco. Draco nods their head. "Okay, so you have been throwing up. But, you are pregnant." Mr. Chamberlain say with a smile. Draco looks at Harry scared, Harry nods at Draco. "You see, they were transgender until recently. And before they were taking hormonal pills. We are worried that those could cause something to happen." Harry says while looking at Draco. "Oh, okay. Do you know what pill you took or what it's called. Cause there are some that can make pregnancy problems or even miscarriage." Mr. Chamberlain says as he looks at Draco. Draco couldn't believe what they were hearing, they might lose one of their babies or even both. Draco was stunned, Harry knew they were. "Doc, do you think there could be anything to help them not have miscarriage." Harry says while really hoping there is. "There might, but I have know what kind of hormonal pills." Mr. Chamberlain says, as he looks at Draco. "There called *******." Draco says, while looking at Mr. Chamberlain. "How far are you?" Mr. Chamberlain asks quickly. "About 17 weeks. We are about to find out the genders." Draco says while looking at Harry, then looking back at Mr. Chamberlain. "Genders? Your having several?" Mr. Chamberlain says as his eyes widen. "Yeah, twins. Why?" Harry says, while grabbing Draco's hands tighter. "Well, it's just. I don't know how to this. Usually they baby on that hormonal pill don't survive the pregnancy..."

(Okay, this is a little bit of a authors note. I do not know if hormonal pills can actually do this. I'm just seeing it can to add a little bit of spice to the story. And the reason why I did not put an actual name for the hormonal pill. It's because I don't actually know any names and I don't want to be offensive to transgender community. So I really hope you guys understand. Bye!)

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