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It's been a week since Harry and Draco went on their honeymoon. It's been a wonderful time, they were calling Narcissa almost every other day. Draco right now is sitting in bathroom, on the floor crying. "Draco, what's wrong..." Harry says outside of the door. Draco locked the door, and is sitting in front of the door. Draco just keep crying, they were looking at the one pink line on the pregnancy. Draco had been having the symptoms of pregnancy, and they thought they were pregnant. "Bebe..." Harry says calmly. Draco couldn't but feel sorry. Harry had wanted a other baby and so did they. "Please, Draco..." Harry says again, as he puts his head on the door. Finally Draco stood up a d unlocked the door. They slowly open it, to face Harry. Harry instantly hugs Draco, and starts to rub their back. "H-Harry..." Draco cries, into Harry's chest. "What's wrong?" Harry asks as he backs away from Draco to look at him. All Draco can do is show Harry what's in their hand. Harry looks at it and just shakes his head. "Draco, I know you were symptoms. And you are probably pregnant, but sometimes it takes longer for something to click. So you might, probably are pregnant. Just wait a little longer, and we can find out." Harry says calmly, Draco just stares at him in shock. "Really?" Draco says almost in disbelief. Harry shakes his head. "Now, come on we have a dinner planned tonight." Harry says while kissing their forehead. Draco just smiles, they can't believe they were just crying over that for no reason. Wow, the hormones are already kicking in.

Draco got ready and decided to wear a dress. It was a very dark red dress, and because of having twins their breasts our more noticeable. Harry decided to match Draco, by wearing the same color suit. "With that dress on, we are are definitely gonna have a fun night." Harry says while looking Draco up and Draco. Harry chewing on some gum, Draco guessed it was spearmint because it was green. Harry was hotter, than usual in that suit. Draco couldn't help but get flustered as Harry looked up and down at them. They felt like they were were getting (A/N Cussing is ahead) fucked right there by his eyes. Draco gets more flustered, and walks out the door. "The more you walk like that. The longer you will moan." Harry says as Draco walks past him. Draco picks up their speed. "Don't make a smart remark about how fast I'm walking, Potter!" Draco yells from the outside of the house. Harry starts laughing, Draco knew he was laughing from the car.

"We're here. Do let any other male stare at you." Harry says as he looks at the end of dress. The dress shoes most of Draco's thighs and only leaves maybe 5 or so inches. "Harry, I will best. And if they can't see I'm wearing a wedding ring and I'm with a handsome man. If they stare at me, I'm going to go right up to you and allow you to grab my butt." Draco says sassy. Harry smiles at the idea, and gets out of the car. He walks over to Draco side and opens the door. Draco gets out, and gets pulled in by Harry. "Look whos so clingy, this time." Draco says with a smirk. Harry raises an eyebrow and shakes his head. "1. Smirking is good on you. 2. No, I want all this dickheads to know that you are mine." Harry says as they start to walk. Draco looks around, and realize how many guys there was. Thank Merlin they had Harry. They got into the restaurant and the more boys that stood up, the more Harry gripped on to Draco. They finally sat down, Harry made sure they weren't near any boy would being looking at Draco. Draco just rolls their eyes, and then just stared at him. "You know, we just leave." Draco says with smirk, because they knew if they tried to use the bathroom or even worst they got sick. "Babe, are you worried about getting sick?" Harry says with a smirk. Draco just looked around, and noded their head. "Well you're all pretty up, are you sure you don't want to stay here?" Harry says as he starts to stands up. Draco looks at the dress, and then looks at Harry. They shake their head, Harry lightly smiled and helped Draco stand up.

They decided to just get McDonald's. "Thank you." Draco says as Harry hands them a happy meal. Draco was a little kid when it came to the muggle fast food. "Anything for you, mi amor." Harry says with a big smile, seeing how happy Draco is. Draco opens the happy meal, and looks at their fries. "When did you learn Spanish?" Draco asks before eating a fry. Harry took a deep breath, and starts to pull out of McDonald's. "After Hogwarts, I wanted to get a degree in something. So I decided to go to college for a year, I supposed to go to 4 years but I dropped out when I found out that I could be an auour. But one of my classes was Spanish, it was only one I really got an A in. I got to be and all the rest of the classes, but Spanish had most of my attention. " Harry says as he takes a fry from his box. Draco looked at Harry, this was the first time he had ever talked about what happened after Hogwarts. "I just realized, this is the first time you ever opened up about what happened after Hogwarts. What exactly happened?" Draco says before eating a chicken nugget. Harry looks at Draco, than looks back at road. "I was about to drop out. When, I was heading to my Spanish class. A girl I knew from one of my classes was drunk, blackout drunk. So I helped her back to her dorm, well me and the Spanish teacher. But what I learned is that on my last day. She told everyone that I raped her..." Harry's voice went soft, almost to point were he was about to cry. Draco quickly looks at Harry, to make sure Harry was okay. Of course, Harry had a dead stare. "So, on the security guards heard about this and asked me about it. I told him the truth and he had to go ask Spanish teacher. After asking the Spanish teacher, he had to go check the cameras. He didn't believe me or the Spanish teacher, at all. It made us hurt, so I was so glad I was dropping out." Harry finished, Draco could te Harry was finished by the bite he took after he said all that. "I'm sorry, that happened." Draco says underneath their breath. Harry smiles at Draco, "Don't worry about it. It wasn't the place, but now right here next to you is the place I want to be." Harry says with a smile creeping up on his face. Draco smiles at Harry he was right. Where every Harry was is were they belong, and the same goes for Harry. This is going to a perfect or at least will be good life. But they have remember in 1 week left of their honeymoon.

It's almost over! I can see the babies!

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