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Harry and Draco have been waiting for this day for mouths. But Harry and Draco are both extremely nervous, but they are ready. The babies are using things to help them walk so instead of Pansy and Blaise holding them and walk down the aisle, they will be helping the babies walk down the aisle. Draco was still getting ready, and Harry was ready and talking to his friends.

"You will do great." Ron says to Harry who is freaking out about saying his vows and the dance. Harry looked at Ron with his eyebrows up. "I told you that, and look what happened for you." Harry says while looking Ron up and down. Ron opened his mouth to say something and then looked at James who was smiling at him, and closed his mouth. Harry was confused about it, until Ron came over and surprised into his ear. "Well Hermione I liked it, after all we do have daughter now." Ron whispers to Harry, and than backs away for Harry while laughing. "Ron, you could have just said that out loud." Harry says not even making a face or question what his friend just told him. Ron looked at Harry, "There is a child in here, and I'm not telling him that." Ron said while pointing at James. Harry blinks at Ron, "Okay. But you didn't go into description all you said was something simple." Harry says as he points at Ron. Blaise is just sitting back in a chair eating a cupcake. Ron looks at Blaise, "Where did you get that?" Ron asks as he looks down at cupcake. "Oh, they two people came by while to two were talking. And I didn't want to interrupt." Blaise says before taking a bite into his cupcake. Ron frown and makes a crying noise. Harry just takes a deep breath, I hope Draco is having a better time, Harry think as he looks at Ron.

Meanwhile, "Hermione do you think he will like it?" Draco asks as everyone is helping Draco out. Hermione walks to look at Draco with big smile. "I don't think he will like it, I know he will like it. Actually I know he will love it." Hermione says while holding Draco's hands. All the girls were ready, and now they were helping Draco. They helped them with their makeup, and now their helping them make sure the dress is perfect. "I'm so nervous." Draco says as they look at everyone. Everyone looks at Draco, even Lily and smiles. "I was, too. But look where I am now. Happily married with a kid." Hermione says while pointing at Rose who is sitting next to Lily. Everyone laughs at Rose, who is trying to pronounce mommy. Draco still can't believe Rose is a year old. It feels just like yesterday Rose was born. They same goes for their kids, it feels just like yesterday that they saw their eyes open for the first time. "Well, who is ready for a wedding?" Pansy asks while pouring some white wine. Pansy, Narcissa, and Hermione while make a cheers to Draco. Draco doesn't drink so they don't have to use the bathroom. Draco smiles at their friends then looks at themselves in the mirror. Today is the day you become a Potter, Draco thinks as they look at themselves.

Before long the ceremony happens. Harry is standing in front of all the people they invited, with Ron standing behind him. He looks around to see the whole Weasley family is there, expect Ginny. Neville, Seamus, Dean, and so many more, he even saw Cho. Harry was as nervous, nothing had made him this nervous. But, he was so ready to be Draco's husband. Soon the guitarist started playing the song.

They decided for the being of the song that he would play was 'Here Comes the Bride', but it would change into 'Here Comes the Sun' when Draco was supposed to walk in.

Harry watched as Lily walked down the aisle with Pansy helping her. Seeing that made him want to cry, and Ron saw this and pated him on the back. Next he watched James walk down the aisle with Blaise helping him. Harry smiles at his two amazing kids, he was so happy that these two came in his life. Than he watched as Hermione walks down the aisle smiling at Harry, she goes and stands next to Pansy. As soon as Hermione walks next to Pansy, 'Here Comes the Sun' starts to play. Making everyone look at each other, than look back at the door. Harry was already staring at the door. Harry gasped and couldn't contain his tears as he watched Narcissa walk Draco down the aisle.

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