Dancing Away

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After Draco and Harry walked off with Lily and James, everyone began going to the venue. The food was already on trays, and some fruits were made in a flower shape. Everyone was talking about how amazing it is, and who was the one who decided to do this. While, Draco and Harry were getting ready to dance. The decided to announce they were coming was to let Lily and James run out on the dance floor, of course with the help of baby walkers.

A few minutes pass by, when people saw and heard the twins. All look at the babies run in there baby walkers. "Please give it up for the Potter's!" Pansy says who is of course controlling the music. Harry and Draco walk out of the door hand and hand. They get in the middle of dance, and Harry's song for Draco starts to play. Draco knew the song, and remember when he heard the song.


Draco and Harry were driving home from a doctor's appointment for the babies. Harry and Draco were listening to music, and it was on the country radio. When a song named 'Die A Happy Man' starts to play. Harry starts to nod his head to the song, "You know this song is telling the truth." Harry says with a smile while looking at Draco. Draco smiles, and grabs Harry's hand. "Well than I guess you will be happy man forever soon." Draco says, with a laugh.

Flashback ends

The start to dance to the song. "Guess I will be happy man forever." Harry says as he spins Draco. Draco laughs at Harry, he had to definitely plan that. "How long have you been planning this Mr. Pottah?" Draco asks as they were pulled back into Harry's embrace. Harry smiles at Draco, "Ever since we asked Pansy late to be our DJ." Harry says. Harry and Draco they danced together still talking, when the song ended Draco smiles at Harry. "What are you smiling so big for, Potter?" Harry asks as he looks at Draco face which had a wide smile. When, a song starts to play. "How you always looking so amazing?" The a women starts to sings. Harry laughs at Draco, than shakes his head. Draco was showing Harry this song, and how they felt like it was talking to them.


Harry and Draco were sitting at the table, going over wedding plans. When Draco remember that they have to do wedding songs. "Harry do you have a wedding song picked out, already?" Draco asked as they watched Harry go over to Lily, who was crying. "Yeah, I do. What about you?" Harry said back, Draco shook their head in response. Harry noded their head. "What the song you said, it feels like it is made for you?" Harry says while closing his eyes to think of the name of the song. "Oh yeah, that would be perfect. Have you heard it yet?" Draco said with a wide smile. Harry shook their head, and walked over Draco with Lily. Draco starts to play a song called 'Perf' by Baby Ariel.

Harry puts Lily down, and goes over to Draco. He puts his hand out, and Draco takes it. He pulls them put and kisses them. They kiss back, and after a few seconds Harry breaks away. "So, you think I'm pref?" Harry asked with a laugh. Draco smiles back at him, "Everyday." Draco kissed Harry's cheek.

Flashback ends

"Do you still think I'm pref?" Harry says while grabbing Draco by the waist. Draco laughs, "Still Everyday." Draco says as they wrap their arms around Harry's neck. Harry and Draco start to dance again, but when they heard giggles they lookes at the babies. "I think we should two more people to this dance. Don't you think?" Harry says as he lets go of Draco. Draco smiles and nods his head. Harry and Draco both walk over to the babies. Harry takes Lily while Draco takes James. They walk back on to the dance floor, and dance with their new partners. "I think we both have amazing dance partners." Harry says with a smile while tickling Lily. Lily little laughs made James laugh, and their laughs were adorable. Harry grabs Draco by the waist, and puts his forehead on theirs. Harry and Draco loved everything, it was perfect.

For the rest of the night Harry and Draco kept thinking of all the memories. Harry wanted to dance the night away with Draco. Harry kept looking at their babies, he couldn't wait until they had more. "So you think your ready for more kids?" Harry asks with a laugh. Harry expects Draco to say no, because of all the pain they had to go through. "Maybe we could bring them home a sibling from our honeymoon." Draco says a smirk while looking at James. Harry's face turns a bright red, he couldn't believe what Draco just said. "Hey, Lily pad why don't you and J go play with Rose?" Harry asks as he puts Lily down in her walker. He takes James from Draco, who is laughing, and put him in his walker. They both walk over to Rose who is also in a baby walker. "Are you really ready for a other kid?" Harry says as he goes back over to Draco. Draco nods their head, Harry puts a hand in his hair like he stressed. "I was just joking. I mean I am ready to have more kids, but it doesn't have to be right now." Draco says quickly, so Harry worry about getting them pregnant. Harry just looks at Draco and smiles, while shaking his head. "If you want a child, we could always try?" Harry says with a laugh. Draco looks at Harry turning while turning red. Harry smiles at Draco, well James and Lily you ready to have a new sibling.

After a few minutes, Harry grabs Draco hands and goes outside with them. "What are you do-" Draco stops after they see how beautiful it is outside. Harry takes them to a tree. The leaves coming back with flower buds are beautiful, Draco thinks as they look to see what Harry is doing. Harry is looking at the buds, and sees one that is already bloomed. Harry picks it off of the branch and walks over to Draco. Harry puts the beautiful white flower in Draco hair using Draco's ear as place holder for the flower. "Now a beautiful flower for a beautiful bride." Harry says as he looks at Draco. Draco looks at Harry, it was like their frist date.


Draco and Harry were going on their date since Harry asked Draco to be his boyfriend (at the time). Harry had planned the whole thing out without telling Hermione about any of it. That of course, surprised Draco. "Now, where are we going Pottah?" Draco asks as they realized they were going to the black lake. Lucky everyone was going to to hogsmeade. Draco and Harry had only been dating for 3 months almost and Draco wasn't used to calling Harry, Harry. "Where I go when I get tired of people." Harry said with a laugh. Draco didn't know why he was laughing, until he realizes. Harry had been 'disappearing' a-lot and now Draco has found out where their boyfriend was going. When they got to the spot, Draco instantly noticed the tree. It had buds allover it, and a few flowers already bloomed. "I love it... I can look at the lake, look at flowers. I just be out of the way." Harry says while picking a flower. Draco looked at Harry, Haryr turned to look at Draco. Draco could see Harry was holding tears in, and Draco didn't know why. "Why do you feel like you have to stay out of peoples way?" Draco asked as they walked over to Harry. Harry smiled at them, and put the white flower he picked in Draco's ear. "Because I just get in people's way." Harry says almost in a whisper. Draco hurt hearing Harry say this. "You don't get in my way, Harry." Draco smiled at Harry brighter than they ever have. Harry smiled back with a bright smile. Harry leaned in, "May I, Draco?" Harry asked while looking at Draco's lips. Draco noded their head, before receiving a kiss.

Flashback ends

Draco couldn't believe that was 8 or 9 year ago. Harry smiles at Draco, "Do I get your way now?" Harry says. Draco smiles at Harry, this day had been full of memories and Draco loves it. "No, you will never get in my way." Draco says with a bright smile. Harry smiles back at him. "May I, Potter?" Harry asks as he puts a hand on Draco's cheek. Draco nods their, before getting kissed. If I would have known this would happen... I wouldn't have changed it.

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