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Harry and Draco spent all the nights they could having so much fun. Well, on the nights they weren't fast asleep. They only had 3 more days until, they got on a plane to go home. Draco decided to try a pregnancy one more time before leaving. They said they wanted to bring home a sibling. This though, Harry was with them. They sat in the living room looking at the little white stick, that was going to determine the next chapter of their lives. Draco and Harry decided to call Hermione and Pansy. Pansy got Narcissa to join her, and Hermione got Ron to sit with her. So, here was Harry and Draco sitting on a couch in the living room with four people all biting their fingers wanting to know. A times went off ,that Harry set and he looks at Draco. "Okay, it's time." Harry says with a faint worried voice, but yet ready voice. Draco noded their head, and everyone on the phone looks like they were getting ready to jump off the chairs and seats. Draco picks up the white stick, and covers their mouth as soon as they see two pink lines. They show Harry, and Harry takes it. Harry looks at it, then shows everyone on the call. Everyone starts smearing, and cheering making Draco cry. It was positive, they were going to be parents of more than two.

After a few minutes, they end the call. Draco outside and sits on the beach. Harry follows them, and looks at the beautiful ocean. "You know, I'm going to have to look for a new house." Harry says with smile, before sitting down. Draco looks at him confused, Harry sees this and looks at the-soon-to-be belly. "We only have 3 bedrooms and their all taken right now. So, I am going to need to by a house with 8 bedrooms, and 9 bathrooms." Harry says with a smirk. Draco gives him a shcooked face, before realize what Harry meant. "Who said I wanted to give birth four more times?!" Draco yells at him, Draco looks down at their vagina. "Maybe will have twins, again. Then it will be three times." Harry says a smirk, while walking away. Draco eyes follow Harry, with do much angry. "I'm not having anymore twins." Draco says bluntly, and gets up. Draco walks into the house, making sure Harry knew they were angry. Harry rolled his eyes, he knew Draco would want more of his crock. He just had to wait, until they realized they would miss it. It didn't take long for them to realize it, either. Draco comes back outside, "I'm sorry. Your right. We probably will need a house with 9 bedrooms and 9 bathrooms." Draco says while trying to hold a laugh. Harry gives them a confused face, "So I can put you somewhere when your honry." Draco says with laugh. Harry just nods his head, "That's what condoms are for." Harry says back. Draco just shakes their head. "I wish we could the kids here. And everytime we add on we come here and take a picture." Harry says with a wide smile, while looking at the ocean and sun that is about to set. It was beautiful, and to think their family was growing at this second made it more special. Draco walks in front of Harry, to look at the sunset. Harry walks up behind them, and puts his hand on their waist with his head in the crease of their neck. Draco and Harry were both positive this would not be their last child.

The two last days they were their, they packed. When they finally made it home, Draco and Harry realized how much they missed their babies. Lily and James was in a shirt that Draco picked out that said 'Mama's little lady' and 'Mama's little man'. They both were in their walkers, and we're bouncing up and down form seeing Harry and Draco. "Hi, my babies!" Draco says as they pick up Lily, and Harry comes and picks up James. Harry wrapped his free arm around Draco, and Harry smiles like he was whole world in his arms. "So the people that had to take care of the babies don't get a hug, ow that hurts." Pansy says while putting her hand over her heart. Harry rolls his eyes, and Draco laughs. Harry let's go off Draco, and takes Lily from them. Draco helps Harry out, and then hugs Pansy. Narcissa comes from out of the kitchen with Blaise. Draco quickly smiles at their mother, and hugs her. Blaise just walks over to Harry to talk about the honeymoon. "Blaise do you want a hug, too?" Draco asks with their hands out wide. Blaise shakes their head, and goes back to talking to Harry. Draco chuckles at him, then they go take James from Harry. "My little man wants a hug from mommy." Draco says as they start to kiss James' face. James starts to laugh, when Draco gets down to his nose. Draco puts James in his walker, and gets Lily. They do the same thing to her, and she starts to laugh instantly. Harry laughs realize how much he missed their laughs, and now in a few months their were going to be one more person laughing. Draco puts her in her walker, and looks at both of their babies. They can think of their life with six kids already. "So, you guys are expecting again?" Blaise says with a smirk. Harry shakes his head, "If you think I'm going to tell you when we had sex. I think you're crazy." Harry says while looking at Blaise with smirk. Blaise rolls his eyes, and walks off, making everyone (expect Harry and Blaise laugh).

That night Harry cooked outside, and Draco learned how to cook macaroni and cheese. They sat down, and talked about what happened on their honeymoon and learned what they missed (which wasn't much). Lucky Draco and Harry had missed the first time they walked on their own. Everything was perfect, Draco was positive that they couldn't wait for more kids.

They were both positive, about having more kids.

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