The Truth

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Harry put his hand on Draco's cheek. Harry gets closer to Draco, while still looking into Draco's eyes. "Umm..." Harry quickly backs up, "I'm sorry, I know you just got out of umm.... Azkaban. You probably don't want to move that fast. That's okay..." Harry continues to talk and go on how Draco probably wasn't ready. Draco rolls his eyes, then grabs Harry his shirt and kisses Harry. Harry kisses back, and takes over. Harry stops kissing Draco, when he remember what happened, before they got to his house. "W-why did you do that?" Draco asks, because he thought Harry was enjoying the kiss. "Draco, you are not stable. Well, at least mentally. You just got out of trial, I'm not taking avenge of you." Harry says as he is stands up. Draco realized that his emotions took over. "I'm sorry, but I think this conversion shouldn't continue until later." Harry looks away from Draco. "No, I want to tell you now!" Draco raises his voice just a little. Harry looks back at Draco, then slowly back away. Harry backs into the living room, and runs to fide a hiding spot. "Harry?!" Draco yells as he sees Harry run to hide. Hide now... Harry thinks as he runs to find a spot. Harry finds one in a corner. Draco runs after Harry, and sees where Harry has hide. "Harry, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have raised my voice." Draco says as he sits down in front of Harry. "It's fine, I just freaked out..." Harry takes a deep breath. "Why do we go tell each other secrets no one else knows?" Draco asks as he stands up. "Okay..." Harry gets up, and walks over to the couch. Draco follows Harry, and sits on the other side of the couch. "Okay... Well I will go first..." Harry takes a deep breath before going on "When I lived in the muggle world... I lived in a abusive home... Ron knows this because my uncle put bars on my window..." Harry says as he plays with string that is loose from the couch. Draco is surprised that Harry lived in a abusive home, he seemed to act like everything was fine at his home. But, then he remember every time he asked Harry how was is home life like Harry would always change the subject. "You tell me one," Harry looks up at Draco. "Yeah... Umm... Well I'm.... Umm... Actually a girl..." Draco takes a deep breath, "I was born a girl, but I didn't comfortable in a girls body. I felt like a boy trapped in side of a girl body. I told my parents, and they were supportive. And before I went to Hogwarts they told Dumbledore I wanted the male uniform." Draco said with a smile remembering that his parents have always been there for him. Good thing I'm bisexual... Harry thinks, and smiles at Draco. "I'm sorry, I didn't tell you sooner." Draco said as he looked at the floor. "It's fine, I'm just happy I know now. Because think how awkward in the be if I didn't know, and we did 'It'." Harry starts to laugh, and Draco just looks at Harry while trying not to laugh. "So, what was your original name? If I can know..." Harry has a confused facial expression. "Of course you can know. My birth name is Drakaina. It means dragon in Greek, so just the female version of my name name now." Draco starts to rub the back of his neck. Harry grabs Draco's hands and holds them in his hands. "I will say this until my dyeing breath. I love you unconditionally, no matter what." Harry says, before kissing Draco's hands. "...Mi amor..." Harry looks into Draco's eyes. "What does that mean?" Draco asked, he is trying to find out when Harry learned Spanish. "It means 'my love'. While you were Azkaban I learned Spanish." Harry titles head to the right, with a smile that made Draco so happy. Draco smiles at the cuteness, and stands up to go sit in between Harry's legs. Harry watches as Draco gets comfortable in the space in between his legs, and knows that means Draco's tried. "You tried?" Harry asks as he put his arms around Draco like a hug. "Every much so. Can you come take a nap with me?" Draco looked back at Harry, with droopy eyes. "Yeah, just give me a second to tidy up." Harry starts to move, so he can get what he needs done. "Okay," Draco starts to close his eyes, but fights himself to keep them open.

By the time Harry was, done tiding up Draco was fast asleep. "Draco, I'm going to carry you put to my room." Harry whispered, and Draco woke up just a little to nods his head. Harry picked Draco in the bridal way. Draco griped on to Harry's shirt and notices some muscles, but didn't think much about it. Harry put Draco down on the bed, and then climbed into the bed, so he could cuddle with Draco. Harry started go through Draco's hair, after Harry got to where he could cuddle Draco. Draco smiles at the feeling of Harry's fingers go through his messy, losses, grease hair. "Your hair has gotten long, and it feels like you need a shower," Harry laughs a little. Draco giggles, but it's very short. Harry keeps going through Draco's hair, when Draco drifts back to sleep.

After 3 and half hours past, Draco wakes back up to find Harry missing. Draco shots up, and starts to looking around for Harry. After looking around, he starts think the whole as been a dream, and that he is still is Azkaban. Right when Draco was about to leave the bedroom, Harry comes out of the bathroom. "Sorry I didn't realize you would wake up, while I was talking a shower." Harry says as he starts to mess with hair with a wash rag in is hand. Draco turned around to see Harry half naked, with a towel raped around his hips. Draco has to glup down of his own spit, as he stares at Harry abs. "Draco, I'm a living thing. I can't stand here forever,and let you just stare at me." Harry puts one of his elbows on the frame of the doorway, and smirks. Draco gets flustered, and looks up at Harry's face. Harry winks at Draco, which made Draco turn his head away from Harry. "You get in the shower, and I will go fix us some food. Also, there is a letter from Hermione, Ron, Luna and Ginny. Alot has changed since the last time, you saw everyone." Harry said as he went to go get a shirt, Draco followed Harry so he could hear him better. Harry turns his top half around, and uses his finger to tell Drao to turn around. Draco didn't understand what Harry was saying, but as soon as Harry rolled his eyes and started to look like he was going to remove the towel Draco understood.

After 30 minutes, Draco came down stairs. Draco looked at the clock that was on the wall and noticed it was around 5:30ish, and went to the kitchen. "Hey, beb-" Draco stopped himself, and was thinking if he was allowed to call that still. "Mi amor, you can still call me any nickname you please," Harry turned around to look at Draco. "Okay, I didn't know if I could or not," Draco smiles as he sits down at the table. Harry goes back to cooking, "The letters are on the island, the thing in the middle that look like countertops." Harry points with a spatula to where the island is. Draco sees a pile of letters, and gets up. "Hermione Granger-Weasley, and Ron Granger-Weasley..." Draco reads out loud. "Yeah, Hermione and Ron got married. So, did Ginny and Luna." Harry says as filps over a piece of bread it looked like. "Wow, I never thought Hermione and Ron even liked each other, nor Luna and Ginny... And why to the care about me?" Draco asks as sits back down, to start reading them. "Because they know you are the only thing that can make me happy in both worlds anymore." Harry says with a smile, as he turns back to Draco. Draco blushes a little, and then starts to read the letters. "Why, don't you read those later. I made grilled cheese." Harry puts down a plate with 5 grilled cheese on it. "Thank you..." Draco whispers, and Harry smiles. Harry goes up behind Draco and kisses his cheek before sitting down.

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