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The babies gender reveal was at a park close to Harry and Draco's house. Draco was wearing a beautiful white shirt, with jeans shorts. Harry was in a white button up shirt, with some black shorts that went down to his knees. While, everyone else who was there was wearing either pink or blue, or both. Hermione was wearing a pink dress with a pin that said 'Team Girl', Ron was wearing a blue shirt with a pin that said 'Team Boy'. Luna, and Rose (Smith) were is dressed in a pink shirt with a blue shorts, and each side of their shirts had a pins that said 'Team Girl' and 'Team Boy'. Harry and Ron were about how Rose was already growing hair, and how fast she was growing up. Draco and Hermione were talking about how different their pregnancies have been so far. They were all having a good time, even though they found out early that day that Ginny and Luna were going to be leaving for Hawaii before the babies are born. They will be there living there for around a year or so, Ron was a little upset but happy that his sister is doing what she loves.

"So, how has the nightmares been?" Hermione asks while looking down at Rose. Everyone stops talking, and looks at Draco. Draco looks at Harry for some comfort, and Harry understand the look he was getting and went straight over to Draco. "The nightmares have stopped, but they have been day dreaming a lot about the past." Harry says, while looking at Draco. Everyone, expect for Draco looks at Hermione. Draco looks back at Harry, and mouths 'Thank you' then looks at Hermione. "Okay, I'm just that your being able to sleep all night now." Hermione smiles at Draco, making Draco smile a little. Harry kisses Draco on the top of his head, making Draco look at him. Harry smiles then looks at Hermione, "So, how are going to find out the genders?" Harry asks with a little laugh. Ginny and Luna start to laugh, and Hermione smiles. Harry and Draco start to get a little worried, and so does Ron. "Oh Draco, don't worry. This is for Harry." Hermione says while looking up at Harry with sinister eyes. Harry looks at Draco, and Draco breaks out into laughter at Harry's face. You could see that Harry was extremely worried for his life. "So, what Draco is going to do. Is hit you with a paint gun. And every single time you get hit we have to stop say what color it is and if it's not pink or blue or we see no other color then yellow, then we keep going." Ginny says while looking at Hermione with smirk. "This is what you get for putting those babies in Draco." Luna adds while smiling. Harry looks at Draco, and mouths 'Save me' with the same face, making Draco laugh harder than before. After Draco getting done laughing, they step away from Harry and walk in the middle of Harry and Hermione. And looks back at Harry and smirks, "So, how many times do I get to shoot him?" With sassy in their voice. Could see Harry soul leave his body, Ron looks at Harry and just starts laughing. "I-I... Why... H-Harry..." Ron tries to say while laughing. Everyone looks at Harry, and starts laughing. Harry is scared for his life right now. After a while and everyone is done laughing, Ginny gives Draco the paint gun. They decided it would be best to shot Harry's back instead of his chest and stomach. Harry was absolutely terrified, and wanted to go hide. "Ready, Draco?" Hermione asks Draco with a smile. Draco nods their head, and Hermione turns to look at Harry. "Ready, Harry?" Hermione says with sinister smirk. Harry shakes his head and Hermione turns back to Draco, "Shot when your ready." Hermione says with a smirk. Draco gets ready to shoot and Harry closes his eyes. Draco shoots the first one, "Ah!" Harry yells from the pain. Hermione, Ginny, and Luna just then realized how painful this might actually be. Draco shots a couple more times, and each time Harry yells of pain get louder. Finally, Draco stops for a second and goes to Harry to look at his back. Draco pulls up Harry's shirt to see 5 buries, and Draco gets confused because he only shot 4. "Well now you have five bruises' but I only shot four times. So where did the other bruise come from?" Draco says with a worried smile. This is when everyone realized how painful it actually was. "I have five bruises on my back..." Harry smiles, than looks at Hermione, "how many times do they have to shoot?" Harry asks Hermione. "Four more times but I'm going to change that out because I was not expecting you to bruise." Hermione says while looking at Harry's back. "Yeah, I agree. Please change how many I have to shot." Draco says as they give Hermione the gun. Hermione stakes the gun, and goes away from everyone. Hermione fixes the gun, while everyone looks at Harry's back. Hermione comes back over, and gives Draco the gun. "Okay, Draco ready?" Hermione asks, while smiling. Draco slightly nods their head. "Harry, this next shot And the one after is all you have to go for now. So are you ready?" Hermione says as she takes a deep breath. Harry nods his head, with a smile. "Okay, Draco you can shoot when you want." Hermione says as she looks back at Draco. Draco gets ready to shot, and Harry stands up straight. Draco shots, as soon as it hits Harry you could see Pink smoke go into the air. Everyone is clapping, and shocked. "Baby A, is a girl!" Ginny, Luna, and Hermione yell, as Draco looks up at the smoke. "Okay, Draco let's find out what baby B is." Luna says with a smile. Draco nods us head, and gets ready to shot, again. Draco shots and again it hits Harry, but this time it's blue smoke. Everyone us even more shocked, "Baby B is a boy!" The girls yell, Harry forgets about the pain and runs over to Draco. And picks them up into the air. Both of them laughing, and smiling more than they ever have. Finally Harry puts Draco down, and they kiss. Everyone is talking about how the can't wait to see what the babies look like. Harry and Draco stop kissing, and Harry looks at Draco's belly. "Hello, my baby girl and boy." Harry says as crouches down to Draco belly. This makes Draco smile, seeing that Harry being a good father, even before the babies are born. Draco couldn't wait until the babies were actually born, either could Harry.

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