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Harry still couldn't believe him and Draco were going to be fathers. He couldn't wait until the ultrasound to see the baby. The same thing was with Draco, but they keep having nightmares. They don't want to tell Harry, because they don't want to worry Harry. Draco is not having the best pregnancy, they have been having morning sickness and the nightmares are not helping. But, Draco doesn't know that Harry knows about the nightmares. Harry is trying to make the pregnancy easy, but it's not helping Draco. But, right now they are watching a movie. "Hey, bebe can you get me a water?" Draco says as they left their head off of Harry's chest. "Sure, you want a flavor water or just a regular water?" Harry says as he stands up. "My favorite," Draco says with a little laugh. "Okay," Harry says with smile. Harry goes to get Draco grape flavored water. While, Draco chills out on the couch. Draco starts to hear Harry talking to someone, well at least it sounds like it. So, Draco pauses the movie and goes to the kitchen. "Okay, we will be there as soon as we can." Harry says in a shocked voice. "Bebe, what's wrong? Where do we need to be?" Draco says as they listen in. Harry hangs up the phone, and turns to Draco. "Hermione is in labor." Harry says as he goes to get his shoes from the living room. "Really?!" Draco says as they gets their shoes. "Wow, mi amor you need to change. And yes." Harry says he grabs Draco's shoes out of his hands. "I do need change." Draco says he looks down. Draco is wearing Harry's shirt and underwear. So, Draco quickly goes gets changed.

By the time Harry and Draco gets a to the hospital Hermione is 7 centimeters. "Looks like we made it." Harry says out of breath. "Yeah, but mate she is hurting my hand." Ron says as he lefts up his hand. Hermione is holding his hand every tightly. "You were the one that put this thing in me!" Hermione yells at Ron. "Harry, now I'm scared of having the child." Draco whispers into Harry's ears. "I'm scared that my hand will be broken." Harry whispers back to Draco. Hermione starts to take deep breaths. And Ron keeps smiling and looking at Harry. Harry and Draco sat down on the couch. "Where is Ginny and Luna?" Draco asks as they realize that their not there. "Well, there in Hawaii." Ron says while rolling his eyes. "What's wrong?" Draco asks as he notices that Ron rolled his eyes. "They went to Hawaii because of a job opportunity and they don't know if they're coming back." Ron says, while looking away. "I know it's not my place to say, but I really think Ginny wouldn't do that to you. I know she'll be back. Don't worry." Draco says as walks over to Ron, and puts their hand on his back. "Thanks, Draco..." Ron says, then take a deep breath. "Sorry it's not that I don't like you. It's just I'm not used to you being this friendly to me." Ron says as he turns his head to Draco. "I understand, trust me." Draco says as thinks about his nightmares. Harry notices that Draco goes a little pale, "Mi amor, come sit please." Harry says as he stands up to help Draco walk back to the couch. "Okay." Draco says as he takes Harry hand, and walks over to the couch. Draco quickly goes to sleep. "What wrong with him?" Hermione asks while trying to stay calm. "They have been having nightmares, horrible nightmares. And I think most of them are about how they use to treat us." Harry says as he moves some of Draco hair that fell into their face. "Oh... And me mentioning that they weren't the friendliest to us. It made them think of the nightmares." Ron says while looking at Draco. "Draco, I'm sorry... I didn't know about the nightmares," Ron says while looking down. "It's fine, Ron. You didn't know about the nightmares." Draco says with a slight smile.

After a few minutes past by Hermione gives birth to Rose Granger-Weasley. "She is beautiful," Draco says tiredly. "Harry, take Draco home. Me, Ron, and Rose are okay. Thank you for coming, and being there for Rose. But go home poor Draco is tried and with them pregnant they will get mad when they are tried." Hermione says tried, while smiling. "Okay Hermione, bye Rosie. Bye, Hermione, Bye Ron." Harry says as he picks up Draco, who is half out it. Harry and Draco leave and head for Harry's house. Harry is holding Draco's hand all the way home. "Can we just go straight to bed?" Draco asks Harry, while still half out of it. "Yes, mi amor." Harry says as he pulls into the driveway. Harry parks the car, and gets out. Then he goes and unlocks the door. He goes back to car and gets Draco, and carries them inside. "I love you," Draco says very tiredly. "I love you, love." Harry says back, while he puts Draco on the bed. Harry quickly changes Draco, and gets changed himself. Then, Harry gets in bed with Draco.

A few hours pass by, then Draco woke up sweating, and with tears coming down theie face. Draco stars to take deep breaths, and sits up fully. Harry feels the bed move, and open his eyes. Then, he sees Draco sitting up sweating and has tears coming down their face. "Mi amor, are you okay?" Harry says as he sits up. "H-harry... I-i had nightmare..." Draco says while trying to catch their breath. "Okay, I will make some tea. You com upe down, after you take a shower." Harry says as he stands up. "Okay..." Draco says as they get out of the bed. Harry goes down stairs and gets a cup of tea started, while Draco gets on the shower. After Draco gets out of the shower they still shaking, and changes into Harry's shirt and Harry underwear. Then, they down stairs and sat down in the kitchen. "Here is your tea." Harry says as he sits down Draco's tea. "Do you still remember my favorite kind of tea, and what I exactly like in it?" Draco says as he tries to change the mood. "Yes, and Draco I'm here for you. I love with all my heart, I want to be there you. So, please tell when you have the nightmares, when something wrong. I want to be there for you, I want to be there for baby." Harry says as he grabs Draco hands. "I-i... I honestly don't know what to say... I just didn't want to bother you with my problems..." Draco says as they look at their tea. "Draco, we are in this together. We are engaged, one even married. We are going to have problems, but we are going to get through it together. That's what every couple does, we made through Hogwarts. And think how chaotic that was. I think we can get through this together." Harry says in a smoothing voice. Draco looked up from their tea, and smiles at Harry. "I guess I didn't look at it like that," Draco says before taking a sip of their tea. They were actually amazed that Harry remember their the way they did their tea. After a few minutes of talking, they head back to bed. That next day was the ultrasound, they both were excited. But, right now they wanted to just cuddle with each other. So, that's what they did. Harry's hands were on Draco's belly, and his head on Draco's head. Draco's hands where covering Harry's hands, Draco feels so tiny compared to Harry right then and there. Here they layed on there side, while cuddling. But, they both we're very happy that they had that conversation that night. They both knew that they are there for each other.

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