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"Jungwon and Yeri, I swear if you don't give me back my phone I'll be giving the same silent treatment I gave last month-"

"Jay, you love us too much to stay mad for long!" Yeri said in a matter-of-factly before handing Jay's phone to her brother.

"And too loud," Jungwon snorted sassily as he stuck out his tongue at Jay.

Jungwon, who took Jay's phone with much appreciation, mischievously started spamming his camera roll. Laughing at the amount of selfies taken by Jungwon, Yeri nevertheless joined in as well. To others, The Yang Twins were by far the most influential siblings born under royalty.

But to Jay, they were his idiotic best friends. Sometimes if he couldn't beat them, he'd instead join in their playful ways. Sighing in defeat, the blonde-haired boy stood up from his seat before posing together with Jungwon and Yeri.

"We finally got Park Jongseong to smile!" Yeri beamed happily as she swung her arms around her brother and best friend.

"Don't let your Royal duties take away your smile dear one!" Jungwon lectured before plastering on his widest smile.

As the trio's laughter echoed throughout Jungwon's bedroom, there was no better way to describe their friendship. Growing up together as pure-blooded royals, the world often misunderstood them to be spoiled princes and princesses. In that case, the trio only had each other and were in no way spoiled nor arrogant.

However, you could say that both Jay and Yeri held strong opinions while Jungwon was their peacemaker. Other than that, the trio's strong bond was what kept each other going at their current times of adolescence.

"So, when will we go out for drinks again?" Yeri asked as she plopped down onto Jungwon's bed.

"Uh, I'm in no way going out for drinks with you again Yang Yeri. Not after the near assault by some drunken guy!" Jay stated firmly while pointing a finger at the 17 year old princess.

Crossing her arms sassily, Yeri narrowed down her eyes into Jay's chocolate-brown orbs as her brows furrowed together. Likewise, Jay copied the same exact gesture as though he was mocking her. Eyeing his twin sister and best friend, Jungwon could only groan at the feeling of another quarrel between them.

"Can't we just get drinks here then?" Yeri exasperated, wanting to spend her night getting wasted before Hell Week starts again.

"No, you know that our parents won't allow us to drink on weekends seeing that they have guests over tonight," Jay retorted back casually.

"Then why can't we drink at our normal bar?!"

Sighing in annoyance, Jay placed his hands on hips in seriousness before scoffing in disbelief. "Do I really have to remind you about what happened the last time we went?!"

"I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself asshole, men should be the one controlling their dic-"

"Okay! Both of you, please shut up your bickering is giving me a migraine. Y'all know what to do after fighting, go on!" Jungwon interrupted loudly as he rolled his eyes at Yeri and Jay, waving them off as he scrolled through his phone.

Fuming in annoyance, Yeri and Jay glanced at each other before forcing out their smiles. Spreading his arms out wide, the pair of best friends gagged in disgust as they hugged each other tightly—a punishment Jungwon came up with whenever they argued over silly topics. That and exchanging I love you's until both individuals were ready to lay down their pride.

"I love you!" Yeri exclaimed sarcastically through gritted teeth.

"Ahahaha, Yang Yeri I love you!" Jay bitterly responded as he patted Yeri's back after every word said.

"Keep it going losers," Jungwon nagged in amusement, knowing all too well that neither wanted to give in.

Although Yeri complied to such "punishment", the notorious princess was already planning on sneaking off to their usual bar later in the night. Yang Yeri, opposite of Yang Jungwon, absolutely hated being royalty.

From preppy gowns to long-winded motivational speeches to kids her age, Yeri wanted nothing to do with any of it. The hierarchy was especially enough to make her despise almost everyone in the royal circle except her brother and Jay. Born slightly later after Jungwon, the latter always felt responsible for his sister's rowdiness.

Despite that, the set of twins would do anything to protect each other from the horrors of the world.

"Fine, we won't go," Yeri admitted in fake-defeat, her eyes twinkling in mischief as she smiled innocently at Jay and Jungwon.

Raising an eyebrow in confusion, Jay eyed the princess suspiciously before nodding his head slowly. He never liked to question Yeri's strange mood swings for the last time he did, he ended up with a black eye.

"Good call, I'm tired of saying I love you," Jay gagged teasingly before ruffling Yeri's bangs.

"Ditto!" Yeri beamed before skipping out of Jungwon's room.

The feeling of rebellion took over her body as soon as she shut the door behind her much to the boys' puzzled state. Her dimples popping out as she kicked off her heels before running towards her bedroom. Adrenaline rushing through her veins once she came in full view of her favourite pair of sneakers.

Looking around her surroundings carelessly, the princess shut the door behind her before locking it quietly. Quickly discarding her gown, Yeri threw on a random hoodie and sweatpants before sighing contentedly. Blowing her baby bangs out of her face, Yeri glanced at her balcony window with a sly smirk plastered on her face.

"Fuck Hell Week,"


*Hell Week= also known as Execution week where Princes/Princesses are forced to engage in blind dates with royal officials from any kingdom internally or externally.

This is so independent kingdoms will gain higher prestige and gain connections.

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