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"Are we visiting her today? The amount of reporters are driving me nuts, they're wondering where Yeri is!" Jay whispered harshly as he pulled Jungwon out of his Taekwondo class.

"8:30PM tonight. Be careful, Papa has moles in this palace. Us conversing right now is danger enough," Jungwon responded in a low voice, wiping away his sweat after sparring with his coach.

Observing his surroundings, Park Jeongseong rolled his eyes in annoyance after spotting a few supposed "Guards" staring at him and Jungwon. As if being spied on was annoying enough, it was the fact that the spies were doing their job horrendously.

"Isn't your dad doing anything?! She's been missing for 3-4 days now!" Jay exclaimed but was only silenced by Jungwon's hand which was now covering Jay's mouth.

"He couldn't give a shit about Yeri! He's only concerned about me being crowned King after you won the election round. Right now, I just want my sister back," Jungwon sighed in frustration before pulling back his hand.

"I'm sorry, I miss her too okay? There's nobody to balance our friendship right now, not when they're going to anoint a new King next week," Jay sadly uttered as he extended out a hand towards Jungwon.

Turning his frown into a warm smile, Jungwon instead engulfed Jay in a hug. Without Yeri, they only had each other's support to push through their own Hell. It was unfortunate enough that they were born into the corrupt side of royalty.

Unfortunately, their brief moment had led to them dropping their guard down. Somewhere in some blind spot in the palace was somebody watching the duo. Swiftly pulling out her phone, the platinum blonde haired girl quickly dialled her associate.

What might shock most of you is that this shadow had killed off all of Papa's moles. Her motive unclear and the person she was working for was now another mystery.

"What is it Sunhee? I told you not to call me when I'm out," the voice on the other end of the line grumbled.

"Whatever kid, the knights will drop by at 8:30PM to save their damsel in distress," Sunhee snapped back before making her way out of the scene.

"All Four Princes under one roof! This will be interesting. As you were with your missions, don't forget to stick the tracker on their car," the voice ordered before ending the call.


As usual, another day of sun came and Yeri was greeted by a somewhat familiar room. Sitting up groggily, Yeri scanned the surprisingly, neat bedroom before realising she was bundled up by a thick duvet. Furrowing her brows, the only thing Yeri recalled was passing out tiredly on the living room floor.

In a tired daze, Yeri tried to comprehend how she ended up on a bed that morning unbeknownst to her that the door had creaked open. Holding a bowl of cereal and a packet of gummy worms on a tray, Sunoo entered his bedroom before setting the tray on his bed.

"Good morning," Sunoo bluntly greeted without sparing a glance at Yeri.

"Can't tell if I'm dreaming but I clearly remember falling asleep on the floor?" Yeri questioned, puzzled at the fact that she was in Sunoo's bedroom.

"Initially you did. Eat your cereal before it gets soggy," Sunoo responded awkwardly as he threw on his black cardigan, stretching his neck tiredly before sitting down behind his study table.


"Also I'm taking you out for a mini shopping spree later. I'm running out of hoodies and sweaters to wear," Sunoo cut Yeri off as he read through an Economics book.

Although she was still affected by their previous argument, Yeri couldn't help but smile to herself. Eating a spoonful of her cereal, Yeri side-eyed Sunoo whom she caught looking at her as well.

"Your neck must hurt, you could've left me on the floor you know? After all, I had to monitor Jake," Yeri mumbled as she glanced back and forth between her bowl and Sunoo.

"It's fine, you're not the first girl I sacrificed my bed for," Sunoo replied quickly, internally slapping himself for lying to Yeri.

But why should he bother worrying over a petty lie? It's not like he found the princess admirable anyways—but I believe that was another lie made by Kim Sunoo. As the 19 year old leader buried his face in his book shyly, Yeri couldn't help but chortle a small laugh.

"What's so funny?" Sunoo narrowed his eyes at Yeri, who continued giggling as she drank her milk.

"Pretty sure I didn't expect my first kiss to be some gang leader or playboy, even more so as the First Prince! Anyways, thanks for letting me sleep here last night," Yeri sighed as she dropped her smile.

Getting up from his bed, Yeri spared a sarcastic smile at Sunoo before picking up her tray. Seemed like the blonde haired boy was a good liar as well, seeing the way Yeri had left the room in dismay. Groaning in frustration, Sunoo closed his book before grabbing his car keys.

For some reason, he cared about how the princess saw him—no scratch that, he cared more about how she felt. He hated to admit it, but Yeri had now grown on him; that after every argument, he always felt as though he had to make it up to her.

She had seen his distressed state over the course she was there and not once did she make a mockery out of him. She'd seen his boys hurt and vulnerable the previous night yet, didn't take it as the opportunity to run away.

Her wings held the same pain as his yet, she used it to shield his tired body the moment she wrapped her arms around him.

For a brief moment, his heart was full and he felt warm; it was all because of her.



besties we reached chapter 20! Kim Sunoo is now finally a certified Yeri simp <33

also a small cameo made by Park Sunhee from Astroboy hehe
somebody's kinda sus huh 😱 who's she working for ?

Stay tuned 😋


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