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As the brunette princess impatiently waited for the tardy prince, she couldn't help but wonder about the boy she kissed. It was the fact she kissed a complete stranger—the fact that the young man she met could've been dangerous or even much older than her.

It was the undeniable truth that her first kiss was with someone she didn't know.

Cringing at her half-sober self from that night, Yeri wished she listened to Jay and Jungwon. That way, she didn't have to keep feeling awful and traumatized from that day. Resting her chin against her palm, Yeri hoped her blind date would arrive quickly.

With the unknown boy still on her mind, the young princess paid no attention to the stealthy figure coming into the private dining room. Looking out the window in sheer boredom, Yeri rolled her eyes at the long wait for one stupid date.

"Good evening your highness," a low voice spoke suddenly.

Jolting in surprise, Yeri snapped her attention towards the sudden greeting. As soon as her gaze was fixated on the individual who sat across her, Yeri couldn't help but raise a brow in suspicion.

"Good evening to you too," Yeri spoke carefully as she analyzed the young man's physique.

Just like her first kiss, the prince sat before her displayed almost the same features. From the same round cheeks to his sharp eyes, Yeri couldn't help but think it was the same guy she kissed. The only thing that confused her was the fact that his hair wasn't the same.

It wasn't raven tinted nor was it disheveled. Instead, his hair was now a platinum blonde and was swept back neatly, giving him a clean look where his features were more evident. Although he was surprised, Kim Sunoo didn't show it. The princess he was supposed to kidnap ended up being the cowardly girl he met two days ago.

The girl also known as the 18 year old boy's first kiss.

"So, Yeji, I didn't expect a half-sober weakling to be the First Princess of this country," Sunoo spoke before crossing a leg over the other.

"My name is Yeri, and here I am now stuck with your cocky ass," Yeri rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms. For once, her intuition was right.

"Damn, I didn't know princesses like you had snarky attitudes," Sunoo bluntly said after noticing her evident eye-roll.

"Call me snarky all you want but it feels weird knowing the stranger I kissed ended up being my date. You even had your hair dyed a different colour so perhaps, are you a stalker?" Yeri rambled sarcastically as she fidgeted with her necklace.

Looking away from Sunoo, Yeri wanted to do anything but pay attention to the boy who offended her. As previously said, Yeri hated how she was perceived to be a rude or ignorant by others. Stuck with a frenzied mind, the young princess paid no attention to the wine glass she now held—unbeknownst to her that it only took Sunoo a second to switch their glasses.

Both glasses filled with red wine while one of it contained a sleeping pill that takes immediate effect upon consumption.

"I won't partake in fan behaviour darling. It was merely fate that brought you back to me! Besides, you owe me," Sunoo fake-smiled as he stood up from his seat, walking around the confined space with a wine glass in hand.

"Fate doesn't exist but coincidences do. You're certainly no prince! Also, I don't owe you jack-shit blondie," Yeri spat out in annoyance before chugging down the blood-red contents of her wine.

For some reason, the colour of her drink wasn't its usual grape-purple shade and was instead red. Although the reason remained irrelevant to Yeri, the young princess ignored such warning signs. Slamming her wine glass on the table, Yeri abruptly stood up from her seat before marching up towards the grim boy.

"You do owe me darling. I don't just allow any guy or girl to kiss me you know," Sunoo huffed out before turning around to face the shorter princess.

Taken aback by the sudden shift in the boy's aura, Yeri stumbled a few steps back as the blonde-haired boy walked towards her. For someone who doesn't lose her ground quickly, something about the frigid boy changed that.

"I had no other choice-"

"You acted upon a risky choice with someone like me princess," Sunoo said, walking towards Yeri until her back had hit the concrete wall.

"W-What do you mean someone like you?" Yeri asked timidly, feeling anxious as his taller body hovered over her.

Noticing her erratic, heavy breathing, Sunoo took a step back before gazing menacingly in Yeri's brown orbs. As much as he wanted to scare her, something about her apprehensive behaviour made him feel reckless and immature.

Yet, he had to do this for his boys—for their freedom.

A very faint clicking sound drew him out of his sudden thoughts, his ears perking up before his eyes looked for the sound. While she didn't expect him to notice, Yeri thought wrong the moment the young "prince" glanced down at the pendant she held.

His grim and furious gaze alone was enough to send Yeri in a state of panic as Sunoo forcibly ripped it out from her neck. This action alone caused Yeri to shriek in pain as her neck stung from the forceful action.

"I'm Kim Sunoo, gang leader and son of the mafia boss managing Apocalypse," Sunoo finally introduced himself, sarcastically bowing down like royalty.

Before Yeri could respond, her mind suddenly went hazy as she desperately tried to stay composed. Her breathing getting heavier as she glanced at the empty wine glass accusingly. As Sunoo lifted his head up from his bow, he locked eyes with now suffering girl before smugly fixing his posture.

"You asshole," Yeri seethed out resentfully before finally surrendering her willpower against the drug.

As her eyes rolled to the back of her head, Yeri lost all control of her limbs causing her body to finally shut down. Sunoo, who watched her suffering, caught the princess in his arms before huffing out a breath of relief.

"We're one step closer to freedom boys,"

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