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"Sunghoon would've wanted you to keep this hoodie," Sunoo awkwardly conversed with the King of South Korea.

Pushing the familiar hoodie towards Jake, the ash-blonde boy was reminded of the time Sunghoon lent it to him upon his stubbornness to change clothes after getting shot.

"I- thank you, Sunoo. My condolences to you, Sunghoon didn't deserve this," Jake sniffled as he gripped onto Sunghoon's hoodie.

"Yea, he didn't. Anyways, um... I have a plane to catch. We're moving to Japan to start anew," Sunoo started while eyeing the entire Palace.

What was once his home just seemed like another Hell for him. What was once his title was with someone who deserved it more.

"You make a good King, Jake. I know we had our disputes and all, but you're a good guy. I can see why Sunghoon took a liking to you,"Sunoo said with a soft smile as he extended his hand out for Jake.

Chuckling at the younger boy's confession, Jake took Sunoo's hand before pulling him in his embrace. While Sunoo smiled in front of him, Jake had a feeling he was just trying to hold on.

"Be happy in Japan, yea? You deserve a better life Sunoo, one day I hope you realise that not everything is your fault," Jake said softly as he pulled away from their hug.

Nodding curtly in response, Sunoo turned on his heel and left without another word. He found it hard to believe what anyone told him and would often ignore it.

As he walked towards his car with a heavy heart, the voices in his head pestered him even more. Although he wanted to control it, he couldn't.

It's your fault they're dead Sunoo — it's your fault Sunghoon died.



"Where the fuck is Kim Sunoo?!" Heeseung groaned in frustration upon seeing the queue to their boarding gate.

"He's on his way Hee, you really need to calm down. Just a while ago, you were inhaling your ramen!" Jay rolled his eyes at the impatient boy.

"Jeez, Heeseung reminds me of those parents that wakes up their children so goddamn early in the morning to catch a flight! What's worse is that he stresses out like a parent too," Ni-ki snorted but was only pulled by the ear by Heeseung.

"Ow- let me go!"

"I'd rather not-"

"Come on Heeseung, let the child go,"

Upon hearing the familiar voice of her darling, Yeri dropped the book she was reading before running into Sunoo's arms. Tears welled up in her eyes upon being in his warmth, finally relieved that she wouldn't have to lose him again.

"Y-You came," Yeri sniffled she looked up to meet Sunoo's eyes.

"Yes darling, I'm here," Sunoo uttered softly as he placed a kiss on Yeri's forehead.

"So you're really coming!" Ni-ki exclaimed excitedly before engulfing Sunoo and Yeri in a bear hug.

Nodding curtly in response, Sunoo smiled meekly at the entire group before finally feeling reassured. He was tired from fighting and running his entire life and at that moment, he wanted to rest.

Literally, not figuratively.

"Last call for Flight 430 to
Tokyo, Japan.

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