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"A four-room apartment sandwiched in between various apartment flats on the highest floor of this building..." Sunghoon trailed off upon arriving at their new home.

"Tucked away in Seoul, away from Papa," Heeseung uttered as he inspected every corner of their apartment.

"I love it!" Ni-ki beamed before jumping around the spacious flat that now belonged the four boys.

Cracking a small smile, Sunoo felt at ease now that the Four Horsemen had left Papa. After years of agonising pain and torture in that mansion, Kim Sunoo finally managed to rightfully get back their lost freedom.

Of course after years of anticipating for such a day to come, his investments in the stock market earned him more than enough money to sustain the boys as well as himself. He was glad to at least be taught business by the man who raised him.

While the boys wandered excitedly around their apartment, a certain princess now stirred awake amidst their chaos. Upon waking up to an unfamiliar location with high-pitched squeals resonating throughout the place, Yeri's heart palpitated anxiously.

Reaching for the pendant on her necklace, the dazed princess realised it was gone. Groggily getting up from the cushioned sofa, Yeri couldn't help but notice the platinum-blonde boy who was the cause of her aching migraine.

"Where am I?" Yeri voiced out hoarsely but none of the boys seemed to take notice of her awakening.

"Big brain award goes to Kim Sunoo!"

"Excuse me-"


Noticing the throw pillows by her side, Yeri snatched one in frustration before finally launching it towards the chaotic boys. Aimed and shot perfectly at one jumpy Japanese boy, the lot of boys finally diverted their attention towards Yeri.

"Where the fuck am I?!" Yeri raised her voice as she stared furiously at the 4 boys in front of her.

"You threw a pillow- Sunoo she threw a pillow at me!" Ni-ki whined as he pointed accusingly at Yeri.

Standing up from the couch, Yeri stormed her way towards the smug boy she finally identified as Kim Sunoo. Her saviour and first kiss turned out to be a complete asshole after he drugged her that day. Coming face-to-face with his broad chest, Yeri internally groaned at her height before looking up at the blonde boy.

"Good morning darling," Sunoo sighed in annoyance as he looked down upon the enraged princess.

"Where am I? Where's my necklace?! Bring me home right now or else-"

"Or else what? You're gonna kiss me again?" Sunoo taunted annoyingly before plastering a fake smile.

Digging into his pocket, Sunoo fished out the necklace belonging to Yang Yeri—her only source of help was held in his hands. Noticing her frantic eyes, Sunoo couldn't help but despise the fact that the princess was so timid. Her teary cat-like eyes irritated him and he couldn't put his finger as to why he felt the way he did.

"Please Sunoo, give it back," Yeri muttered, feigning defeat before even trying.

Kim Sunoo wasn't stupid. He knew what power the heart-shaped pendant held, that upon clicking it some form of help would be catered to the princess. As he watched the young princess on the brink of tears, Sunoo only scoffed in response. Dropping the necklace in the floor, the blonde-haired gang leader slowly crushed the jewel under his combat boots.

Just like how he crushed the pendant, he had also crushed Yeri's hopes of escaping from him.

"You should be thankful you're still alive princess," Sunoo snarled before leaving Yeri to her tears.

Turning around to face his boys, Sunoo glared at them before making his way to his room. As if he didn't have enough on his plate, he now had to deal with a weakling of a princess. Slamming the door loudly behind him was just the final thing that triggered the princess.

Standing aghast with tears trickling down her cheeks, Yeri felt hopeless and scared. With three boys looking at her with no clue on how to respond, Yeri turned her back on them as she retreated to the couch.

As much as she hated royalty, she couldn't help but feel foreign to the world beyond castle walls. Over the course of three days, awful things had happened to her and her only sources of comfort had no idea she was gone.

Once again, The First Princess was left to fend for herself.

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