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"Riki... Jisung is dead. Almost everyone in Apocalypse died!" Sunhee sniffled into Ni-ki's shoulder after watching the morning news.

"Jisung always did the most for all of us, they all did. No matter how messed up we all are, we were family," Ni-ki uttered sadly as tears rolled down his cheeks.

Harshly wiping away his tears, Ni-ki abruptly stood up from the common room's couch; his fists clenched tightly together as he stormed out of the room. It was evident that there was only one person with an ulterior motive to bring Apocalypse down.

"Park Sunghoon, I'll fucking kill you!" Ni-ki shouted loudly as he barged into the young Prince's room.

Glancing at the tall mirror beside him, Sunghoon's bloodshot eyes stared back into Ni-ki's furious ones. Standing up from his study table, Sunghoon walked towards Ni-ki.

"They were our family! Jisung h-he saved those 10 survivors... Jisung was your friend! So were Beomgyu and Taehyun and—"

"You of all people should know that I would never hurt them. It wasn't me Riki, I swear it wasn't m-me," Sunghoon pleaded as he fell to his knees.

Looking down at the older boy in horror, Ni-ki paced around the room in frustration to his overflowing abundance of empathy.

Crouching down to meet Sunghoon's eyes, Ni-ki noticed his uncontrollable tears, as well as Sunghoon's soft whimpers and chants that day.

"It wasn't my choice, Dad did it. Dad did it. Dad it," Sunghoon uttered continuously as he cried into his hands.

Dad did it. Park Dongchul did it.

Sunghoon was nothing but his father's own puppet. Only then did Sunghoon realise the importance of family; but it was too late.

His family and his home were gone. There was nothing he could do to bring them back.

Clenching his fists tightly, Ni-ki stood up from his crouched position. His heart aching for everyone that was hurting that day.

Everything fell into place that day and Ni-ki knew that the only person to blame was Park Dongchul.

"Knock knock," Jake Sim greeted with a smile before entering Sunghoon's study.

Glancing up from his book, Sunghoon returned a small smile before setting his book down. For some reason with Jake's presence, Sunghoon didn't feel alone anymore.

"I know it wasn't you who committed and plotted mass murder. You only wanted to hurt that mean and bald man," Jake started, pulling up a seat beside Sunghoon.

"I don't want to hurt my family anymore Jake. I don't want to hurt Sunhee and Riki, Heeseung and you. I don't want to hurt my only brother anymore," Sunghoon said before finally bursting out into tears.

"I'm a fool for following my father. After all these years of plotting against Papa and Sunoo, I'm still a sad excuse of an abandoned 9 year old," Sunghoon continued venting in between tears.

Encasing Sunghoon's shaky hands in his, Jake sighed worriedly before adjusting himself to face Sunghoon. Resting his forehead against Jake's, Sunghoon looked down at their in shame.

"I'm sorry for being like this Jake. You deserve someone good for you. I'm so messed up," Sunghoon choked out.

Chuckling to himself, Jake shook his head in disagreement before engulfing Sunghoon in his arms. His hand gently stroking the back of Sunghoon's head as he comforted the sobbing boy.

"And you deserve someone who truly loves you. However bad it gets, just know that I'm here for you. From now on, it's you and me against this world we live in," Jake whispered in a reassuring tone.

One day Jake Sim, one day I'll be worthy of truly loving you.

"I'll protect you as much as I can from this world Jake, I promise,"


— 3 days till Coronation Day

"Is he still not talking to Yeri?" Heeseung whispered to Jay and Jungwon, who were busy watching the news.

Shaking their heads in response, the former Princes glanced at Yeri, who had the same sullen look for 2 consecutive days. She was currently sewing on the Royal Circle's crests on the boys' blazers for Coronation Day. That way, the guests would treat them as equals.

"No Heeseung, he talks to everyone but me. Be a dear and pass him his blazer for me," Yeri spoke up from the dining area where she did her share of work.

Sighing sadly, Heeseung approached Yeri before ruffling her hair with a smug expression. "For the record, you did great with our outfits. I expect you to look equally as stunning as us this Friday," Heeseung smiled cheekily.

"Thanks Hee," Yeri smiled tiredly at the taller boy before packing up her sewing kit. Standing up from her seat, Yeri ran towards Jungwon and Jay before squeezing her tired body between them.

Chuckling at Yeri's rare display of affection, Jungwon and Jay adjusted the amount of space they took before engulfing Yeri in their arms. Almost as if they were shielding Yeri from her tears and pain.

"Love is hard, boys. If you guys ever love someone, make sure they don't deliberately hurt you," Yeri mumbled before nuzzling her head in her twin brother's shoulder.

"So you do love Sunoo!" Jay shrieked excitedly as he continuously nudged Yeri's arm. Covering her face with her hands, Yeri sighed deeply before nodding her head in response.

"Well, it doesn't matter anymore since he hates me now. After we've done our part to help him and Heeseung, I'm going back home," Yeri uttered tiredly.

Furrowing he's brows at his sister's absurd response, Jungwon sat up straight before scoffing in disbelief.

"That's not our home Yeri and you know it! I'm sorry but I won't let you go back to being a pitiful Princess who always has to show up for Hell Week!" Jungwon scolded his twin, his hands shaking in anger at the thought of their harsh lifestyle.

"Then just leave me be. You and Jay deserve the most freedom, I'll just be a confined pretty wife for show. Other than that, I'd grow up lonely but alive," Yeri rebutted shamelessly.

"Yeri are you crazy?! Are you hearing yourself right now?" Jungwon raised his voice at Yeri, who only stared at him blankly.

"You're being hard on yourself again Ri," Jay sighed sadly before wiping a stray tear rolling down on Yeri's cheek.

Instead of getting emotional at the moment, Jay simultaneously pulled the pair of twins towards his embrace. While Jungwon and Yeri never had a tiny dispute in a while, it was important that Jay was there to keep them in check.

After all, they were each other's safe place.

"I know the both of you are going to argue after I let go, but just remember we made a pact to be each other's family," Jay clenched his jaw angrily before looking at The Twins.

Huffing out in defeat, Jungwon and Yeri wrapped their arms around each other and Jay. That day, they were a reconnected as a trio again and this time, they only had each other.

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