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The week after the chaos at The Palace, some members of the Royal Circle were exposed of their wrongdoings towards their children.

With Sunoo, Sunghoon, Jungwon and Jay out of the picture, Jake Sim was crowned the King of South Korea. While the title may seem fitting for the new King, Jake grieved alone for Sunghoon.

Despite his short yet sweet moments with Sunghoon, Jake thought it was best if he lived his life to the fullest. Their relationship was unique and pure but unfortunately, short lived.

Looking at the deck of Uno cards on his table, Jake tearfully smiled to himself as he recalled the first time he met Sunghoon. Someone who felt so cold yet warm at the same time. Perhaps their story was for another time in another life.

In another Universe, maybe we'd be happy together Hoon; for now, I'll settle for the ghost of you.



It was a New Year and while everybody celebrated with their loved ones, a group of outcasted teenagers were packing for Japan.

Staying in Korea was no longer a choice for any of them, especially Jungwon and Jay who had every Royal anticipating their success. Fortunately enough, Ni-ki had a new home waiting for them in Japan.

A home where they could settle without having to worry over gangs coming at their throats or abusive Royals chasing after them. Instead, everyone would go to school and pursue their fallen dreams.

A normal life.

"Nishimura Riki stop putting your shit into my luggage- Sunhee, I can't believe you're dating this brat!" Jay nagged in annoyance towards his sister and Ni-ki.

"We're not dating!" Sunhee and Ni-ki simultaneously exclaimed in defence.

"Stop bickering and finish packing. We're literally leaving tomorrow and if it weren't for your procrastination, we could've left today!" Heeseung rolled his eyes as he lazily scrolled through his phone.

"Hey Hee," Yeri greeted softly as she tip-toed her way around the messy floor. Plopping onto the couch next to Heeseung, Yeri could only sigh sadly as soon as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"What's up buttercup?" Heeseung asked with his eyes still glued to his phone.

"Nothing much Hee, just the fact that everything is slowly falling into place but I feel lonelier than a week ago," Yeri uttered sadly.

Turning off his phone, Heeseung rested his head atop of Yeri's before crossing his arms. The unlikely duo had grown close over the week with Yeri confiding in Heeseung instead of Jungwon or Sunoo.

Don't get their relationship wrong though, Yeri was the sister Heeseung never had. As he was the oldest, he automatically felt responsible for everyone.

"Jungwon's too busy with Jihyun huh?" Heeseung chuckled aloud.

"Mhm and I miss him," Yeri responded but chuckled at the thought of her twin brother and her ex-Guard together. Frankly, she was happy for Jungwon.

"What about Sunoo? Is he busy packing?" Heeseung asked curiously before facing Yeri.

Avoiding Heeseung'a evidently worried expression, Yeri fidgeted with her fingers before sighing deeply. She was slowly losing it after the previous week's events.

"He's not coming with us to Japan,"


It's been a week since Sunghoon passed on, it's been 2 since the death of Apocalypse. As much as he wanted to be with his darling and friend in Japan, he couldn't help but feel responsible for the deaths of everyone close to him.

Sitting behind his study desk, Sunoo stared blankly at his laptop's screen. With so much money inherited from Papa, Sunoo could easily move to Japan and start anew.

But Sunghoon was buried in Seoul, the remaining members of Apocalypse were recovered but would have to go back to their normal lives.

More or less if he came, Sunoo had enemies extending to Japan. As previously mentioned, Apocalypse was great at networking beyond South Korea. However, it meant more enemies.

Pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, Sunoo sighed before typing away on his laptop.

You can't follow them Sunoo, it's your fate that death will always find a way to follow you.

You can't risk losing them.

"Knock knock,"

"Go away Ni-ki," Sunoo said coldly.

"Why aren't you coming? We're leaving tomorrow," Ni-ki continued to pry before closing Sunoo's laptop.

"You- I was sending money to the rest of the members left in Apocalypse!" Sunoo exclaimed irritably before turning on his laptop.

"You can do that later!" Ni-ki smiled sarcastically before turning his laptop off again.

"What the fuck do you want Ni-ki?" Sunoo whined as he stood up to face the taller boy.

"Maybe I just want you to start putting yourself first Sun! Apocalypse is dead, there's no more life for us here! Don't you want to go to school? Don't you want to live a life where you aren't killing anyone?" Ni-ki exasperated as he pushed Sunoo back.

"Stop provoking me or I'll kick your ass right here, right now," Sunoo glared at Ni-ki who continued to push him.

"I'll stop provoking you when you stop blaming yourself for the deaths of our loved ones,"

Looking at Ni-ki, Sunoo noticed the welled-up tears in the younger boy's eyes. The desperation it held, screaming that he trusted Sunoo with his life. The sincerity in Ni-ki's eyes showing that he wanted Sunoo to put himself first.

"I don't know what it's going to take for you to come, but please do. We need you— no, I need my best friend by my side," Ni-ki sniffled before leaving Sunoo's room.

Leaving Sunoo in deep thought, Ni-ki placed Sunoo's boarding ticket on the kitchen table before writing down a note on a post-it.


Come if you change your mind.
We'll be waiting.

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