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"Hey Ri? Before Sunoo left this morning, he told me to give you this when we were on the plane," Jay said before pulling out a yellow envelope.

Raising an eyebrow in confusion, Yeri took the envelope before opening it through the delicate gold seal on it.

Inside was a handwritten letter and a Polaroid picture of Yeri and Sunoo. It was a candid shot taken by Ni-ki one morning where he captured the pair sleeping in each other's arms.

Smiling happily at the faint yet familiar memory, Yeri unfolded Sunoo's letter before silently reading it.

Unbeknownst to her that the plane had already taken off and that her darling was now in The Heavens.


To my darling,

It's weird right? Suddenly receiving a letter written in my handwriting and in pencil. Ink fades over time, but lead stays forever which is the purpose of this letter.

I want it to stay with you forever until you're old and grey, living with somebody who will love you better than I do.

I've known you for a while now but life truly works wonders in linking two entirely different people together. Initially, you were someone I never considered to respect or care for.

You were merely any other Royal I wouldn't care about. But then there was a version of you the night we met. It was an encounter I'd never forget because two days later, fate brought me back to you once again.

I didn't expect you to give a shit about someone like me after having abducted you for my selfishness and recklessness.

Yet, you still did. At first I was annoyed and mad that someone could care and love a monster so easily.

Even I wouldn't love myself, but you did.

Now that the chaos has passed and we can live better,  I can't help but feel like I don't deserve this. Learning how to love taught me that I shouldn't keep my significant other from the love they deserve.

And so one way or another, I have to let you live and love Yeri.

If you're reading this right now and realise I'm not there, please do not try looking for me.
For my sake and for yours, live the life you always wanted.

A free life where it's just you living every moment to the fullest.

You were meant to fly but all I do was make you cry and worry.

My beautiful and strong girl, my soulmate and best friend — live for yourself this time.

I'll be there for you Yeri, just hold on for me like what I told you.

For now, my soul is always with you.

Yours forever,
Kim Sunoo.


A week later after Sunoo's passing, Jake Sim had Sunoo buried beside Sunghoon's place surrounded by a field of sunflowers. It was an unfortunate passing that two incredible souls were no longer on Earth.

Two souls that suffered too much for the past 11 years.

What more could be said for the rest who were living in Tokyo, Japan?

5 years had passed and Jihyun and Jungwon were happily engaged. Ni-ki and Sunhee still had their hot and cold moments but loved each other unconditionally.

There were the likes of Jay and Heeseung who tirelessly worked in their jobs but did have their fair share of relationships. Both earning ridiculous amounts of money that surprisingly covered their home and Ni-ki and Sunhee's University fees.

Then there was Yang Yeri.

Yeri who had no clue on what happened to Kim Sunoo, the boy she loved at 17.

Watching the winter snow fall slowly that evening on January 1st, Yeri wiped away a few fallen tears before dusting her hands on her apron.

She was still, very much in love with Kim Sunoo.

It was 2026 and she spent it alone in the book café she just recently opened.

A symphony of colourful fireworks resonated in the night sky while everyone celebrated loudly on the snowy streets of Tokyo.

But there she was in her café, tending to a display of freshly grown sunflowers as she was reminded of her darling once again.

I miss you, Sunoo. Wherever you are, I hope you've healed and I hope you're okay.

Whatever it was, Yeri continued to hold on.

It was just unfortunate to the former princess that she didn't know she was holding onto Sunoo's soul the entire time.

His soul was always with her and she felt it.

She just simply didn't know.

I'm unable to perceive where you are in life right now, but I continue to find you all around me.

Your presence continues to fill my eyes with love for the things around me and continues to tame my heart for you are everywhere.

Happy New Year, my darling. Please find your way back to me.

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