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"We're back!" Yeri announced cheerfully before being engulfed by Jungwon and Jay's embrace.

"Where's Ni-ki at?" Heeseung raised a brow in confusion, pacing around anxiously at the thought of losing Ni-ki.

"Oh right, we left him in the car! The child didn't even wake up after Yeri blasted music," Sunoo beamed mischievously.

"The both of you are going to Hell for that! Don't just leave Ni-ki anywhere as you please," Heeseung huffed out as he scrambled his way out of the apartment.

"Sheesh, what's gotten into Heeseung? We always leave Ni-ki in the car if he's fast asleep," Sunoo raised a brow as he took a seat.

"Well, we don't know him well enough, but Heeseung was worried about Ni-ki's well-being. I guess he doesn't wanna lose the kid," Jungwon responded as he scrolled through his phone.

Sighing deeply, Sunoo could only agree with Heeseung's point-of-view. Ni-ki was still growing up and his life was at stake upon getting tangled up in meaningless wars against the Royals— his innocence and childhood taken away the moment he picked up a gun.

"Hey," Yeri approached Sunoo with the red journal in hand, a mixture of sadness and empathy evident on her expression alone.

"What is it Ri?" Sunoo frowned upon noticing her fidgety state. Exhaling a sharp breath, Yeri grabbed Sunoo's hand before dragging him to his bedroom.

"Oh my god, Yeri asserting dominance-"

"Not the time Jay," Jungwon chuckled dryly, though his smile dropped as soon as he remembered what Yeri showed him in that journal.

From the journal entries made when Apocalypse was created, to what Papa did to his kids in The White Room; and finally to the truth about Sunghoon and Sunoo's relationship.

That day Jungwon realised that Kim Sunoo was just as much a victim as he is— that although he deserved to sit on throne, the Royal Circle didn't deserve him.

"I don't care," was all Sunoo uttered out before slamming the red journal shut.

"Sunoo..." Yeri sighed upon noticing his shifty eyes and veins popping out from his neck. It was clear to her that Sunoo was suppressing his cries just like he always did.

"All that shit done to me.. just so I can kill my own brother? I get that Papa was trying to protect me but I would've been better off dead!" Sunoo vented out, laughing sarcastically in between as he tried to keep his composure.

"That's not true-"

"That white room? He kept us there for days without food or water if we refused to fight— to kill! He would lock two of us there, and we had to h-harm each other if we wanted to get out," Sunoo continued venting as images of the blood-stained White Room flashed in his memory.

At this point, the young boy had begun to prance around his bedroom while clutching tightly onto Papa's Journal. His usual sharp eyes had now held panic and grief, with his unwillingness to look at the girl he grew to like.

How can Yeri be with a monster like you, Sunoo? She won't love you, no one ever will.

"Jesus, I-I killed a bountiful of lives just to make my only father figure proud and even hurt a few friends I considered my family! I watched the innocent get hurt and didn't even s-save them!"

"Sunoo, please calm down!" Yeri cried out as tears streamed down her cheeks upon seeing Sunoo completely lose his sanity.

"And now, I have to fight Sunghoon? My partner and half-brother, he's just as much a victim as I am!" Sunoo yelled in frustration, his hands weaved tightly through his hair before finally crumbling down on the bedroom floor.

Crouching down before Sunoo, Yeri placed her hands on both sides on his face before grazing her thumb over his tear-stained cheeks. Looking into his bloodshot eyes, Yeri could only empathise with Sunoo at that moment.

Pressing their foreheads together, Sunoo let out a shaky breath before finally easing into the comfort of Yeri's presence.

"A-And what if I fall in love with you, only to lose you in the end? I'll end up h-hurting you along the way and you'd see me as the monster everyone perceives me to be," Sunoo choked out in between sniffles.

"You're not a monster, you never were to begin with," Yeri assured the weeping boy before embracing his shaking body in her arms. Her hand gently stroking the back of his head, lulling him to finally calm down.

There entangled in each other's arms for a long while, was Yeri and Sunoo again. Their souls encompassed by an atmosphere filled with empathy, love and acceptance.

She was his saviour who found him alone; her wings shared the same pain as his.

"I'm sorry for my endless ordeals. You appear at the wrong times I swear," Sunoo mumbled tiredly before finally facing Yeri. Giggling at the last sentence, Yeri shrugged her shoulders before mindlessly tracing Sunoo's palm.

"So, you're in love with me huh?" Yeri chuckled softly, causing Sunoo to nod meekly in defeat before turning away abruptly.

"My mouth moved faster than my brain, you weren't supposed to know," Sunoo grumbled upon being put on the spot.

"I already knew the minute you stopped the car, I was just mutually unsure," Yeri spoke quickly, this time being the one to look away from Sunoo's curious and narrowed eyes.

"What do you mean by mutually?" Sunoo smirked this time as he poked his face closer towards Yeri.

"Cocky little shit," Yeri grumbled causing Sunoo to laugh, his stress and fear now replaced by the happiness he felt around her.

From the way Sunoo rested his head on Yeri's lap while debating with her on his controversial ice cream flavour, to the way she ran her fingers through his hair while they talked about their future ambitions or dreams.

They were happy together, spending that moment to actually live and love as teenagers.

For what it's worth, I've fallen in love with you too Sunoo. But I fear if I say those three words to you, I'd be jinxing the near future into losing you.

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