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"Why the hell is using a gun so hard?! I'm not cut out for violence!" Jungwon whined as he pushed his gun towards Sunoo.

"Shoot. The. Can. Now. " Sunoo said firmly, as though as he was intimidating the younger Prince. "I take back my words, I just want to be normal boy! No gangs or royalty!" Jungwon continued rambling as he carelessly held the gun.

"Hold it properly you little sh- Jungwon, please," Sunoo said through gritted teeth, desperately trying to calm Jungwon down.

Shaking her head in amusement at Sunoo's immense patience for Jungwon, Yeri snatched away her brother's gun instead. Firmly gripping the weapon, Yeri pulled down the gun's hammer before pulling the trigger without hesitation.

Just like that, did Yeri perfectly knock down the metal can meant as the target.

"You clearly did not need me to teach you how to use a gun, darling," Sunoo beamed proudly before ruffling Yeri's hair. "I know, it's just fun spending time with you—and with Jungwon!" Yeri spoke quickly.

"I refuse to third wheel!" Jungwon gagged while rolling his eyes at the sickeningly sweet pair. Laughing heartily at Jungwon's sarcastic act, the Twins and Sunoo walked out of the housing complex's abandoned parking lot.

"Then make a move on your bodyguard then! Jihyun, was it?" Yeri smirked as she linked her arm with Sunoo's.

Shooting his sister a bashful look, Jungwon proceeded to ramble on about the 'glorious beauty of Choi Jihyun', but I'm afraid that was a story for another time.

As the Yang Twins conversed in another one of their tea sessions while going up the elevator, Sunoo couldn't help but feel a rising sense of uncertainty in his heart. He didn't know why, but he didn't like it one bit.

Upon arriving to their floor, they were met by Heeseung and Jay, both of whom looked wary and anxious. Raising a brow at them, Sunoo unlinked his arm with Yeri's upon realising that Ni-ki wasn't with them.

"Where is he?" Sunoo asked sternly, already aware that something happened to Ni-ki.

"Nishimura Riki decided it would be a great idea to join Sunghoon's side just to spy on him. But most importantly, to sneak us in on Coronation Day," Heeseung responded bluntly.

Sunoo's body tensed upon hearing Heeseung's report about Ni-ki, his mind now clouded with worry for the younger boy. That worry soon turned to anger the moment he clenched his fists tightly.

"My sister, Sunhee, is with Ni-ki. He'll be okay Sunoo," Jay tried reassuring yet, Sunoo only glared at the mention of Sunhee's name.

"Yea? Well, Sunhee isn't one to trust either," Sunoo spat out distastefully.

Bumping past the two older boys, Sunoo huffed out in frustration as he unlocked the door to their shared apartment. He couldn't help but worry for Ni-ki. In fact, he was worried about everyone. He was afraid of losing them, his only family.

Watching Sunoo barge into the apartment without another word, Heeseung sighed deeply before looking at the rest. More specifically, at Yeri, someone he learnt to trust and rely on.

You could say Heeseung saw her as a potential leader alongside Sunoo.

"Did we do the right thing Yeri?" Heeseung uttered nervously as he hung his head low. Walking towards Heeseung, Yeri smiled before patting his back.

"You did what you could. Riki is one stubborn brat, but he makes sense. I'll talk to Sunoo okay?" Yeri said before walking into the apartment.

All she could do was hope and pray that Ni-ki was doing alright. That by the time they were done with the whole Royal drama, he could live his life as a normal teenager.

Sunoo's family had become hers, and Yeri was determined to shoulder their burdens along with hers.


"Change of heart, Riki?" Sunghoon asked the younger boy, who now looked like a polished Prince instead of his usual self.

"You sacrificed a lot for me back in Apocalypse, Hoon. I refuse to leave you by yourself. You may have lost them, but you haven't lost me," Ni-ki responded half-heartedly.

The first sentence being the only truthful part in the response Ni-ki gave Sunghoon.

"Plus, Sunhee is here. I miss her," Ni-ki added on, though this time smiling as he said so.

Glancing at his lover who stood next to Sunghoon, Ni-ki grinned at Sunhee. Amidst the act he was putting on in front of Sunghoon, Ni-ki genuinely meant what he added on. He missed Park Sunhee, his soulmate.

Glancing back at Sunghoon, Ni-ki heart only raged with fury as he tried keeping his temper. He was angry and hurt by somebody he once called brother.

"I'll be watching you Nishimura. Try anything stupid and I'll kill Sunhee," Sunghoon spoke lowly as he looked into Ni-ki's eyes.

As much as he tried to seem unfazed, Ni-ki only felt his heart clench for two reasons; that his loved ones would get hurt, and that the Sunghoon he once knew was long gone.

The same Sunghoon who tucked him to sleep when he was 13, the same Sunghoon who'd rather spend his money on Ni-ki instead of himself on their birthday week.

That Sunghoon was long gone, the warmth in his eyes were replaced by an icy cold gaze instead. His smile was now a scowl, and the life has been drained out of his body.

"One day, I hope you come back to us Sunghoon," Ni-ki replied before bowing politely.

Turning on his heel, Ni-ki walked away from Sunghoon's meaningless threat. His heart heavy as he left the older boy to ponder.

Ni-ki was frankly sick of the drama.

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