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Pulling away from their kiss, the unknown girl looked apologetically at the taller boy as she slowly dropped her hands to her side. Biting her lip nervously as the midnight jitters engulfed the pair, the brunette tiptoed once again before embracing Sunoo tightly.

"Are they gone?" the girl whispered in his ear as she rested her cheek against his shoulder.

Hesitantly wrapping his arms around her waist, Sunoo narrowed his sharp eyes down at the two men who continued to stubbornly wait for the girl. Just like that were both men thrown off guard by the intimidating aura that surrounded Sunoo, causing them to finally admit defeat and walk away.

"Yea, they're gone," Sunoo whispered back before abruptly dropping his arms to his side.

"Thanks stranger, and I'm sorry for you know," the girl motioned to his lips before stuffing her trembling hands into her hoodie's pockets.

The brunette quickly scanned her surroundings before putting up her hood, a strained smile plastered on her face as she walked away from the raven-haired boy. Visibly shaken up by the two men who had previously tried to force themselves upon her, Yang Yeri couldn't help but allow her tears to fall. Her sniffles echoed throughout the still of the night as she desperately tried to stop crying.

The last thing she needed was Jungwon finding out through her puffy, red eyes and bringing it up to their father. Not that he didn't have a choice, but because he didn't want his twin sister getting hurt again. As she fearfully walked through the the dimly-lit street, she was abruptly stopped by none other than Kim Sunoo.

"How will you repay me back?" Sunoo asked, his arms crossed as he glared down irritably at the girl.

"Oh- I can give you money if you want," Yeri sniffled as she dug out her wallet from her pocket. However, Sunoo only shook his head before taking a threatening step towards her causing the shorter girl to take a step back from the intimidating boy before her.

In all honesty, Yeri found the boy youthful and could tell that weren't that far apart in age. Despite his baby face complexion, his aura somewhat sent shivers down her spine. It was as though death surrounded the young boy, seeing that his sharp eyes showed no warmth whatsoever.

"Your name," Sunoo bluntly asked as he bent his back forward to inch his face closer to the brunette.

As much as Sunoo hated to reminisce his past, there was something about the girl's set of alluring and captivating cat eyes. The familiarity about her eyes somewhat made Sunoo want to dig up his buried past. For the 19 year-old boy had no idea who he was apart from being a mafia leader's right-hand man.

"Oh- well I'm Yeri. Look stranger, I'm really sorry for kissing you just now, those men are just trash. I mean I'm just wearing a hoodie for fuck's sake!" Yeri rambled as she fidgeted in the tight spot she was put in.

She had no clue as to why she did something so absurd. I mean, who knew what type of guy the raven-haired boy could be? For all she knew, it wasn't wise to kiss a guy after running away from two of them. Yet, something about the sharp-eyed boy made her feel sure that she could trust him.

Or so she thought.

"Well Yeri, just know that you shouldn't have kissed this stranger. Don't be a fucking weakling next time darling," Sunoo smiled sarcastically, dropping his bittersweet act shortly after.

Straightening his posture, Sunoo turned on his heel before walking away from the now intimidated and confused girl. Yeri in fact, felt offended that the unknown boy had called her a weakling.

"You called me a weakling before I even got your name!" Yeri retorted back offendedly yet the taller boy lazily waved her off.

"I'll see you when I see you Yeji," Sunoo mocked her name, too unbothered to even correct himself.

With creased brows and the desperation in wanting to confront him, the young princess had no choice but to let it go. She kissed a complete stranger and getting involved with him was already deemed a mistake. Huffing out in sheer defeat, Yeri decided it was best to leave that night's events locked somewhere away in a hidden corner in her mind.

Even if it meant forgetting the forward asshole who was her unexpected knight-in-shining armour.

Meanwhile, Kim Sunoo's agenda for that night had took an absolute turn for the worst. As much as he wanted to ignore the entire situation, his conscience had gotten the best of him. What was meant to be a peaceful midnight stroll ended up being much worse.

For the 18 year-old boy descended into the darkness in search for blood, a sinister smile plastered on his face as he came face-to-face with the same creeps who followed Yeri.

"Oh look, it's the two horny idiots who tried hitting on my girl," A dramatic sigh escaped Sunoo's lips, causing both men to divert their sober attention onto the boy.

Immediately recognising Sunoo, the two men chortled in laughter as they got closer to him. As they inched closer towards the boy, there was no doubt that their physiques were different. The two men practically towered over Sunoo and while it should faze him, it didn't.

"Your girl? Who lets their girlfriends drink out alone?" One of the men said as he chortled an unflattering laugh.

"Forget the pretty girl, her boyfriend seems like a better substit-"

Before the second man could even finish his sentence, the swift yet resounding gunshot rang throughout the entire street. His poker face barely showed remorse for the dead man while he cocked his gun again, aiming it at the remaining man in front of him.


Without a spare thought for the now, apologetic man, Sunoo pulled the trigger once again. That night he killed three men, all of which he felt no sadness or guilt for. Instead, Kim Sunoo felt empty once again.

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