memoir I : sunflower

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Memoir I : 2021

"If you weren't the heir to the throne or part of Apocalypse, what would you do?" Yeri asked Sunoo.

Tracing his finger gently over Yeri's features, Sunoo hummed in contemplation as he held his darling in his arms.

It was raining heavily that night and Yeri was cuddled up in Sunoo's arms under his blanket. It was 3:15AM, the night filled with sweet nothings and conversations pertaining to their future.

"Remember that book café I brought you to when we went on your shopping spree?" Sunoo asked.

"Yeah, of course. The food was really good not gonna lie," Yeri recalled as she fiddled with Sunoo's necklace.

"Well, to answer your question, I'd want to open up my own book café! There'd be shelves of different book genres and the food will be just as good," Sunoo expressed thoughtfully.

Chuckling at Sunoo's expressions, Yeri nodded in approval before pinching Sunoo's cheeks.
"I mean, you would really suit the whole café boy persona," Yeri added on.

"I know right?" Sunoo responded sassily causing the pair to burst out in soft giggles.

"Oh, and I'd grow sunflowers for display and sell them by the stalk!" Sunoo added on to his dreams and aspirations.

"Why sunflowers, darling?" Yeri asked out of curiosity as Sunoo's necklace yielded a sunflower pendant.

Thinking for a moment, Sunoo smiled sadly before pulling Yeri closer to him. In his warm embrace, Yeri melted comfortably in him as his scent filled her senses.

It was one of the moments Yeri held onto, the feelings felt whenever Sunoo held her that way. It was almost as if she was always holding onto any part of him, in fear that she might lose him one day.

"Sunflowers just give me hope I guess, hope that one day, I'd experience lasting happiness," Sunoo sighed as he caressed Yeri's hair.

"Why not lemons? You smell like lemons, almost as if you bathed in sunlight," Yeri said in a muffled voice before looking at Sunoo cheekily.

"I had a feeling you were the culprit stealing my fragrances," Sunoo raised a brow though his lips twitched up into a smile.

"Fret not my darling, I'll be your sunflower and you as mine," Yeri said reassuringly before peppering kisses all over Sunoo's face.

Though the raven-haired boy whined at Yeri's cheeky act of affection, he didn't seem to mind. Quite frankly, he only felt love and truly felt that the happiness he felt would last a long time.

His darling, his sunflower.


Just a short chapter on one of Yeri's memoirs of Sunoo :")

Why did I bring pain to myself writing this.

Anyways, we've come to the end of CROWN!

Thank you so much to everyone who supported this book, it's been a really long ride of updates and emotions :'

I love you all!

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