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"Where's that traitor's room?" Heeseung spat out distastefully. Ever since Heeseung and Jay reached, Heeseung had only been scanning his surroundings in pure disgust.

"Don't worry, I hate it here too," Jay chuckled at Heeseung's expressive judgement.

Scanning the corridors for any Guards, Jay continued to lead Heeseung to what was believed to be Sunghoon's room. Noticing two Guards standing in front of the tall, mahogany doors, Heeseung smirked as he mercilessly aimed his gun towards them.

"There's no need for death Heeseung, just put them to sleep," Jay snickered before approaching the two Guards.

Both of which were knocked out cold right after Jay had directly hit the back of their necks. Smirking in satisfaction, Jay gestured Heeseung to follow him and lower his gun.

"Oof Jongsaeng, you're a badass Royal alright!" Heeseung chuckled while standing before the doors of Sunghoon's room.

"I'd rather not be a Royal thanks very much," Jay saluted with a small smile before pulling out his gun.

Nodding towards Jay with determination, Heeseung's soft doe-like gaze darkened at the thought of Sunghoon whom he once called his best friend. At the end of the day, he only wanted to bring Ni-ki home and away from Sunghoon.

Kicking down the mahogany doors to Sunghoon's room, Heeseung and Jay were only met by the sight of Ni-ki and Sunhee. In this case, Ni-ki looked more Prince-like rather than the typical grunge look he always had.

In his arms was Park Sunhee wearing a pink tulle gown, both teenagers who were weirdly practicing a ballroom dance.

However, there was no sight of Park Sunghoon.

"Nishimura Riki, get over here right now before I kick your ass right there," Heeseung seethed lowly upon seeing Sunhee's familiar face. "Hello traitor number 2," Heeseung continued sarcastically.

"Heeseung, look it's not what it seems-"

"You and Sunhee are really two peas in a pod huh? Unless you want me to call you Two Traitors in a Pod, get out of that ridiculous outfit and leave with us," Heeseung nagged with his eyes narrowed at Sunhee.

While it seemed like only Ni-ki was getting scolded by his brother figure, Lee Heeseung, Park Sunhee was getting equal treatment.

Just much worse; just from her older brother, Jay.

"Park Sunhee, why are you canoodling with that infant? And why are you on Park Sunghoon's side? You know very well that his family is bad news to the entire Royal Circle!" Jay scolded loudly.

"Yea? Well at least Sunghoon was more of a brother to me than you ever were! You were busy trying to be King when your sister needed you!" Sunhee fired back.

Rolling their eyes at the Park Siblings' banter, Heeseung and Ni-ki pulled the bickering siblings away from each other. Slamming the door behind them, Heeseung crossed his arms before staring at Ni-ki in disappointment.

"Explain why you're with Sunhee, who by the way, is the obvious reason why Sunghoon knew Jungwon and Jay were coming to our apartment! He wanted them gone! And also explain why you're dressed up like a Royal fool," Heeseung uttered lowly, causing the Park Siblings' argument to subside.

Scratching his head awkwardly, Ni-ki beamed sheepishly at Heeseung and Jay before snarling at Sunhee.

"She's kinda my date for Sunghoon's Coronation?" Ni-ki chuckled nervously only to be smacked at the top of his head.

"D-Date?" Jay stuttered in disbelief before shooting daggers at Ni-ki. "You know, Sunhee may be a dumb brat for choosing the wrong side but in no way am I letting her date ANYONE," Jay continued to ramble.

Rolling her eyes at her overprotective brother, Sunhee firmly gripped onto Ni-ki's hand. "He's my ex, you moron! For the record, I'm on whatever side Riki's on," Sunhee retorted back sassily.

With his eyes wide and his eyebrows raised, Ni-ki looked at Sunhee in surprise upon hearing her last sentence. Squeezing Ni-ki's hand gently, Sunhee huffed out in defeat.

Clearly, she couldn't stand how right Ni-ki was about her. Someway, somehow, Sunhee wanted to prove to her ex (whom she still loved) that she was capable of making right decisions.

"You need us here to spy snd report on every move Sunghoon makes if you want to wreak havoc during his Coronation," Sunhee reasoned out.

"She's right, you need us here Hee. I have to help in someway. Tell Sunoo and Yeri we'll be fine. I'll be fine, okay?" Ni-ki urged desperately towards Heeseung and Jay.

Eyeing the young pair in front of him, Heeseung sighed in defeat before nodding in approval. Ruffling his younger brother's hair, Heeseung wished Ni-ki didn't have to grow up so fast.

"Take care of yourself until Friday. And you, Park Sunhee," Heeseung started out strongly, though eventually patting Sunhee's back.

"If I see either of you with even the tiniest scratches, Sunghoon's dead," Heeseung spat out distastefully upon saying Sunghoon's name.

"You be careful now you idiot," Jay uttered in worry as he hugged his sister.

While their interaction may be wholesome at that moment, it indeed a brings me great sadness to tell you that the people surrounding Kim Sunoo will get hurt.

Physically and emotionally.

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