I think the hard part about letting go of something is the realization that it won't need you anymore. And all the things it did for you will only be a memory. I think that's why I'm not ready to let go of the Kiss me tenderly series because it had brought me more that I could ever wish for.
It made me connect with fans on whole different level just with a few lousy chapters and now I have more than 2k pandas apart of my panda army. I have fans writing me fan mail saying how I inspired them! And every time I read something like my mind is blown. Because without you guys I wouldn't have the inspiration to write and I couldn't be more thankful for that.
You guys are my rock and I love you with all my heart! Thank you for this crazy road of feels, tears, and a whole lot of drama that has happened within these two books. And it breaks my heart that is all of it is coming to a end soon. It is like watching all my babies growing up and not needing me.
Those characters will always be apart of me and I will miss writing about their crazy lives but it is time to move on. It is time to let go and just enjoy the fact that something that brought me and y'all joy happened. Let's just say our goodbyes now and get it off our chest.
I want you to say goodbye down in the comments now. I want to know how this story effected you...if it even did. I just want to know how you feel about this ending. Because without you guys this book could have never happened.
And the reason I'm doing this now is because I don't want the next 16 chapters to be clouded by everyone freaking out about it ending. I just want everyone to act like it is just the beginning of the path for you guys to FINALLY find out who or if she is going to end up with! And to see how this all plays out.
It is going to be an emotional ride but then again when is it not.
Thank you so much for sticking with through all the typos and the mistakes. The cliff hangers, the deaths, the pulling on heart strings. The laughing till you can't breath and the being so mad at someone who isn't real that you see red. Thank you for helping me reach all but one goal for myself!
You guys are so bloody amazing! And this books and I owe our success to you! So YAY FOR MY FANTASTIC PANDA ARMY!
I love you and I hope to see you on all the other feels causing messes I call my books!
Yours truly,
Storyofmylife5 (Alex the panda queen ♕ ❤)

Love me Endlessly
JugendliteraturElla Hall moved to New York four years ago. Leaving behind a rocky love life, old friends, and one hell of a senior year. She was ready to start her new life and leave the past behind her, but that didn't really go has plan. You see she happen to ru...